Hello friends.
Welcome to Learn Vern.
I am harsh, I welcome you all in today’s video where we will learn more about AutoCAD but before that as we learned in the last video from where and how to download AutoCAD and how to install the software.
So, I hope you all might have downloaded it and installed it in the correct manner.
In today’s video, we will learn that after opening the AutoCAD software what are the options available and where can we use these options in our work.
So come, let’s see first how to start AutoCAD and then, how we can work with options that are available in it.
So, to start the AutoCAD software, first, we can type AutoCAD in the window search key or if I already have a shortcut available on my desktop I can double click on the shortcut and start AutoCAD.
So come let’s start AutoCAD.
So, I am typing AutoCAD here in the window search key, so directly I have an option available where I can click and start AutoCAD or if I have the shortcut available on my desktop then I can double click on it and start the software.
Right now, I am using the window search key, and as soon as I click here on AutoCAD the software starts.
(3 seconds pause ; cursor movement)
So as soon as our AutoCAD software starts, AutoCAD has a welcome screen that will be visible to us.
On the welcome screen, we have 3 different options to get started and in get started we can click on start drawing and directly start our work or the project.
Open file, means if we already have any files saved or whatever work is there, we already have it done so we can open it from here.
If we want to open any sheet or download any template online, we have options available for that too here.
Are you getting it? Perfect !
Next, we have recent documents, so in recent documents, we will have our previous work or our 3-4 previously worked files which will be available here.
So, by clicking on it, I can resume my work or modify it or check it directly.
So, this is a recent document…
Now, moving further..
here, one more option is available – Notifications as well as Connect.
Connect means if I have licensed software available or if I want to connect and after connecting if I want to save my project in AutoCAD and access it online, then we can do it from here.
So, as I mentioned earlier, to start AutoCAD when we click on start drawing, there will be a space available to us directly where we can start our work.
So, I am clicking here…
(5 seconds pause ; cursor)
So as soon as I click here, I have this workspace available.
So before knowing more about workspace, we will know more about many other options that are available.
Firstly, we will know about the options we get as soon as we click on the symbol of AutoCAD.
So, we have all of these options here, where we can start our new workspace or new drawing and we can also open already existing drawings, then if we want to make any changes or save all of our work that we have done, we can save it from here or we can use also shortcut key whose command is ctrl+s.
Then the other option is save as which means that whatever work we have done if we want to save on some other place than before or if we want to make changes in the name and then save it, then we can use this save as a function and all of the options will be available to us.
Or else if we want to import something, so to import any file we have all these options available here, where we can import the file with formats like PDF, DGN, or FBX.
Then, if we want to export, we have all of these options available.
I hope you have understood so far. ..pay attention guys !
Next is Publish which means if we want to share or publish the project we are working on directly to someone then we can use any of the options from here.
Next, is print which means if we want to take out a print of the existing drawing or the project that we are working on and if we want to print out then, any of the options from these can be used.
Next is drawing utilities which means if we have some basic properties or if we want to make some changes or if we are using any utilities during our work or in this particular drawing then all of it will be available here.
And the last one is close, which means if we click on it, then our software AutoCAD will be closed from here…
Next, we will see that right beside the symbol of AutoCAD, there are many other options available.
These options are called Customize quickAccess Toolbar which is also said to be a quick access toolbar and we can customize it from here too. which means that whatever option we have available here, we can hide them as well as unhide them and then if from the options that I can see here, the ones that are used in routine work or maximum times can be customized like hide or unhide them.
So, all of these options are available to us.
Okay guys !
Next, is the name of the drawing that we are working on which is named drawing1 and the file type of AutoCAD is dot D W G, which is a shortcut.
Besides that, we have an option for sign-in which means if we have a licensed version of AUTODESK or we already have a created account ID, then we can use this sign-in option from here.
(3 seconds pause)
Then here, I have one more menu available which is of quick access toolbar only and is known as a Menu bar.
In the menu bar, we have all of these options available that I have to click once or just point to the arrow and, in the dropdown, all of these other options are made available…
So, we call it a menu bar.
Then we have so many other options here like Home, Insert, Annotate, Parametric, View, etc.
So, all these options are called tabs.
And we can hide and unhide all the tabs which means, we can customize the tabs as well.
Below the tab, there are some options available which are called panels which means, if we are on the home tab, then we have all of these panels for home.
If we are on the insert tab, for insert these all panels are available to us.
If we are on annotate then also, these are the panels available to us.
So, for both tabs and panels, we can hide/unhide or customize.
Are you getting it? okay!
For example, here we have a tick mark in front of the home which means here on tab I have the option available as home.
Suppose if I do not have this option available or It is hidden by mistake, then from here directly by right click I can unhide… as well as hide it.
So here are all the options that have tick marks on them, all of these options will be available to us on the tab.
In the same way for panels also, we can right-click and hide or unhide the option in the panel.
So, as I am in home right now, these are all the panels under the home tab like Draw, Modify, Annotation, Layers, Block, Properties, Groups, utilities, clipboard, and view.
Now, if I am in the insert tab then the panel for insert will change.
It Means according to the tab we select or click; we can customize its panel accordingly as well.
So, the panel, tab, menu bar, and all the other options available here are called ribbon.
Clear !
Now, let's see what other options are available to us.
So, as we can see here in the right-hand corner, we have an option named model which means the area we work on or the workspace is called as model.
And layout 1 and layout 2.
So now we will learn about layouts 1, 2, how to create a layout, and how we can create different views with it.
Then here, I have a command line or a command box… where whatever function I select will show here.
For example, if I select a line here, it will directly ask for the line’s first point.
If I click on ESC (pronounce ; Escape) then that command will automatically go away.
And whatever work we do like line, polyline, or a circle and use these commands directly from the panel then, we can easily view and check all our used commands from here.
Let’s move further…
Next here at the bottom there are some toggle (pronounce : taw gl) keys like grid mode.., ortho mode.., then snapping… and many other options are available.
We will not be using all the toggle keys in 2D that are available here but we will use only 4-5 keys from all of them in 2D which we will explain further like where and how it can be used.
So here we have one more option, which is called a quick navigation bar or quick toolbar.
We will be utilizing the navigation toolbar to manage different views like PAN, ZOOM, etc.
During our work, if we need to zoom in or zoom out, we can directly do it from here.
Then we have one more option available at the bottom, which is the customization for toggle keys. So, we can hide/unhide the toggle keys from this option here.
We can customize the view of AutoCAD from here.
So, I hope in this video today, you have gotten all the information on the options available here, how to use these options in our work as well as how we can customize, hide or unhide from the options mentioned here.
One more thing I would like to tell you is, on the quick access toolbar there is an option available named drafting and annotation in the drop down bar and if we are working in 2D then we have to always select that option.
If we are working in 3D then we have to use 3D basics or 3D modeling.
Right now, we have to work in AutoCAD 2D, so here we will select drafting and annotation.
In the next video, we will learn about some basic settings, meaning before we start our work or project, there are some basic settings that we need to do or check some settings.
So, we will learn what those settings are and how we can work with these settings as well as how we can customize those settings in the next video.
So, in today’s video, we learned what are all the tools available to us in AutoCAD and the options available in the panel.
So, I hope you all will practice and explore what these tools and panels exactly are and what are the options available there.
In the next video, we will learn about initial settings.
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