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I Am (name), I Welcome you all to today’s video.
In the last video, we learned about our first drawing tool which is a POLYLINE.
In today’s video, we will learn about one more tool that is CIRCLE.
So let’s start with today’s video.
Today we will learn one more feature of the drawing tool which is a circle.
In this video, we will learn the options that are available to us as we click on circle and the shortcut command for it as well as how I can draw a circle as per my requirement.
Okay, so come let us see about the circle and the options.. and features available for it. As I clicked on the circle, these are the options available to me such as center radius, center diameter, 2-point, 3-point, tan tan radius, and tan tan tan which means tangent tangent tangent and this means tangent tangent radius, this is 3-point, this is 2-point and we will learn about all of this in the video further.
The shortcut for the circle is C enter. As I type the shortcut and enter, we have a few options available in the command line now such as if I want to work in 2P, 3P, or TTR. Alright? So here I can select as per my requirement if I simply want to make a circle that has a specific radius or a specific diameter or I have an element such as…
Suppose here I have a line and with this endpoint, I want to make a circle, here as I select circle now and these options are available again, 3P, 2P and TTR but I don’t want to use them now. I want the endpoint of this line to be the center point of my circle. As soon as I click here, you can see I am able to draw a circle. So according to my requirement, with a fixed radius or a fixed diameter, Suppose I want to make a circle that has a radius of 2, so I will type 2 and enter. Here you can see that my circle is drawn with a radius of 2. Come let's check the radius. Here you can see that a circle is drawn with the radius as per our requirement. I will delete this first..
Again I will type C enter, so I am in circle command now and here I have 2 options either to enter radius or the diameter. If I want to enter the radius, I can directly type here 2 because in the command line at the bottom it shows “specify the center point for the circle”. So first of all I will specify (pause 4 sec) that this is my center point. As soon as I specify the center point and I draw a circle with it here, it will ask to “specify the radius of the circle”. So The digit I enter here will be my radius. So if I am working in radius as per my requirement or If I have a drawing available on paper and I am making a soft copy or preparing a drawing in AutoCAD, then I will type my radius here as 2 suppose and enter. So this is my circle.
Let us see one more option. I will click on the circle command again and I will specify my center point by clicking here. And by clicking, it has become my center point. Now I want to work with the diameter and not the radius. So here I have an option at the bottom in the command line as diameter and in the text, the color of the letter D is in blue which means I can simply type, like I’m typing D and enter, and it will change to “specify the diameter of the circle” here as well as in the command line too it changed to “specify the diameter of the circle”. Okay? If I take a diameter of 4 and draw a circle and then check the radius and diameter from here, then the radius is 2 and the diameter is 4.
As per our requirement, we have both the options available as the radius and the diameter to draw a circle.
We have one more option which is 2-point. So come let us learn about 2-point and 3-point…
First of all, I will draw a line here and turn on the ortho command again so that my line is straight. Then I will also draw a…triangle here. Now here as you can see I am easily able to draw a vertical and a horizontal line as ortho is on and now I want to draw an inclined line so I have to turn off the ortho mode and now I can complete my line and press ESCAPE to end the line command.
Come let's see what is 2-point and 3-point.
I will type C and enter here. You can see that 2-point is available here at the bottom and as I type 2 and enter, here I will be asked to specify the radius/diameter again for 2-point. Accordingly, I can customize and one more that I have is 2-point. So with 2-point, I will select this point here and this point here, accordingly my circle is drawn. Right? Suppose I have a specific element here and I want to draw a circle with the endpoints in the element or that point touches the circle, at that time I will use 2-point as I can easily draw a circle with this command.
We will check this once more. I will draw a line here again and after drawing the line my requirement is, I want to draw a circle from this line but my requirement is that the circle’s one point is from the endpoint of this line and the midpoint on the opposite surface this time. So I will select 2-point and start with the endpoint and as you can see here it shows me the midpoint, I will click there. In this way, we can learn how to use our 2-point feature or 2 point circle.
