TOPIC: How to Measure Area And Volume of Objects In AutoCAD
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I’m (name) and I welcome you all to today’s video. In the last video, we learned about X Reference which is an External Reference. In today’s video, we will learn about how to measure Area and Volume where we will measure different shapes or different objects' area or volume and any other dimensions, which we will explore today. So, let’s start today’s video.
So, like I have told you all, today we will learn about the area, volume, and two to three other dimensions which we use in drawings. So, the first question that arrives in our mind is that the tool available over here is a dimension, there we have already used linear, aligned, radius, diameter, angular, and also made the dimensions available so that if we want to measure something then these options are available. So, these measurements of area and volume, with that the linear dimension and the angular dimension, how can we have used them. So, the basic difference here is that whatever measurements we do, either an area or volume or linear dimension or angular will be shown for temporary work. That is whatever things we use here with this measurement tool, those all things will be for our knowledge, they will not be shown anywhere. Suppose if I take the linear dimension here and with the linear dimension, I take a dimension of a line, that is how long the line is. So, that will be shown in only the command box which is below, that is how much longer this line is. Suppose I have a circle available over here, so, what will be the diameter of that circle so, that will show here only. So, the dimension will not be shown in the drawing or the model space. Okay? So, let’s start Area; Volume and Linear; Angular. So, first I will make an uneven object here because we are going to measure the area also. So, we learn about how we can measure the area of an uneven boundary…And whatever we will use here, the dimensions…in whatever unit you want to make dimensions available you can. Okay? So, here I am making different shapes because of the area I want or the volume I want, I need a close boundary for that. Okay?..
So, like this, I have made the shapes available. So, one by one we will know. In the Home tab there is an option available called Utility option and here Measure. And when I click on the measure, I will have five options available. First is distance, then there is the radius, then angle, then area, there is volume. So, first, we will go the distance. So, after clicking on distance, at the bottom as you can see that it is showing to specify the first point. So, suppose this is the first point I have specified. Then I have to specify the second point, so, this is my second point. So, at the bottom you can see that the distance is showing 4.8, then the angle is also shown here, that is the angle in the XY plane is 18 and the angle from the XY plane is 0. Okay? So, this was the information about this line. So, whatever options you want to have available you can like. I want distance so, one point, one more point, I chose distance and this point. So, when you click in between two points, the distance and the horizontal surface between and how much angle it is making, that will also be shown here. One more thing that will be shown is coordinates. So, the coordinates will also be seen here. So, let’s see it. We need to go to utilities, then measure, then distance, okay? So, this is my first point. So, if I want multiple points, I will enter here, “M” + “Enter”, and (8 sec pause) distance. So, here the whole distance is showing which you have covered or starting from the point, and then adding this point to it the total distance is 13. 8. Okay? (06:07)
Then we will see the second command which is the radius. The radius that is like I have this curvature available with me, that you can see that a semicircle is available, full circle and here also a full circle. So, if I click upon it then it will show me the radius, so, you can see the diameter is also shown and the radius also. One more thing that I have told you all is what its difference is, so, the difference is that in model space, there will be no dimension. This is for our knowledge or where we work and we want to know that the two distances, two distances, sorry, two points having how much distance or the radius of the curvature of the circle we made, then where are the coordinates of the points we took. So, for that, temporary information will be shown here and the command we are using for it is measured. So, making the measure command available, we will enter “MEA” + “Enter” So, when I type “MEA”, so, it will show that if you want to measure distance, measure the radius, measure angle, measure area, or measure volume.
So, whatever your requirement is, you can choose that here. So, if you want to do distance then you can do that. So, here the distance will be shown by how much distance you have covered. Okay? And here also you can see that the coordinates are showing, the coordinates are 2.6, in Y it's 0.4, and in Z is zero as we are working in 2D. Then from here you can “Exit”. Okay? So, the next command we will see in the measure is the angle. So, the angle between these two lines is also shown here. So, the angle between these two lines is exactly 28 degrees. Okay? One more thing, here I have taken “MEA” + “Enter” and I want angle, and between these lines. So, you can see that with the extension it is showing the angle which is exactly 10 degrees. So, when I “Escape” then all that information will be gone. So, from here we can take the temporary information of the measures. Then there is an area so, for the area, we will see a lot of options at the bottom like an object, then add area…then subtract area and exit, and from the exit, you know that you will be out of the command. So, first, we will see the basic method. So, for the basic method what I have to do is that I need to select the points of the uneven boundary one by one to cover it whole and then enter. So, after entering, you can see at the bottom that it’s showing the perimeter that is the total distance is 13.8 and the area is 7.2, whatever your unit is going on, it will show in that. We will see it once again. MEA Enter. and then I want an area, “A” + “Enter”. Okay? “A” + “Enter” and now I will take the area of this line. I will cover the boundary that is the corner points and then enter. Then it will show the area which is 5.7 with whatever your unit is, the distance from the starting point to that is 12.5. So, the second method in the area is that we will type “MEA” + “Enter” then go to the area, then choose an object, for the object I will type “O” + “Enter”. Then when I click on the object it will show once again the area in it and the total length is 12.5. Once again, I will go to the area then select “O” + “Enter” and this is an object and when I click on it, it will show the area which is 2.3, and its circumference is 5.3. We will see it once again. “MEA” + “Enter” and then area, then “O” + “Enter” and select the object after selecting the object it will show that the area is 4.2 and the perimeter is 8.6. So, this was the second option. We will see another option. Like a square is made here sorry, a rectangle is made here, and suppose there is a circle also inside it. Now what I have to do is that I want to take the area of this rectangle only and I want to delete or subtract the area of the circle in-between. Okay? So, for that the option available with me is “MEA” + “Enter” then area and the first thing I will do is “Add Area” for that “A” + “Enter”. Then select the object.
