Hello friends.
Welcome to Learn Vern.
I am (name) and I Welcome you all to today’s video.
In the last video, we learned about rectangles.
In today’s video, we will learn about dimension style which means when we work in AutoCAD there are different dimension styles available. So what are those? And what modifications can we make with it? We will learn that In today's video.
So come let’s start with today’s video.
In today's video, we will learn a few more things with dimension style manager which means what settings will the dimensions that I am using while preparing a drawing will have, so what are the settings that are available there that I can customize as per my requirement.
So to change the dimension settings, we will go to dimension style. So I can directly go to dimension here and then select dimension style or as we learned in the last video, I will directly use the shortcut key, so I will type and press D from the keyboard and press enter.
Hope you are able to understand.
As soon as I press D and enter, here the dimension style manager is available to me on the screen as a pop-up. So here I want to make some modifications and here we will see all the modification tools and options that are available to us.
So for modification, I will click on modify. As soon as I click modify I have a few options available here such as lines, symbols and arrows, text, fit, primary units, alternate units, and tolerances.
So come let us look at all the options one by one and what changes or customization can we do with these options.
But before that, I will prepare a drawing here in the background first for a reference and we will also show the dimensions for that drawing so that whatever changes we do are clearly visible to us in the drawing. Okay.
So come let us first prepare a basic drawing… So here for the line, I am selecting a line command and drawing a straight line with the use of ortho mode and we discussed the ortho command in the last 2-3 videos.
Then I will also draw a circle so that we can also get to know about the radius. Okay. And now I am using the dimension tool that is the linear dimension. (5 seconds gap) Okay. If this dimension is not visible then what changes are to be done that we looked at in the last video, so you can set it on your own . and if you are facing any difficulty while setting the dimension, then click the discussion button below the video and post there. This way, you will be able to connect to fellow learners and discuss the course. Also, Our Team will try to solve your query.Okay. So here I have given the dimension of all the lines. and for the circle, the dimension is radius so I will select it and this is the radius. So here there are 4-5 dimensions available to me.
Now I will go to dimension modification. Suppose there is a requirement for my drawing or the client and to get the output of that drawing I need some changes in the dimension style as per the expectation of the client such as they expect some style for the dimension, so here we have options available to set the dimensions as per their requirement.
Come let's have a look at those options.
So for modification, I will go to dimension style or I can type D and enter, here I will have the dimension style manager. So I will click here on ‘modify’. as soon as I click on modify the first option that I have here is ‘color’ which means the color of the lines that are used in the dimension. suppose here I am changing it to red, here you can see this is how the red line will be changed in the dimension. Yellow, green, or any color of your choice. So right now I am selecting the red line.
Then there is the line type. In the line type here I only have 3 options that are by layer, by block, and continuous. If I want to select any other options then I click here on others and after clicking it if I only have the 3 options as before, I will click on load here. As soon as I click on load, all of these options are available to me. So I can select any line from here as per my requirement. Suppose I am selecting this and when I double click on it, I have this option available here. If I want to use that line, I will click on ok and then I will select this line from here.
As the image shown here is small, you might not be able to see all the changes that we are making. But in the dimension style, the default line type was by layer which is a simple line and now we have selected border 2. In this way, I can customize as per my need and you can also use this tool.
Then the next is by block that is a line weight which means the thickness of the line. So I can change it as per the requirement of my drawing. okay…
As you can see easily, here the thickness has increased a bit. Right now I am selecting here by layer, so here it shows the basic thickness for the dimension.
Then we have baseline spacing. So I can increase or decrease it from here. Suppose I am choosing it as 3, as soon as I enter 3, here the distance between my drawing and the dimension line will change. so I can set it from here that is baseline spacing. Okay.
Now if I want a facility where only the digits should be available, then here I can suppress line 1 and line 2 which is an option available as dim . okay. So as soon as I click on dim line 1 and dim line 2, both the lines will disappear from here. I can also keep my requirement like this, or I can keep it as default, if I want to keep only this one, then also I can keep it, but we will select both the lines for now.
Then we have an extension line. Extension line means the line that is near to the arrow or if I want a dimension between the endpoint and the first point, the line here that is exactly perpendicular to the dimension or perpendicular to the arrow line, that line is my extension line.
So if I want to change the color of the extension line, then I can do it from here. As it is yellow, I can change it to green or blue. so I change it as per my requirement. Okay.
So here also we have some options available such as the line type 1, then line type 2 as there are 2 extensions here, this is first and this is the second. So I can change this as well. We can change the thickness also, either increase or decrease it, suppose here I am taking 1.6, as you can see the thickness of the extension line has increased. But I will change it to by layer which is the default option.
Here also suppose if I don’t want an extension line, then I can remove or hide that line as well. when I tick here again, the line will be available again. If I don’t want to show the opposite extension line that is the second point in my drawing or the output or the product that will be available, then I can hide that too. so these options are also available to me. Okay.
The next is ‘extend beyond dim lines’, so we can set it from here. Right now it is not in points, we are not able to see any decimals, so let's take it as 2 . This means that the length of the extension line has increased from here, but we will change it back to 0.18 as it was before. So here we can also decide the length of the extension line from our drawing or product.
Next is offset and it is 0.06 right now, here I can customize the offset also as I need. Suppose the dimension for this line is 1.1955, so the distance between that line and the extension line that I have given right now is 2 but we will choose it as per the requirement and the size of the drawing. so again, I will change it to 0.06 and enter. Okay.
So again the spacing is available to us as before. if I change it to 0 then, the product line or the drawing line will be in exact touch with the extension line. So we cannot keep it as 0 . it is necessary to add any digit that is more than 0. Okay. So here you can see again, the extension line is starting after some gap.
