Hi friends.
Welcome to LearnVern.
I (name) Welcome you all to today’s video.
So in the last video, we learned about initial settings.
Which means we saw the setting that we have to do before starting any drawing.
Today I will show you some introductory parts of drawing tools.
So come, let's start with today’s video.
Hello friends.
Welcome to LearnVern.
I am (name) Welcome you all to today’s video.
So let's first talk a bit about what we learned in the last video. As we explored a few features such as menubar, quick access toolbar, panels, and tools.
Then we explored our bottom bar that consists of shortcut keys which are also known as toggle keys and how to use these shortcuts in our drawings.
Then we looked at some basic settings that we need to do before starting our drawing/project such as workspace and limits of workspace.
Then before using any command or before drawing, we need to fix a unit for it so we also learned how to fix the unit in the last video.
We also explored how we can customize the whole display of our workspace in AutoCAD by clicking on the customize key that is available at the bottom of the workspace.
By clicking on the customization key, I have all these options available here.
According to the usage of the options that I use in routine, based on that I can hide/unhide the options.
So we have this facility available where we have the liberty to customize the display as we prefer.
So today we will learn a few more things about AutoCAD. And we will learn about using these tools with some practice sessions and how we can use them and also about the dimension. Which is a very important feature.
But before that, I hope that you all might have explored and practiced all the things that we learned in the last video.
During your practice, If you have any queries or comments, click the discussion button below the video and post there. This way, you will be able to connect to fellow learners and discuss the course. Also, Our Team will try to solve your query.
So come, let's see the things we will explore in this video, and again I would like to welcome you all to LearnVern.
So as I said today we will learn about some basic commands such as line, polyline, circle, arc, rectangle, hatch, and center.
So, first of all, we will start with the line.
Here we will explore how to draw a line. After giving the line command what are the options available to us? And how we can modify the line. And While drawing the line, what are the things that we need to keep in mind?
And when we are working on a project or any big drawing, how can we use line commands in an appropriate manner and in an easy way?
In today’s video, you became familiar with some basic drawing tools and got information about them. And how can we work with these drawing tools and select and start them?
So I hope you all will practice this and during your practice, If you have any queries or comments, click the discussion button below the video and post there. This way, you will be able to connect to fellow learners and discuss the course. Also, Our Team will try to solve your query.
So from the next video, we will start learning about drawing tools and the first one is LINE.
Thank you.
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