How To Change The Layout or Style Of a Chart
Now we will see that how we can format our charts.
So for that we will for select our data and then press 'Alt+F3' key, now
our chart will be created.
We can provide our chart with a good chart title by double clicking on that
column. After that we can also use quick layout option from Design tab,
which will show different types of layout for our chart.
You can also choose a layout which has Axis titles space also, which will
further provide us to display our chat more describing.
We can also see different types of charge styles in Design tab, we can
choose any one according to our preference.
As we hover our mouse pointer on any part of our chart then it will show
the information about it that what that part actually is and what values
does this bar is of.
We can further design our chart by using different options from HOME tab
like bold, italic, font style etc...
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