And this is entered. So, this is showing here how much area and perimeter are and the total area because we did “Add Area”. So, once again I need to go to object so, I will “O” + “Enter”. Then select it and then enter. Then I need to “Subtract Area” so for that “S” + “Enter” then select the object “O” + “Enter”. So, this is entered. So, now the circle area is minus that is now I only have the area of a circle and the circle area is minus. We will see it once again. “MEA” + “Enter” then angle and the first thing I will do is “Add Area” for that “A” + “Enter”. Then select the object. I selected the object. then I’ll press Enter. After pressing Enter, “S” + “Enter” then select the object “O” + “Enter”. So, as I have selected you all can see that at the bottom it is showing that the total area is 3.6 which means our area that was of 4.2 out of that 4.2 the circle area is already deducted and the final answer is shown here...okay (7 sec pause) (14:55)
Then is Volume and we need to work with 3D so to work with 3D we will use a command and prior using a command we have to move the object in the 3D Dimension so you can see that you can view this exactly in 3D Dimensional view, so this is available with us. if i press shift and in mouse the pen that I use and the roller in mouse if I press, so this will be our simple pen and if i use it with shift so this will be our shift ,so this I can rotate in any ways ,so any object like this one from here or any object like this one I will keep and i will move the rest of them ,so this will be moved and I will move this object here ..okay (20 sec pause) now if I have to draw from 2D to 3D view i have to use a command that is extrude ,okay, so for using extrude command, i will type EXT ,okay, (7 sec pause) so now which object do i need to extrude, so this is the object ..okay. Then i have to enter and then i have to specify the height, let if i want the height to be 3 and enter. one more time let's see I have to type EXT and as I Have enter “ext” so here we have an option available with us that is Extrude, that means we can work from 2D to 3D so as i enter ,i have to select an object and enter ,then I have to specify the height that is 3 enter. so you can see the option that is here or the object is exactly seen in Wireframe an we will call it 2D Wireframe, so here i will go to 3D Wireframe and as I go to 3D frame ,in 3D here the view which is 2D Wireframe so from here i have to do it conceptual so as i do conceptual so it will in 3D object or solid or shape it will be available ,then what i have to do ,i have to go to home tab then i have to or I can type also ,MEA and enter then i have to take volume for volume, i have to select an object O and Enter so here is our object , as I click it so you can see volume is shown here that its volume is 12.5. Here also the volume that is showing is 12.5,one more time we will see MEA and enter then I require volume ,then volume. then i want object so i will type O and enter and here is our object so as we clicked ,volume is shown here ,the volume ,the volume of shape is 6.8 and here also the volume that is shown here that is 6.8, then metric cube then cubic inch ,cubic fit ,whatever current unit is going, you can check with UN that in which UN are you all working so you can check it and then whatever digit is how you can join it with that unit ,okay,...So again one more time we will go in the Drafting and Annotation then from here the view that i need to take is the top view so as an when i click on the top view so you can see here one more time the objects that we have are available in 2D ,okay…
so in today's video we learned Area, Volume, Distance, Radius, Perimeter and Circumference ,these all things we want about the object so how is the temporary information available ,for that we have use the measure command ,in measure command we used Area and Volume and when we measure Area and Volume, so we have explored the option that is available. In Next Video, we will learn about Pointing which means here an option is available with us Point and within it also we have options available like Single Point, MultiPoint, Divide and Measure so these are all things we will learn in our Next video. so I hope that you all will practice with whatever object is available, whatever Lines or objects available their Area, Volume, Distance, Radius and Angle, you will measure all these as we measured in this video. While you do this practice If you have any queries or comments, click the discussion button below the video and post there. This way, you will be able to connect to fellow learners and discuss the course. Also, Our Team will try to solve your query.
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