Hello friends.
Welcome to Learn Vern.
I am (name) and I Welcome you all to today’s video.
In the last video, we learned about dimension style.
In today's video, I will introduce you to modification tools.
So come let us start with today's video.
In today's video we will learn about some modifications which means, when I already have a drawing or I am preparing a drawing, I will need some modification tools. Here we will learn about the modification tools that are available in AutoCAD and how I can use those tools and how we can make a good drawing with the help of these tools as well and how we can get the desired output of our drawing in less time. So in this video today we will learn about some modification tools.
You can see I have a menu available on the upper side and there I have an option to modify.
In the previous video, we already learned about these drawing tools and how I can draw different shapes with the help of these drawing tools.
So from today, we will learn about the modification tools that are available here.
So we will explore these modification tools one by one and we will teach this to you by drawing here one by one. ok?
So come let's learn.
First of all, I will use the tool move. So come let's see what activities can be done with the move tool.
So here the modification command that is available to me can be used only on some specific objects. This means whenever I want to use any tool or command, there must be an object available here because if I don’t have any object then of what I will do modification.
Are you getting it?
That is why here I have prepared 2 drawings, one is the line and the other is the circle. Ok?
So now I want to move this circle, to move first of all I will select this. Okay. Then I will click on the move command and as soon as I select the move command here I have to select a base point, so first of all let's have a look at what is basepoint?
Basepoint is the point from which point we want to move this object which means suppose I want to move this object from the center, so here I will go on center and select. whatever movement takes place will be from the center. Okay. So whatever object I am moving now is with reference to the center.
Now let's see, here I have used the move command but this time I want to move my object from this point and not from the center. So as soon as I select here, let me turn off the ortho command. Now whatever movement is taking place will be from this reference point. okay. So here I can move this.
Let me draw 3-4 objects here so that you can easily understand what I am trying to explain here. Okay.
So here I have 3-4 objects available where I want to move this circle. So I will select the move command and I want to move this with the center, first I will turn the ortho mode off and I want to place this here. So to place this here my reference point was center so when I move this here it is easily placed.
Now I want to move this circle also but the placing point or the basepoint that I am selecting here is this end. okay. Now the point that I have selected will also move and get placed with the reference of the same point. Ok? Then, I want to move this circle but this time my base point is this point. So now the movement that happens with this point or the object that is moving will move with the basepoint that I have selected. Okay. As you can see this is how we can use the move command.
Now if I want to move this line then to move this line also I have to select the move command and here I can select the endpoint as the basepoint or midpoint/center as the basepoint as well as I can select this endpoint as the base point too. So whatever point I select, my line will start moving from that point. Okay. If I select again and click on the move command and I select the basepoint as the endpoint, it will move and in this way, we can use the move command. okay. And to type or use the move command I can type M and press enter. As soon as I click on M and enter, here I am selecting an object and after selecting the object I will click on enter again and I will specify what is my basepoint too. Okay. So we can directly use the move command after selecting the object or I can type M and enter, here the move command is turned on. so now I want to move this object so I will click on enter or space again. Here I will get the option again to select the basepoint, so I am selecting this basepoint, and it is moved.ok?
So in this way, we can use the move command.
Now the next command is copy. Copy means suppose if I already have an object and I want to draw the same object someplace else then I will not draw it again, instead I can copy that object here. so for that, the command is copy. To use the copy command I can directly select from here or else I can also type CO and press enter. So the shortcut key for copy is CO and enter.
So come let's see how we can use it. So I want to copy this object, I will select this object, then I will click on copy, here I have to specify the basepoint once again which means with what reference do I want to copy this object. So I am selecting the center here, as you can see one more circle is ready. As here the option of multicopy is on , I can easily make as many circles as I want. Okay.
