TOPIC: AutoCAD Interview Q&A 3
So, the next question is “Explain what viewports are in AutoCAD” that is, what are viewports in AutoCAD are. So, when we had a practice in layout, we saw that we can add viewports in three different views. That is, the viewports provide us a window in AutoCAD in which we can customize our drawing or the output. (5 seconds pause) For example, you can see these three boxes in a model, you can think of this as an elevation, this one can be a section and this one can be the plan. So, i can do some modification in the layout available with me, set the page setup. After setting up the page, I have these three things available to me. So, if I go over it, then you can see that it is written “Viewports”. So, in viewports, they provide us with different windows like if I go with a Rectangular then this is the Rectangular. So, when I selected the “Rectangular”, whatever the drawings are in model space, it will be available over here and if I want to customize it then I can also do that like if I require that I want this drawing only to be here so, I will represent this only over here, something like this. After this, we will double click on it and there is another option that is “Polygon”. So, like this, we can do the customization according to our requirements. Okay? So, here also you can see that the drawing in the model space is available over here. We will see the other option that is “Object”. So, I need to draw an object first over here so, for that, I will go to the home tab and then draw a circle and here I have drawn the circle and I will go to layout once again, and then object. So, I have selected the object and here also the drawings are available. That is the viewport provides us a window to modify or customize layout. (5 seconds pause)
Now let’s see the next question: “Explain the use of Block and Write Block” So when we have watched the video of Block, we learned a lot of things and also about the write block. Let me tell you one more time that block is whenever we prepare a drawing, there are a lot of different elements that are not connected with each other in that drawing. For example, I have prepared a door and I have used 6 lines in it, so, those 6 lines are different units, they are not a bunch. So, when I go for selection then I need to select those 6 lines individually. So, a block is an option that when we prepare a block, if we convert the door, the one which we prepare with 6 lines into a block with “B” + “Enter”, this is the shortcut key of it, so, after entering this and converting it into a block then you all can see and also you all have practice that the whole door will be selected with just one simple click. That is, it will now be a single object or a unit rather than 6 different lines. So in model space, if we want to use one more time or insert or save any door or a window or any other object, then we can do all of that thing with a block but if we use those same doors or windows or any other object into another model space or file, so, for that what do we need to do is we need to make a write block. as we make a write block with “WB”, there is an option where we can save the object and keep it with us for further use. And if we want to use it again in another model space then we need to go to insert and then load it in insert and after loading we can insert the block where we saved. So, this is the difference between the Block and Write Block. A block has a limitation and a write block can be used anywhere or in any drawing.
The next question is “How can we edit or modify the block” So, before editing or modifying a block, we need to explode it first. explode means like we made the 6 lines into one unit, so, then we need to explode that unit or the block, and then it will be divided into different lines.
So, first, we will explode it, and then we will select it, then make it a block again, and then open it into a block editor. And then after going to the block editor, we can do any changes or modifications to it. So, this is a method to modify a block.
The next question is “What is a template?”. So, like everyone knows this, I have told you all in the first or the second video that when you start in AutoCAD, and after starting it and then comes the welcome screen, the templates are available in that template screen. That is, the AutoCAD software gives us some basic template, that is layers, its color, line types, units, these all things are a ‘set’. Then if we want to modify it or customize it we can also do that afterward. But a template is that type of facility that we can save or we can create according to us or we can use the availability or default things, for example, if I want to work in a meter then the template will be saved in that meter. Then I can use it directly where the running unit will be a meter. If I want to work in architectural or in engineering that is feet or inches, then both will also be available there. So, these are all things with different units or different layers, saving anything like drawing, and making a layout, or modifying a whole screen or interface according to yourselves. So, these all things are in the template. So, these all are available with us and we can also design it according to ourselves and save it as well and by chance in future, if need it then we can use it.
The next question is “Methods of using Saved items” , that is, if I have made a block or a write block or a layer then how can we use it in the current drawing I am using. So, for that, we have an option called an insert. Either we can insert or we can go where the panel is or the gallery, as well. So, after going there we need to select the things and after selecting we can insert it with the base point wherever we want. So, for that, we need to press “I” + “Enter”. Then we can go to the design center, in the design center - sofa or furniture or whatever requirement we have made which is available or we have downloaded or did outsourcing of it, we can insert all these things. In whatever unit or size or scaling, if we want to do the customization then we can do it according to it. These all things can be inserted here.
The next question is : “How would you apply both Metric and English units to your dimension style.”
That is, is it possible that we can insert meter and inch together? If yes then how? This also, I have told you all that it is possible. So, when we modify the dimension or dimension style then there is an option available in modification called alternative units. the alternative units available there, if our main unit in use is meter and the other unit that we want is feet, or in inches, that we can get it. If you make a drawing and measure any line with dimension style, So, there you will find “meter and inch” or “meter and feet'' that you can make available according to your requirement. So, yes, it is possible in dimension modification.
