What is Quick Access Toolbar
Now we will see that what is quick access toolbar in MS Excel.
By name we can understand that it is used to access different tools very quickly.
On top of Ribbon section we can see different kind of buttons, this is called Quick Access Toolbar.
In quick access toolbar we have by default 3 buttons, when is excel file option which manages the window, save button, and 'undo' button. To remove the undo actions we use 'redo' option.
Now we will see that what is the requirement of quick access toolbar.
Suppose we have an Underline option in our home tab, and we want to underline any particular column. But at that time, we are working on with different tab, so to make a particular option available throughout all the tabs, quick access toolbar is used.
For that go to that particular option which you want to add to quick access toolbar, and then right click on that and select 'Add to Quick Access Toolbar'. Now we can see that the option which we added has appeared in our quick access toolbar.
If you want to remove any particular option from quick access toolbar we can right click on that option in select 'Remove from quick access toolbar'.
In quick access toolbar we can also use different kind of options like, when we click on that small arrow we can see a list of options, and than if we select any from that we can just click it and it will be added to our quick access toolbar.
If we still want many other options to be added we can go to 'More commands' option and then a dialogue box will appear on screen, where we will see many other options and there we can select the particular option which we want to add in quick access toolbar.
If we want to reset our quick access toolbar as per the default, we can do that by going to More Commands option and do that.
If we want our quick access toolbar to below the Ribbon, we can select 'Show Quick Access Toolbar Below the Ribbon' option.
Now we will look about Menu bar in MS Excel.
In our screen we will be able to see different kinds of tabs like HOME, INSERT, PAGE LAYOUT, FORMULAS, DATA, REVIEW, VIEW. As we click on any of the tab we can see different kind of icons like some are of formatting, some are of inserting tables, and many different forms.
So all the tabs and icons collectively together are called 'Ribbon'. Whenever we are working on any MS Excel file, by default HOME tab will be opened in it. In HOME tab there are many different options like formatting, font style and size, alignment and many other.
If we want to insert anything in a worksheet we will use INSERT tab, which is next to HOME tab. in that we have charts, pivot table etc...
After that PAGE LAYOUT tab is there, in which different icons like colour of our page, margins, orientation, size of our page, background and other are there.
Similarly we have different tabs like, FORMULAS, DATA, REVIEW, VIEW. As we will start working in MS Excel we will know that which are the tabs that are mostly used and which are the tabs that are very rarely used.
Now if we see in HOME tab there is a clipboard icon beside which there is a small arrow type icon, when we click it a dialogue box will appear. Similarly when we click that arrow icon for font or alignment, similar kind of dialogue box appears again. This arrow is known as Dialogue Box Launcher.
As we click on font dialogue box launcher, we see that all the different options are shown in it.
Among all the tabs there is a different tab which is 'FILE' tab. As we open that file tab, we will land on to Microsoft's Excel Backstage View. Here there will be different kinds of options like save, print, share, export etc... Then to return back we can use 'Esc' key from our keyboard.
If we don't want all the icons of ribbon to be shown on our screen, we can double-click on any tab and it will be hidden.
Beside minimize button there is a Ribbon Display Option where we get Auto-hide Ribbon, Show Tabs, Show Tabs and Commands option. If we select Auto hide option than all of the ribbon section including tabs will get hidden.
According to our requirement we can adjust Ribbon option.
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