Let's see once again…. I want to copy this object but this time I am using this reference point to copy. okay… So now the object that I am copying here is with a different reference point. In this way, we can use the copy command. Like I selected this then copy or I will go here and type CO and enter and this point here is my basepoint and.. it is placed here. ( 6 seconds gap) Okay. So you can use the copy command in this manner as well. ok?..
Then if you don’t have the multiple option available with the copy command, whatever you draw will be copied once only. suppose here I type CO… and enter and here I have an option that is the mode. so with mode, if I want to copy this single line which means this line will get copied only once, so I will select single here. Okay. And here it is done. As we saw earlier, we had a circle and I was able to copy it multiple times by just clicking anywhere simultaneously. But here I turned on the single-mode, so the object is copied here but only once it was copied. so I can change the modes here as per my requirement. So if I want to copy these 3 objects, I can do it from here, so I am selecting the basepoint here. If I want to choose the option to copy once only so I can choose the single mode that is already selected here. Okay.
If I have this object and I want to copy this but this time I am selecting the multiple mode here, so I will type M and press enter and the multiple command will be turned on. Okay. And this is my base point here. So here we can copy as many lines as we want. Okay. So this is the use of a copy command.
So now I hope you already know some basic tips to use the copy command. either I can type CO and enter which is a shortcut key or I can easily select the copy command from here.
Now the next command is rotate.
So to use the rotate command first of all I will draw a rectangle here and suppose this is a rectangle that I want to rotate ok? So I selected the object, then I will click on rotate. As soon as I click on rotate here I have to input some information that is to select a basepoint which means from which point the rectangle should rotate. okay so suppose I select the center from here, then it will rotate along the center. Then if I select here, the rectangle will rotate with the reference to this point.
So right now I am selecting the center, so here the rotation is taking place with the reference to the center point. Then I will go back and select the object again, rotate and select this point, so here you can see the rotation is taking place with this point only. There is one more thing. So if I want a specific input here which means if I have a fixed angle for rotation, I can enter that here. suppose I want the rotation at 45 angle so I will type it here and enter, here the rotation is fixed at 45 angle. Let's check the rotation here. For that I will draw a line here first and then we will check with the dimension and I will select the angle command so here I want to check the angle from here to here.
Try to keep up with me.
As you can see, the object that we had here which was a rectangle is easily rotated at a 45° angle. ok?
We have one more option here. (6 seconds gap) Suppose I want to rotate this object and copy it too, so I will select rotate here, then I am selecting a basepoint and here at the bottom, there is an option available that is copy and reference so I will type C and enter. After typing C and entering, here one more input is asked, that is if I have any specific angle, I can enter that, suppose I have an angle 45. Here you can see that I have a rectangle but I have one more rectangle along with it which is rotated at a 45° angle. Okay.
One more thing, if I am selecting this object here, again I will select the rotate command then this is my basepoint and then I am selecting a copy. okay. So in this way, I can directly copy the object as well. It is not necessary to insert the angle every time. If you want the desired output of your own or as per the requirement of your drawing, you can easily rotate and copy it without entering any angle. ok? We also have a shortcut key to use the rotate command that is RO and enter.
So in this video today, we learned how we can use move, copy, and rotate such as how I can rotate any object.
So whenever we work on any project or prepare a plan, it will be essential for me to move, copy, or rotate any object. At that time how you can use these tools, I already explained that and made you familiar with these tools.
So I hope you will practice these commands - move, copy and rotate. During your practice, If you have any queries or comments, click the discussion button below the video and post there. This way, you will be able to connect to fellow learners and discuss the course. Also, Our Team will try to solve your query.
So in today's video, I delivered the introduction part.
So I hope you are now familiar with some modification tools that are available here and the changes we can make through it.
I hope you all will practice this. During your practice, If you have any queries or comments, click the discussion button below the video and post there. This way, you will be able to connect to fellow learners and discuss the course. Also, Our Team will try to solve your query.
In the next video, we will learn about other modification tools that are offset and mirror.
Thank you.
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