The next question is: “Explain Dimension Style” So when you enter “D” then a box will appear. So, the dialogue box that will appear will be “Dimension Style Manager” where you can go to modify and after going to modify you will get many options like
- if you want to change the line then “line type”,
- extension line
- then what type you need to keep for extension line,
- also what color you need to keep for it,
- then what style you need to keep for text,
- what color you need to put for the text,
- what height will it be,
- then how to set the alignment of the text,
- Then how can we set the arrow,
- what types we need for the arrow,
- what size we need for the arrow,
- then if we need the alternate unit or not,
- if we want to do the annotation or not,
so, all these options available with us, whatever our requirements will be, we will set that, and then we will go to ‘set current’. After going to that, whatever dimension is being used till now or going to be used in this drawing, there all these things will be applied. So, like this, we can modify Dimension Style.
The next question is “Explain the purpose of the Match Properties command” that is why we use Match properties. So, like I have told you all in layers, what are layers and we make different things in different ways and then present them. Its type is different, its color is different, its width or weight is different. So, suppose if I have created an object or designed it and that object is exactly like I have made in the layer, so, this time what I will do is that I will not make another layer. What I will do is that the option available with me is “Match Property” so, I will select match properties, then I will select the base or that is my resource, then I will select the object I need in this layer as a resource. Then in AutoCAD, they will ask me the destination or the final point, the layer you want to apply on it. Then the new object or the layer I have made, i have created, the one i have designed I will select on it. Then you can see that the layer available there, in the same layer this object is converted. So, with match property, we can make any object a duplicate of it, we can convert it into a layer directly. So, whenever we need to make an object similar to the other object then we can use the Match Properties.
The next question is “Explain the advantages of the use of a template option” . That is, we talked about what is a template, so, what are the leads of templates. So, the advantages of a template are that whenever I want to start and I don’t know the basic settings of it, so, if I select that template, there the layers, units, styles, weight and these all things are automatically set. So, directly I can work, and with that, I can also change the modifications. Then when I start a new drawing, I need to do some initial settings and doing some initial settings, my time was also wasted. So, if I directly pick that template in which the unit I need to work for, So, with that template I can directly start my work. So, these are the advantages while using the template. So, if we see templates in another way like I have made a furniture drawing, where they're a lot of options available, then I have the drawing of the utilities, so, these are also the templates. So, if I use it then my work will be done quickly, then whatever output or the design I want to set, then I can set it within no time. That is if I want to represent my drawing in a good way then I will use a different template.
Let’s see the next question “Explain in detail about layout” so, we will see what is layout first. Suppose the drawing is available in my model space, in all those drawings I want to represent a few selected drawings with selected scales, or make their PDF, or I want to print them out. So, for print out, you all know that I need different sizes of the pages. So, I can set those pages in layout. Then whatever the placing is that is the plan, elevation, section, or different unit, the placing of it, or its scaling, I can customize that there with different viewports. Then whatever sheet or pdf I want to make, in that, I want to give a company’s name or a project name’s or date or revision or whatever scaling I want to put, I can set that here. That is the advantage we get with layout is that we can represent our drawing the way we want. So, these are all things we can edit there and we can represent our drawing in a very good manner in a software file, that is a soft copy, or if we want to print then that also. So, these are the advantages of using the layout.
Let’s see the next question and this is our last question so, “At last please tell us the initial process before the new project”... that is supposed to be if I have started AutoCAD, and I know that I need to start this project over here. So, before starting the project or the drawing, what are the things that I need to do? So, first I will see the current unit. So, for that I will go to “UN” + “Enter” and whatever the unit is going on, I will set that according to my requirement, then I will set its preference, I will choose it and then okay. Then I will set the units, so, the units which means the dimension, I will check that also… Suppose here in “UN” we have converted it into the meter here and suppose there in dimension style it is working on inches so, I need to change that. So, I will change that also. So, how will I change that? I will enter “D” + “Enter” so I can change the unit in dimension style. Then I will set the limits. So, what is the limit? The limits are that if we set our drawing in a particular limit, so, we won’t be able to do any other activity outside of it, and neither can we modify the drawing. There is another thing, if we have a lot of drawings in the model space, So, suppose I don’t want the fixed drawings but I want all those drawings in one screen or one model space only. So, for that I do “Zoom Enter” “A enter” that is, if I make the Zoom on then I can make all those things available but how much will it zoom? The zoom will be off according to my drawings available there. But if I want to set those things beforehand, then I can do that in the initial settings. So, for that, I will first put a limit. So, to limit what I will do, suppose my drawing size is 100 by 100. So, the limit I will set will be a little above 100. That is for the limit I will enter “L I M” + ‘Enter” So, after entering that I need to specify the first corner.
So, my first corner will always be “zero comma zero” + “Enter”. Here we are working in 2D so, we will use only X and Y components. Then I need to specify the second corner and that will be “100 comma 100” + “Enter”. I can type 100 here because in “UN” I have typed meters there. If there were “Feet” and here if I enter 100 then according to it will change feet and inches and will be applied here. So, suppose I have fixed the second corner of 100 by 100, then the working space or the limits I have made here available, I want them to be in one screen, so, for that, I will do “Zoom enter” “A enter”. So, when I measure the space then you can see that the space will be 100 meter. There is another thing that the working condition or the drawing we want to make, in which scaling we need to keep that, so, we can also set that. Then the line or the object we make, what will be its line type or line weight, we can also check that. And if we want to make the drawing in different layers, that is, we are the walls, doors, tiles, or we are inserting something, and want to make it in different layers we can also do that. So, these are the important things before starting any drawing either making or changing.
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