How to Track Changes in a shared Excel workbook
Now in this video we will see that how we can track changes in an shared Excel workbook.
So for that we will go to our REVIEW tab and see track changes option in changes column, when we open this we can see a highlight changes option, when we will open that particular option we can see a checkbox saying 'Track changes while editing. This also share your workbook'. We will then mark that checkbox.
Now suppose if we make changes in any part of our workbook we can see a different kind of highlight marked on that particular cell. Whenever we hover our mouse on that particular cell we can see when this change was made and by whom, and it also mentions about the change made from this to that.
Now we have another option in our track changes column which is 'Accept or Reject changes', which will show us 'Which changes' option showing when, who and where the changes have taken place.
Now suppose if we make any change then we will see an option of accept and reject changes in our workbook, this means that the change which we have done is accepted or rejected by another user or not.
Now to make all clear, we have another option of 'list changes made in another sheet', which will save the list of changes which we make in our main sheet into another sheet.
So this is how track changes in shared Excel workbook works.
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