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I am Ravi. Welcome you all to today’s video.
In the last video, we practiced some drawings, so that was drawing practice-3 where we practiced some furniture and utility elements.
In today's video, we will learn about hatch.
So, Now here, in AutoCAD, we have a tool that is the hatch.First of all, let us look at what is hatching? Hatching means we can display any particular portion or an object with a pattern in our layout.
So as civil engineers when we prepare a layout, we have many elements like walls, concrete, tiles, and many others that we prepare with different materials. So if we want to represent our drawing in a specific way such as if we want to show a wall, then as you all know the wall has a specific pattern…, and for concrete too, there is a specific pattern. Then a different pattern for masonry. And if we want to represent our drawing with such patterns or take a printout, to prepare such specific patterns, we use hatching. Then many objects are solid or have a different shade or color and if we want to represent our layout with different shading and color, There we can use hatching.
Come let us see what is hatching and how can we insert it? OKay ..?? To use hatching, we have to draw a few objects first, Okay… (Pause 15sec) and as you can see I have drawn a few shapes here and now I want to represent it with different hatchings. So I will click on hatch here and you can see on top here all these options are available to us. Okay. So first of all I have to select a pattern for hatching. For patterns, I will click on the drop-down menu here and all these patterns are visible to me. So I will use this pattern first. Okay. Now I have to select an object for this pattern or select a boundary or a pick point. When I select a pick point, here you can see the pattern is visible. …So the pattern will be inserted into any object with a closed boundary. Okay. If I want to do it here, I will click here and press enter. The pattern is inserted in this object.
Let's have a look again. We also have a shortcut key that is H and enter. Now we will add different patterns while hatching. Then I will pick here. We can continuously hatch as many times as we want with the same pattern, so we will do it here too and press enter. So the hatching is available in both the objects.
Then once again, H, enter. Now we want to add a gradient and not the pattern. For the gradient, we can choose the color and we can choose 2 colors here that are color 1 and color 2. So we can customize that too as we require. So I will change this color to yellow and this color to red, so it will change like this. So it will be added when I move my cursor there and click or press enter. Okay. So we prepared this with gradient.
We will look at one more option… So H and enter and now we will select solid. Solid has only one color and we will choose magenta here. And the color is inserted here as wherever we are clicking.
Let's have a look again, so H and enter and we will select a pattern again, then we will add this pattern that we want and change the color to by layer and enter. You can see here that the whole pattern is not visible because the scaling is too big. So we click here and change the scaling from 1 to 20 and enter. It is too big, so we will change it again to 0.5 and enter and it is still big. We will now change it to 0.05 and enter. Now the pattern is visible and inserted... We will change the scaling to 0.06 and now it is properly visible.
Let's have a look one last time. So H and enter or we can select from here then we can select from solid or gradient which is a mix of 2 colors or any pattern like this. And we can customize it from here as we want. Okay.
So I will select a pattern again or let's go with gradient. So in gradient, we will choose some light colors and we will click and insert here and press enter.
In civil engineering, there are many drawings and elements where we use hatching and if we want to do a grouping of our drawing in any layout which means when we want to represent a layout in a different view, we can use any pattern, or gradient or solid and all these options are available to us with hatching. Okay. And I want to add this hatching, we have many options available here. So the pattern of this particular hatching is centered right now which means the shading is governed by the center. If I turn it off, it will change like this. Okay. We will click on center again and here it shows that shading is being spread from the center. Then with solid, here you can see it is associative and when we click here, you can see that this is also associative. So if I extend this boundary or stretch it from here. Let's scale this first. So now as I stretch this, the hatching will set accordingly and get bigger or smaller with the shape. If this pattern is not associative here, and when I select this circle and scale this, as you can see the circle will extend but the hatching will remain in its original size. Okay. So we have this option with associative. So we go here and see that it's associative. You can see again, the boundaries are associative right now which means if I extend this drawing with scaling, then the pattern will also be set accordingly with hatching.
There is one more thing… So if I select this hatch, you can see here that this hatch is also selected with this. This means when I inserted this hatch, I inserted both these hatchings together. So I can remove it from here or make many different changes... So these are all the options available to us. So if I want to make any changes with the hatchings that I have provided or separate them, here we have that option too.
So I will separate here and you can see that if I select here both the hatchings are selected separately. Now if I want to join the same hatchings again, I can do that as well. So I can easily separate any layer or any pattern from here and also do some editing. These options are also available with hatching. So if I increase or decrease the transparency from here, you can see that the brightness has decreased. Okay. We will click on solid, so there is transparency for solid too. So in this way, we can set the transparency as we want.
Then if I want any angle with this hatching, I can do that too from here. Right now the angle is zero. If I want 45, I can insert 45 here or drag like this and change.
Then if I want this hatching with an angle of 40, I will insert 40 here and it will change accordingly. If we want to change it back to zero, we can directly type 0 or drag from here as well. Okay.
Then we can change the color of the patterns too. So I am… selecting the green color for this. Then I will change the background color and as you can see I can do that too as per my requirement.
In this way, I can make different customization in my drawing with hatching and can represent it differently. Okay. We can access all these options and tools with a shortcut key as well which is H E and enter, then we have to select an object that we want to edit. So suppose if I want to edit this, here all the options are available such as the type of pattern, pattern number, pattern color, then the shape of the pattern that I want or have customized, then I can also change the scaling from here and the angle too, then transparency, layer. This means all the options are available here where I can remove, extend or edit any boundaries and if a boundary is missing, we can also recreate a boundary. Okay. So In this way, if I want to use hatching with my drawing, these options are available to me.
There are many options here that we haven’t used but we will use that when we prepare a layout. When we prepare a drawing or a layout here, we will prepare all of it with hatching. So that when you represent it or submit it, the whole layout looks good, attractive, and appealing. Okay.
So in today's video, we learned about hatching.
I hope you will practice hatching with different objects and in case some hatchings are not visible, it doesn’t mean that the hatching is not applied. Instead, we need to change the scaling which is the gap between lines of that particular hatching to make it visible. Okay.
So I hope you will practice how hatching works and the advancement we get while we use it in our layout. During your practice, if you face any difficulty or issues, you can reach out to us on forums.learnvern.com. We will try to resolve your queries and answer them as soon as possible.
In the next video, we will learn about properties that include color, line type, and line weight.where we can change line type, scale, transparency. So these options we will see all these options.
Thank you.
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