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Welcome to Learn Vern.
I am (name) and I Welcome you all to today’s video.
In the last video, we learned how to convert the drawing.
In today’s video, we will learn about layers and working with layers.
First of all, we will understand what is a layer? In simple words layer means groups, where we represent our drawing into a specific group or draw. If we wish to do so, we can do this with layers.
The use of layers here is, we can easily divide all the different elements of our drawing into a group. This means we can divide our drawings or layouts into different groups and represent or print them. Such as we have a group for furniture, then another group for sanitary, then another group for wall, another group for hatching, a different group for the centerline. In this way, the work that I do or drawings that I draw here, if I prepare a drawing here with a specific group, then we have a facility to modify the output in the print or a layout that we want to show and we can customize the print as we want. But before understanding the layer here, let's first get to know the properties of the layer. So here you can see, I have 2 options, one is layer and beside it, the properties.
First of all, let us have a look at the properties because to know more information about layers, first, you should be clear about the basics that are properties of layers that we use.
Which means if I draw a line here with a line command, and select the line, here it shows 3 options. First is the color of the line which is by layer, I can change the color if I want from here. Right now we are working on zero layer. Meaning when we download and install the AutoCAD software, we have a basic set that is of zero layer, this means AutoCAD provides one layer by default, where we will learn about these things. But first, let's understand the properties.
As soon as I select the line, here in the properties, we have options such as color, line weight, and line type. So we are working in zero layer and any drawing that we draw suppose I am drawing a circle here, and when I select this then too I will have these options that are color which is by layer, then line weight is also by layer and the line type is also the same by layer. This means on this layer, the color, and the line type, as well as the line weight, is fixed. According to this,whatever drawings I will make, that will be drawn here. Then suppose I want to change the color, so I will select this and change the color. In this way, I can easily change the color. But with layers we have an advantage, what is it? So as I said before, if I have 5 to 6 groups such as a line group, furniture group, sanitary group, text group, etc. and I add it here. Suppose here I have made a group that is a line group and after that I have changed a lot of things from the default settings. If I draw a line with those changes, then that line will be drawn with a specific line layer. Meaning if I draw a line and select the line, After that selection,it will show by the wall instead of by layer here.Means the layer which we are using in working condition , it will show here. For example, if I want to add a layer here,I can see an option here, I will click on this option and I have a menu here. In this menu we can see a few options here such as the first one is new layer, then VP, then if I want to delete a layer, and the last is set current which means we can select any layer from here to work in it as a current drawing. Okay.
So first of all, we will click on add layer and I will insert a wall here then I will press enter, then I will change the color to red and click ok. Then we will choose the line as continuous only. Then we can change the weight from here as per our requirement. Then we will look at the transparency later on. okay. Then I will add one more layer here that is the center line…(typing) and press enter. Then I will change the color of the center line to yellow, click ok. Then I want the line type as dotted and not continuous, but it is not visible here, so I will click on load and here all the lines are there and I can select it according to my requirement. I am selecting the center line here then click on ok, then click on centerline here and ok. Then I can change the width that is line weight according to our requirement.
We will add one more layer here which is text… Then, I want the text color green, I will change the color to green, and ok. Then I can change the setting here if I want.
We will add one more layer here that is.. doors and windows, press enter. Then I will change the color to magenta and ok. Then I can select the line type and line weight.
Again we will add a layer that is ‘chhajja’ and enter. Then I will change the color to blue. You can change it as per your need. Then, I want line type for chajja, Then I will select this line type for chhajja or dash space. Click ok. Then I will select dash space here and again ok. So here we have prepared many layers where we have a zero layer which is a default layer that we get when we install AutoCAD, then we have wall, centerline, text, door and windows, and chhajjas. So I have added all these layers here.
So now whenever I am working on a drawing or if I want to draw a plan and for drawing that plan if I use line, and with the use of line, if I click on the wall layer from here. As soon as I turn on the wall layer from here, you can see that type,weight, layer, all that are shown here.So when I draw anything, it will be drawn according to the customization of that particular layer. Okay.
One more thing. Suppose you have already prepared a drawing and you are providing the layers after that. We can easily match the layers with our drawing that is already prepared. How? For that, we have an option here that is match. For that, I will insert M A and enter, after that we have to select a source here, so I will select this, and then I have to select a destination object which means that object or element that I want to change. Okay. So I will select the drawing that I want to change and press ESCAPE. As you can see, we prepared this line on the zero layer, but now when I select this line, it has changed to the wall layer. Then here the color shows by layer which means by layer of wall that we customized, then line type and line weight also by layer of all. Okay.
One more thing. Suppose we have a line here or let's make a small object so that I can explain this quickly. So here we have a shape and suppose I want to prepare this shape in a specific layer. To prepare this I have selected this object, then I will choose the layer that I want such as the centerline then I will go in the center line or if it is different for chhajjas then i will go there or doors and windows. So in this way, I can customize that. Okay. So these layers have facilities where we can easily take out a print in a specific layer as well as modify the print. We can also make it in different groups. So when we edit a layout or prepare or read it, it will be very easy for us to identify different objects which we have inserted there. For example, if this is the color, then it is the wall, the same goes for furniture and centerline, and other objects. So we have lots of options with layers. So when you work in a professional way as in an office or any personal work, layers will easily create a whole new look for you. This is a very advanced tool and we should learn this.
There are many other things. I will show you that with a floor plan that I have prepared. Okay. So in this floor plan, there is a staircase available. Well, this is a floor plan of a flat, where there are 4 flats on 4 corners. So this is the staircase and when I climb it, there is a flat on this corner, then this one, then this, and then this. Now, we will make some changes on this corner. You can notice here that the whole drawing is prepared in a single color and with the same style such as the doors, windows, lines, the staircase and the text are in the same style. So if I use layers here, I can change the color of the text and the straight line, then suppose If I draw a centerline here, then its color then if I insert the furniture here. Okay. Then if I add some sanitary facilities here,in the bathroom, I can customize all of this as I want and make a different group. Then there are many other advanced tools in layer and by using that we can obtain a totally different output. Right now you are watching a single plan here that I have prepared with a zero layer where all the things are visible in the same style. So if I click on any line or text or the windows and here, you can observe here that all the drawings are prepared with by default settings such as the color, line type, and line weight which is by layer as default. Ok?
I hope you are able to understand.
So as I explained, in one of the drawings, what we have done is we have inserted all these layers. In the same way here I have a drawing where I have inserted and customized some separate layers such as centerline, chhajja, doors and windows, furniture, sanitation, walls, text, WWC, stairs, etc. how to do it? We already learned how to add layers. Then you can see here that I have inserted the furniture, a centerline, windows, wall lines, and text according to my layers.
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