Introduction to SSD
In our previous video we have covered the topic of Troubleshooting Hard Disk in very detailed manner. Now, in today's video we are going to learn that what is SSD with full explaination.
- SSD stands for Solid State Drive. It is an PC storage device that uses solid-state memory to store information in it. In HDD, the data were stored in platters.
- SSD uses non volatile and NAND flash memory which enables it to retain data when the power is removed.
- It is very fast as compared to HDD & is really smooth at the time of booting. Apple MacBook's consists of only SSD which makes them respond very fast.
- SSD are very expensive.
Following are some of the Advantages of SSD :
- High performance - Significantly faster than a standard HDD.
- Faster seek time-Up To 60x faster than HDD.
- Higher reliability - No moving parts.
- Lower power-Lesser Power consumption, cooler operation.
- Silent Operation-Ideal for post production environments.
- Light weight-Perfect for portable devices.
- Wider Operating Temp.
Following are some of the disadvantages of SSD :
- They are more expansive than traditional hard drives.
- They currently offer less storage space than traditional hard drives.
- Flash memory SSDs are slower dynamic random access memory solution.
Now we will learn that where are SSD used and what are the Applications of SSD :
- Desktop Computers
- Laptops
- Ultra books
- HD Camcorder, CCTV Digital Video Recorder (DVR)
- Smart TV
- Set Top Boxes
- Mobile Phones
- SSD are used as cache at Server side of Enterprises.
SSD are definitely costly than the HDD, but they are very quality perfect and gives super high performance rate which can be very good for a daily computer user. That's why many people we can prefer SSD over HDD.
Now we will look at the difference between SSD and HDD pointwise :
- SSD : Random access time 0.1 ms
HDD : Random access time 5-10 ms
- SSD : Read latency time is very low
HDD : Read latency time very high
- SSD : High Reliability
HDD : Low Reliability
- SSD : 100MB/s to 500MB/s
HDD : 50MB/s to 100MB/s
- SSD : Have no parts to fail
HDD : Have moving parts and subject to sudden failure
- SSD : Small and Light weight
HDD : Relatively large and heavy
- SSD : Till now SSD are available in size of 2TB
HDD : They are available in sizes of 1TB, 2TB, 4TB, 5TB, etc...
- SSD : Power consumption is 2 watts
HDD : Power consumption is 6-12 watts
So from all the discussion regarding SSD we can conclude that SSD are :
- Faster in Data Accessing
- Less Power using
- Higher Reliability
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