How to use sparklines in MS Excel
Many time we have different types of data and to show them effectively we
use charts, but what if there is not enough space for displaying whole chat
or there is not enough time for making a perfect understandable chart, so
for that we have another option Sparklines.
So for that we will first select our data and then click on bottom right
corner of our selected part where we will see sparklines, as soon as we
click on sparklines option we can see three more options which are Line,
Column, and Win/Loss.
After that as we select two 'line' option, we will see spark line
displayed, and also on our ribbon section we can see Sparkline option.
In sparkline tools we can use different kind of things to edit our
sparklines, such as we can mark first point, last point, high point, low
point, negative point, and etc...
We can also adjust the thickness of our sparkline from sparkline tool's
Design option.
Similarly we can do all this things for columns sparkline.
Now just for better understanding we can also take negative values data
which will then show us that our negative value sparkline row and columns
are going down from our axis line.
So in this way we can use sparklines for displaying our data in quicker and
easier way.
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