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I am (name) and I welcome you all to today’s video.
In the last video, we learned about hatching.
In today's video, we will learn about properties which include changing any object with color, any line with its weight, and line type of any object and how we can edit any object.
In AutoCAD, when we draw any object, right now I have drawn a line and then we will draw a circle and now we will draw a 3-point arc… so we have drawn this arc… We have 3 objects here and if we want to change the color of any object, how can we do it? We have already learned some basic information on layers in the previous videos where we saw how we can use different layers here and if I want to add color to any object directly or change the default color because In AutoCAD if you are not providing any layer and preparing all your drawings on the default layer that AutoCAD provides, all the objects will be drawn with that layer reference only. Okay.
Suppose I want to change the color of a specific object such as this line, I can click here on color and change as I require. So I will select this line and I want to change the color to this, you can see here that the color of the line has changed. Okay. Then I want to change the color of this object, I can click on color, or I will type C O L and press enter. As I press enter, all these options are available to us. So whatever color I choose here, we can see that in the color tool as well. Okay. So I can change the color from here according to my requirement. Okay.
When you click on any color, you will be able to see the color number down here. If you save the color or remember the number, you can easily use the same color several times.
Then we have one more option here that is true color. In true color, you will be able to see the combination of red, green, and blue colors. For example, when I click here, it automatically changes the properties of that color according to my selection. The properties include hue and saturation. You can customize these properties as you want. So you can see that… whatever figure I enter here, the color will be visible down here according to those changes as a front color or current display color. So I can customize it as I want or I can directly set from these options by clicking here. If I save the color digit or number here that is 131,194 and 36 which is an RGB color number and want to use it the next time, then I can easily access it with the help of this number. Then I change the luminance as well. That is the darkness or lightness of the color and I can manage it from here. So you can click on any color and select it and after selecting it you can change the shade from light to dark as shown here. You can see the R G B color number here and here as well.
Here we have one more option, if we want to use a different color mode, we can change it from here. So in this way, we can customize or design that color that we want.
Then next is color books. In AutoCAD, we have all these colors and when we select the color or click here, it is visible down here. Suppose if I click here, you can see that all these colors are available to us. (4 sec pause) So if we manage or change the color from here, we can see different shades in the same color here. In this manner, we can change or edit the color with color books as well. Okay. So as you can see I can make changes like this and select the color that I want, and it will display here. and if I click on ok here, then that particular color will be available in the color tool here. Here also we have the option in books to check the number of books that we have used for that pattern and save the color name or pattern and use it next time if I want. So I will click ok and that color is visible here. so now if I draw a line here with this color, it will be drawn with that same color only. Okay. So If I select this object, the default color will be shown here. Then if I select this object, accordingly the color will be shown that we used to draw that object. Then if I select this line, the color that I made or customized will be shown here. okay.
There is one more thing, if I want to select the same color for this object as the line, I can do that same color with the help of match properties. So if I select match properties from here and select this object as a source, then I will select the destination, as you can see it has changed with match properties. We explored these options in layers as well. I am showing you once again. Click here, then match properties and here. so in this way, we can change it.
The next thing we will explore here is line weight. First of all, I will change this to ‘by layer’. Okay. So line weight means the thickness of any line that is available to us.
For that you can see here, that all the line weights are available here. So if I select the line weight from here as per my requirement, that thickness will be visible on my display screen.
As civil engineers,we have many elements in our drawing and we are required to increase or decrease the thickness of a few elements, and we can customize it from here. So to change the thickness, we will use line weight. So if I select 0.80 here, you can see it is not available here.To modify it, we will click on the customization panel here… and click on line weight to turn it on, and here you can see the option line weight at the bottom. Okay. So if I turn this on, you can see the thickness has changed according to my selection. This means that if we want to see an object with its thickness, We have a toggle option here that is, show or hide the line weight, so if I turn it on, then only I can see the thickness and if I turn it off only the default line is visible here. then I will turn it on, and you can see the thickness is visible as I apply it. Now if I want to apply here, so this and we will provide one more thickness here. So here the thickness is different for all the 3 objects and now if I turn this option off, then the objects are visible with the default line weight which means the weight I have applied will not be shown here. If I turn this on, the thickness is displayed. Let us change it back to ‘by layer’. (5 sec pause)
Then we will explore one more option today which is line type. This means if we are using any line for a specific purpose, for that, I have to enter different commands in line. Suppose we are using a centerline, for that I will not use this continuous line, instead, I want a dotted line or centerline. Then if we want a different type for the line with center. I can access all those line types from here.
Right now we can see by layer, by block, and continuous line types only and the one we are using as default is by layer which is a continuous line..Okay. So if I want more options for the line type, I will click on others here, then I have to click on load, and as soon as I load, you can see several options are loaded here. (5 sec pause) Okay. So I will select any line and click ok. So this line then ok. And now I will draw a line, (10 sec pause, command) but the line type we selected is not displayed here. why? Because the scaling of the line type is either too big or too small. So for scaling we can double click on this line or press F1. Okay. So as soon as we (12 sec pause, command) press control 1, here a drop box is available where we can notice that the scaling of the line type is 1 right now. So if we change it to 0.5 and press enter and check if the line has changed. It is still not visible. So here we will change again to 0.05 and press enter. (5 sec pause) So here you can notice that the line is available as I selected. (5 seconds pause) Okay. So in this way when I want to use a line for some specific purpose, I can select it from here as per my requirement. And if I have a saved line that is not available in the options here, then I can upload it from here as well. okay. So these are all the options for the line…Suppose we want to use this line, so I will click on current and if I want to see the details, I can access it from here.
When you go to details, you can see here that the scaling is 1 right now and in the display, I want the scaling of 0.05, so for that suppose I want to draw a line and I am drawing a line here, but the line type is still not visible, why? Because when we look at the details of this line from here, the scale factor is 1 right now, so if I change it to 0.05 here and click ok and ok again. Then if I draw a line, you can see that it is visible as we selected. So now whenever I use this line type, my line will be drawn with the scaling of 0.05. so in this way, we can edit and modify with color, line type, and line weight.
One more thing. The cursor or arrow that I am using that you see on the screen is of 2 types, one is crosshair that is visible right now with a horizontal and a vertical line and the other one is a pick box. So when we select any command and draw an object, you can see that the pickbox is hidden and only the crosshair is visible. Okay. So when you draw any object, only the crosshair is available and when you select any object or modify from here, for example, I want to use a copy command here, so you can see that the crosshair is hidden and only the pickbox is visible. Okay. So you can edit or change any settings with the pick box and crosshair as well. For that I will right-click here.. and go to options, then here you can see a window is available with all the options. So here I can change the size of the crosshair in infinity or according to my requirement.
(5 sec pause) Then we have an option here for drafting as well where I can change the aperture size according to my requirement…So here all these options are available to me including the size of the cursor. Suppose if I increase the size of the crosshair here and then increase the size in drafting as well, (5 sec pause) and then apply and click on ok. You can notice that the size of the crosshair has increased. Okay. In this way, I can change the settings for crosshair and pick box too.
So in today's video, we learned about properties that, how we can modify or change an object with color, line type, or line weight.
In the next video, we will learn about block edit, limit set, and some toggle keys.
I hope you will practice with these properties that we explored today. During your practice, If you have any queries or comments, click the discussion button below the video and post there. This way, you will be able to connect to fellow learners and discuss the course. Also, Our Team will try to solve your query.
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