How To Use Move Command In AutoCAD - AutoCAD Move Command
In this video we will see that What is AutoCAD move command and How ton use Move command in AutoCAD.
In modify tools we are given many commands, and in that we have Move command, Copy, Stretch, Rotate, Mirror, Scale, Rectangular array, Fillet, Trim, Erase, Explode, and Offset.
We can select our move command from modify panel or AutoCAD shortcut key for it is 'M+Enter' key. After that we need to select object which we want to move from one place to another.
After selecting our object we will press Enter and then it will ask us that from which point you want the object to be selected ie. from centre. After that our object will move and if the ortho is ON than we can disable it by pressing 'F8' key.
In the end we will click at the place where we want our object to be moved, and as soon as we click it will get moved there.
We can also use 'displacement' option for moving the selected object by providing distance from x co-ordinate and y co-ordinate.
There is a difference between move command and pan command.
AutoCAD Move command moves the object from one place to another, while in pan command it moves whole sheet together with it, no particular object can be moved using pan command.
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