Hello friends.
Welcome to Learn Vern.
I am ….. Welcome you all to today’s video.
In the last video, we learned about 2 more modification tools that were offset and mirror.
In today’s video, we will learn about 3 more modification tools that are trim, extend and align.
So come let’s start with today’s video.
So in this video, today we will learn about a few more modification tools where I will cover 3 tools which are trim, align and then extend.
So come let us get to know more about trim.
As you all can see here in the modification tools, I have an option of trim and extend in the drop-down menu. So these 2 options and available here and I can access the third command that is align from here.
First of all, we will learn about trim. To know more about trim, I will draw an object here to explain it.(3 seconds pause ; cursor movement) For example, I have 2 lines here and those 2 lines are intersecting each other.
Now, if I want this horizontal line till here only, which means, I want to delete this portion and to delete that if I select it from here and press the delete button, the whole line will be deleted.
For such a situation, we have a facility to use the trim command here.
As soon as I enter the trim command, you can see here that a pickbox is available where I will select, this line here is my reference line, so I will press enter and select this reference line, and then I have to specify the portion that I want to delete.
Suppose I want to delete this portion so I will go here, so you can see that it shows here if I click here, this portion will be deleted. Okay. If I want to delete this portion then I will go here. This means, when we want to delete some specific object with some reference point or reference line, we can use the trim command in such situations.
Understood guys !
So come let us look at how this works one more time. Here I want to delete this portion, so I selected reference and press enter, and then I will click here. As you can see, this portion is deleted here. Okay.
In the same way, if I want to delete this portion now, this means that my reference point or object will be this horizontal line. Okay. So I will click on trim again and then select the line and press enter and then I will click here and press enter again. As you can see, we can use the trim command in this manner. Okay.
Then, when you practice the trim command, you will be able to learn that we can use the trim command in one more way. Suppose I will type TR and press enter here, And press enter again. So if I operate the trim command after pressing enter 2 times, then I can delete any line.
So this means I can use the trim command in 2 ways. One is with the reference line and the second is without any reference I can delete any portion that I want by typing TR and pressing enter 2 times. I am pressing enter 2 times, but you can also use the space button by typing TR and then pressing the space button 2 times, and I want to delete this portion and this portion, so I will click here and here. As you can see I can delete the portion that I want easily with the trim command. Okay.
(3 seconds pause )
We will try to understand this with one more drawing. Suppose we have a line…, a circle…, and a rectangle here. Now I want this line to be visible only inside the rectangle which means I want only this portion and the second line that I want should be inside the circle only that is from here to here.
Apart from that, I want to delete whatever other portion we are able to see.
For that, I type TR and enter and enter again. And I will select here, here, and here.
As you can see, I can easily keep the desired length that I want and delete the rest of the portion with the use of the trim command.
Clear so far !
One more thing… if I have some command like this,(7 seconds pause ; cursor movement) I will enter the trim command here and press enter 2 times. So this is deleted, I want to delete this too, but it is not possible. Why? Because I do not have any extension for this line here.
So you can understand that if I have any extension or any portion available after the junction, then only I can trim that which means, if there is any single object that is not intersecting or extended, I cannot trim that.
For example, if I want to delete these lines, I can easily delete them. why? Because here there is a line that is extended, then if I want to delete this, I can easily delete it. Why? Because I have this other line here. Okay.
Come let's see, if I delete this line, after that, I cannot delete this line because this line is till here only. Okay. so if I want to delete this line, I will simply select the line and press delete.
So we can use the trim command… only when we have an object that is extended and it is necessary to have an extended portion after some junction.
For example once again TR and enter and enter again. If I want to delete this portion I can delete it. I want to delete this portion, I can delete this as well, and if I want to delete this portion, I can do that. Why? Because after both of these junctions there is a line available.
So I will delete this and delete this But, I cannot delete this line because the line is not extended after both the junctions here. So these were some basic tips to use the trim command. Okay.
Now we will learn about one more command that is extend.
Okay so..
Here I will draw a line and then one more line and one more line. Okay. So for extend command I will use the shortcut command E X and enter. So first of all I have to specify till what point I want to extend. Okay, so this and I will click enter. Then I just have to move the cursor around the line that I want to extend and it will show me the line. Okay.
There is one more option if I select this option from before which means as we saw earlier in this video, if I select this object and press enter, then this object is fixed which will be our destination point. So when I click on this line, the line will extend. Then when I click on this line, it will also extend. Okay.
So we will use the extend command when I want to take a reference for some lines. Suppose if I am preparing a drawing for my plan and I want to prepare an elevation with it, I must have the extended lines in my plan.
Why? because we will use those lines as a reference while drawing an elevation. So we can use this command to extend any lines or to get a reference line. Okay.
There is one more command that is align.(4 seconds pause ;mouse movement) Suppose I have some lines here and I want to place that line on some reference which means as we extended this line here with extend command earlier and we extended this line till here, that way the length of my line increased.
Here we do not want to increase the length but, I want to place this portion on whatever line we have till this line here.
(3 seconds pause ; cursor movement)
So I will type AL and press enter which is a shortcut key for align. Okay.(9 seconds pause ; cursor movement)
So I will select from here and drag till here and press enter. As soon as I clicked on enter, this line was placed here…. Once again if I want to align this object, I will type AL and enter, as I clicked on enter here I have a reference point from where I want to move this object and align it with line. As soon as I select here and I drag till this line and place it here or press enter, that line is now aligned with this line with the reference that I selected.
So in this video today we learned how to use extend, trim and align commands. I will …show you… all the commands… once again… with this drawing ( 6 seconds pause ; cursor movement)
so that you can understand these commands…. properly and easily…. use them while you…. practice it and use these commands as per your requirement.(4 seconds pause ; cursor movement )
So once again we will practice here. The first command is trim. To trim I have 2 requirements, one is the reference with which I want to trim the portion, and the other is after clicking enter twice I can directly trim the portion that I want.
So if I select a window like this here, then also I can trim. This means if I want to delete or trim multiple portions in one click, then also I can do it. Okay. I will do CONTROL+Z. if I want to trim this single portion then also I can do it and I can trim this portion as well. Okay. So this was the trim command.
Clear guys !
Next is the extend command. So to extend, I will specify the point or line where I want to extend. So this is my object. Then I will press enter and select this line. As I move my pickbox around this line, here it will show my extended line. So I will click here and my line will extend. Okay.
(3 seconds pause ; cursor movement)
Now ,
The third command is align. I will select a specific object to align, then I can click on align or I will type AL and enter. So here, I am taking a reference and I want to align it till here, so I will press enter here. You can see here that my object is aligned. Okay.
One more thing, if I want to align this circle, again I will select align or type Al and enter. I will give a reference point, here we can also insert a value to align till some specific point, but we will align here on a particular line and point, so I will click here and press enter. You can see here my circle is aligned with the reference point that I selected which was the center.
This is the last object and I want to align this too but this time with this reference and till here only,( 4 seconds pause ; cursor movement) so I will click here and enter.
One more thing. Here I will turn off the ortho… and I want to align this so Al and enter, I can align this here or here as well…. This means if the ortho mode is on, then I can only align any object horizontally or vertically.
I hope you have understood ..
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So in today's video, we learned about 3 more modification tools that were trim, extend and align.
In the next video, we will learn about 2 more modification tools that are scale and stretch.
Thank you.
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