We have one more option available here. That is if the extension line should be around the arrow only or if the extension line should set itself according to the arrow, at that time I will select a fixed length extension line. I can customize the length here also. Right now it is 1 and I can customize it to either increase or decrease it as I need.
So these were all the options for the line.
Now let us look at symbols and arrows that are available to me at the endpoint of the dimension line. So I can customize the arrows also as I need. Suppose right now it is an arrow, I will select a dot and you can see here it is changed to dot on both sides. If I am selecting an arrow here again, then we have an arrow on the end and a dot on another. So I can change it as I want. But we will change it back to an arrow. (9 seconds gap) So you can customize this as you want.
Then what arrow size do I want? Here I can also set the size of the arrow as I want, so right now the size of the arrow is 0.18, but I want to change it as per my drawing either to increase or decrease it so as I type the digit here, it will change in the dimension style. So here I am taking it 1 right now, as my drawing is very small here the arrow size seems quite bigger according to the drawing, so I will change it to 0.2. As soon as I select 0.2 with the reference of this drawing, then the size of the arrow will change and customize as per the drawing according to my requirement.
Then here you can see a circle is drawn and the center of the circle is visible to us. So whatever drawing is available and if a circle or a rectangle is available in it and in all these drawings I do not want the center point then I will select none here.
If I want it to be visible then I will select on mark. We can also customize its size such as here it is 0.09, if I want it bigger, here I will enter 1, and as soon as I enter 1 the size of the arrow that is in the center is increased. Okay. So again we will change it to 0.09.
And if I want any line type, then I can also customize the line here. So again we will change it to default which was ‘mark’.
Then we have a breakline, so you can also customize the break line such as right now it is 0.12, and I will select 2, so this means that all the lines that I am using in the dimension will be 2 and I can increase or decrease it as per my requirement of the drawing. So I will change it back to 0.2. okay.
Now, the dimension that we can see here can also be customized such as ‘arc length symbol’, so here the symbol that is visible to us that is arc length, here it is not visible so we are not able to see the changes but when we will make the drawing with an arc, at that time I will teach you once again how we can use these tools. Okay. So we will explore these features and options later on when we use them with the drawing. Okay.
Then we will go on text. Here also I have a few options to select the text that I want and if I want to load more text, I can load more text from here if I want to. And in text too, these other options are available such as the height, the width, then the effect or basic size, and annotation. We will learn about this in a different video of annotation. Okay. Then the text display that is the digit of the dimension can also be customized from here. Suppose the dimension on the vertical line such as here is the dimension line, so the dimension from the horizontal and vertical distance is in the center right now but if I change it to above then it will move above the vertical line here. Okay.
Now horizontally if I select at extension line 1 or extension line 2, as you can see it is changing accordingly. But right now we will change it to center again. Here also we will select the center, if we want to see for below as we saw for above before, then it will go under the line at the bottom. So this is how we can change the dimension text horizontally and vertically.
Then, we want to see the dimension in left to right or right to left, so here in the image we have used left to right and if I want it as right to left, I will select right to left here. All the dimensions will change into a mirror or will move to 180 degrees exactly. So I will change it back from left to right. That also I can customize as I need. Okay.
Now the digit of the dimension that is visible right now is horizontal, so if I want horizontal, then I will select horizontal here. if I select aligned with dimension, the dimension will be set according to the dimension line such as inclined or horizontal or vertical as per my drawing.
The other one is ISO standard, so according to that, it will align to the center. so I can set it here as per my requirement. ok?
The next option is fit. We will mostly use fit with annotations. so I will explain about all these tools and options of fit in the annotations video that I will make.
Next is primary units that we explored yesterday.
Then we have an alternate unit. This means that when I am using the decimal in the primary unit and for my drawing I have set the unit as a meter, then what alternate unit do I want?
So if I want an alternate unit in architecture, then I can customize that as well. Come let's see.
So 2 points after the digit then I will select decimal or specific here or I will select architecture here which is in inches or feet. so here you can see the available dimensions, we will also look at them in the drawings that we have prepared in the background because we will apply all of these changes there.
Hope you are able to understand me.
So there you will see, the dimension that I have is in decimal that is in meter as well as the alternate dimension is there just beside it that is in feet or inches. Okay.
So as per my requirement, I can also show 2 units in my output or layout while I print out the sheet or give it to the client. This option is available to us.
So we can easily access these options from here.
The next is tolerance and we will learn about this too when we look at the video of annotations.
So right now whatever we learned such as primary units, alternate units, fit, text, symbols and arrows, and lines. Suppose I want to apply all these changes here and we will do it so I will click on ok. you can still see that there are no changes in the background. This means that if I want to make these changes to my current drawing or to the drawing that is already set up and I have used the dimensions as well, then I will click on set current and after that, I will click on close.
So here you can see, all the dimensions have changed and the changes that we made there are applied here and available to us.
So in today's video, we learned what are the options available to us with dimension style or dimension style manager? and how can we change our desired output with the help of these options and if I have any basic requirements or I want to customize something, so with the help of the customization pattern I can make changes in the dimension style. Here I can change with digits, or with lines, or with arrows as well.
So in today's video, we learned about the settings that are available with dimension style.
So I hope you all might now have a basic idea about how we can make any changes with dimension style.
I hope you all will practice this. During your practice,
If you have any queries or comments, click the discussion button below the video and post there. This way, you will be able to connect to fellow learners and discuss the course. Also, Our Team will try to solve your query.
So in today's video, we learned how to set the dimension style and the options that are available to us in the dimension style.
I hope you all will practice this.
In the next video we will learn about introduction to modification tools which means when we modify a drawing in AutoCAD, we will learn about the introduction of such tools that we can use for modification.
Thank you.
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