How to Split Sheets in MS Excel
Now you will see an interesting feature of MS Excel that is 'Split sheets'.
Now sometimes we want to compare two data with each other but they exist
far apart for example one data which we want to compare is at 6th row and
another one is at 23rd row, so in that case we will use 'split' button from
our VIEW tab.
When we use it we can see that our screen will be divided into two parts,
and we will be provided with two different scroll bar for each one.
Now if we do not want to use that feature anymore then we can again click
on that 'split' option to cancel it.
We can do this similar activity with column which will provide us two
different scroll bars at horizontal.
Additionally we can use this 'split' feature for both row and column
together at one time which will give us two scroll bars at horizontal
bottom and two scroll bars at vertical right.
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