TOPIC: How to Prepare and Insert Attributes inAutoCAD2
So, once again we will make one small block, where we will learn about how to draw a title block and where we can save things like in our file or in our working space.(5 seconds pause) I will go once again to line command and I have drawn the line over here, “TR” + “space” + “space” and this is deleted. I have to draw one more line, so I will go for the line command again, and here I have drawn it. So, I don’t want this line so “TR” + “space” + “space” and the line is deleted. So, the text I want to insert over here, for that I will go for “MT” + “Enter”, and when I go for it, I need to give a window and for that window, I will write (3 seconds pause) “SHEET NAME” and the style of the letters can be changed from here and then its size can also be customized from here. (5 seconds pause) then if I want to copy this, I will turn off the ortho and then copy this, select it, and then I have to do multiple so “M” + “Enter” and selected base point and then copy over here. Then I will select the Date here. This time you see how to insert a date. I will tell you all about the date, name, and sign… while we are practicing. Just like I said before , till the end of this video I will tell you all about how to add a date, so you can see it here. So, I have inserted the attributes, so for that, we will do “ATT” + “Enter”. Then the attributes I need to insert, we will see once again. “SHEET NAME” you don’t have to leave space over here.
The same thing I need to write over here also. So, if you want to leave some space between them, then you can over here. Let these options be like this only. Then the height can be set over here, and then I have clicked “Okay” and then it is done. If I want to insert this over here, then I can also do that for one more time which means that I will copy this object from here and then place it over here. Then if I want to insert the date, I also have a specific format. So, for that, we will go for “ATT” + “Enter” for inserting attributes once again, and from here I need to go for “Default” and from default, I need to choose “Date” and then whatever data I need, I can select it from here and then I will click “Okay”. And accordingly to that, the justification or the style I need, I can change that and also the text height. Date and Date. So, it is done now…. Okay? So, from here, if I try to make a block from here, so to make a block, I change that from here also. So, if I want to change the color over here, I can also change that. So here I can copy this also. Okay? (10 second pause) So, if I want to change that, when I double click on it, from here, the options will be available so that I can change that. But before that, we should know about what things will be needed to insert, to make a block. So, I selected the pick point, then selected the object, then I click “Okay” and then I will write here title number 2 (“t2”). So, whatever the things like hide or unhide or customize anything I can do according to myself. then “Okay”. So, I can change their name over her “t” “3” (“t3”). Okay. So, when I clicked on “Okay”, whatever the date is, I can change that from here. I can change the color of it from here also. Okay? So, whatever the Sheet name is, I can also change that…. Then whatever the changes have been done here, I can also insert it here. For example, firstly the changes I need to do over here are, so the name I will give here will be “R” “A” “V” “I” Ravi, and then okay… Then I will make a block, “B” + “Enter”. Then select the pick point, then I have to select the object and I have selected the object. Then I will click on “Okay”. Then I have to write “T” “4” (“t4”). Okay.
Then you can see that when I click on Okay, So, if I want to change the sheet name, then I will write “Sheet” “dash” (-) “1”. Then instead of Ravi, I want to write Learnvern, then I can do that also. And I can also change the date. Then I will click on “Okay” then you can see those changes I have done, are applied over here. Okay? Then there is one more thing, the date I have set here, I have to double click on that date and then you can see on the above in properties, that I can change the color of it from there also, or I can change its lightweight also. I can also change the type of line. Okay? Then if I want to change the height of the text by 2, I can also do that with whatever changes I want to. Then you can see that the changes I have applied are already applied over here. Okay? Now if I want to use this block, then I will go to “insert”, and when I go for it and I want to use this block t4, okay? So whatever block I need to use, I just need to click over them and I need to click on “Okay” and when I press it over here, so whatever things I need to change, I can change it from here. Okay? Then we will rename it “R2” then the name of the sheet will be sheet 2 “S2” Okay?
And then click on “Okay”. Then you can see that the changes I have applied are changed over here. So, these are the things that you can change according to yourself. Now suppose the block I have prepared over here, and I have one more drawing sheet available, and I want to use this block over there, so like at first, we saw that, if we go to “insert” which means that “I” + “Enter”, so you can see that there is no block available over here. So, for that, I need to make this block into a “write block”. So, for the writers block, I will go for “W” “B” and then “Enter” and when I go from the writer block, I have to select the pick point, then I have to select the object, and then once again “Enter”. And then where I want to place it, so I can do it over there. So “New Block 1”, I have renamed it, then I will save it. Then I will click “Okay” and “Yes”. Now you can see that, if I go for insert, “I” + “Enter”, and then I have the option available that is the Block 1 or Block or any drawing, I can easily insert that drawing from here and with that, if I want to specify its scaling also then I can also do that, if I want to give the Unit then I can also give that. Then Unit or factor or exploding, all the things or whatever the things are my requirement, according to that I can do so. And when I click on “Okay” then you can see that the Block is now available. Okay? And from here, you can edit whatever you want to. So, these are things you can edit.
So, in Today’s video, we learned “Attributes'' in “AutoCAD” which means when we prepare a title block in Attributes, then how can we prepare it and by using attributes, whatever the advantages we get, how we can use them. So, I hope whatever we learned today was understandable and you all will practice it by making the block and saving it in writer's block and insertion, If you have any queries or comments, click the discussion button below the video and post there. This way, you will be able to connect to fellow learners and discuss the course. Also, Our Team will try to solve your query.
In the next video, we will learn about how to prepare a 1BHK plan where we will use so many types of commands that we have used in previous videos as well.
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