Now let's look at the 3-point..So here I have to specify 3 points whose end touches my circle. Here I have a triangle that has 3 points: the 1st point, 2nd, and 3rd. As you can see I have not used any radius or diameter to draw this circle. I have only used 2-point here and 3-point here.. Okay? I can draw my circle easily with the use of 2-point and 3-point. Do you understand what I’m saying?
The next command that we have is the tan tan radius. If I have a requirement to draw a circle that touches this circle as well as this one or it gets drawn by touching the circles and if I have a specific radius available such as I want to draw a circle that has a radius of 3 and it is required that it touches this circle as well as this one, both of these circles, then how can we use this command? Come let's see.
So here I will select TTR which means tan tan radius. Or I have one more option here, I can directly type C..C enter and here in the command line, as soon as I press enter, we can see TTR, and the first letter T is in blue color which means we can use this as a shortcut. Therefore, I’ll type T. So here and as soon as I type T, here again, we are asked to specify a point on the object for the first tangent which means at what point I want my first tangent so suppose this circle is my object, I will select here. After that, we are asked again to specify a second point on the object for the second tangent as it will touch the other circle. This is my second object, so I will select it here. Now I have to specify the radius. so as I said it is 3, so 3 and enter. As you can see the whole drawing is not available as the upper portion is cut.
We learned in the last video that if I have many drawings available in my working space and I want all the drawings easily visible here and they should be shown in my working space, here I will use the command Z that is zoom and enter and A that is all and enter. So here you can see all the 3 drawings are easily visible in the working space. Got it? As we used tan tan radius here, you can see we have a radius.. of 3, the radius of 3 is available and our circle is drawn exactly within the touch of this circle and the other circle also. So this command was tan tan radius. -13:52
We have one more facility available here that is tan tan tan. So we will see how we can work with this option and how we can draw a circle using this.
Here we will show you the last drawing as well on the display. So here my requirement is to draw a circle that makes a tangent with the other 3 circles that are drawn already. so I want a circle that will touch the surface of these 3 circles. Here I have an option available as tan tan tan. As soon as I select tan tan tan, I can easily specify that this is my first object, second object, and third object. So here a circle is drawn that is making tangent with the other circles and exactly touching the surface of all the 3 circles.
Here I will specify again as soon as I use the shortcut command as C enter, here we have options as radius, diameter, 3P, 2P, and TTR. In the command line, we do not have tan tan tan as other options here. So if I want to use this command I will directly click here only.
As I click on here, as it shows here with dynamic input and in the command line or box, we have to specify the first point on the circle, so I am selecting this, and as I can see “Specify second point on circle” and then the third. As soon as I select here my circle is drawn. So again we have this circle available to us.
In this command, we don’t have one option available that is Radius and diameter. So I cannot specify any radius/diameter here. I will be able to draw a circle here that will only make a tangent with the other 3 circles as per my requirement.
We will practice this once again.
Suppose I have a triangle here, so I will turn on the ortho mode and draw a horizontal and vertical line and turn off the ortho mode and draw an inclined line, and press ESCAPE to end the line command. Here I want to draw a circle that touches this line, this line, and this line. Okay? With these 3 lines, I will get a reference that is a tangent, so here I will select tan tan tan. As soon as I select tan tan tan, Here I have to select 1st point, 2nd point, and 3rd point. As soon as I click on the 3rd point, my circle will be drawn here. Right? You can see here that my circle is prepared. I have not entered any radius or diameter for it.
As per my requirement to draw a circle, I can work with any of the options from here.
So in this video, we learned how to draw a circle and what options are available with the circle.
I hope you all will practice this. During your practice, if you have any queries or comments, click the discussion button below the video and post there. This way, you will be able to connect to fellow learners and discuss the course. Also, Our Team will try to solve your query.
In today's video, we learned about one more tool – Circle. We learnt The things we need to keep in mind while drawing a circle and the options available with it.
In the next video, we learn about one more drawing tool that is a polygon.
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