Name of Course
Graphic Designing with CorelDraw Tutorial
Curriculum no. and name
Typography in CorelDraw
Timing of Lecture
28.18 minutes
Hello Friends! Welcome to Learnvern!
In the last lecture, what did we learn?
First, what are fonts and what is their importance. We saw two kinds of fonts : Serif and Sans serif. I also taught you to remember the technique of these two fonts. Ok!
Today, we are going to learn font combinations. Because font combination is very important, whenever you create any design. There is a reason behind that, whenever you make any brochure, social media post, hoardings or digital marketing material, then all of it must have a title.
To bring the attention of the customer or client to that title, we will do typography in that.
For that typography, we can use different kinds of fonts. All typography always looks beautiful and there is a reason behind that, but it is only possible when our font selection is very good. Hence, font selection is very much important.
Once you understand the font selection and after that you can shift to font combinations. How can we set two different fonts in a typography? Because all fonts are very much different and all of them cannot combine.
Ok Friends!
Let's see the font combinations. After that, we will learn, what is spacing? How much spacing is required in fonts or if we are making any brochures or social media posts then how much space we need to keep between the font and image.
And after that typography, which we learnt earlier but here we have to learn it practically. We learnt theoretical only.
Ok friends! Now, look here. Here are some examples. “Barcelona Ting Tong”
Look at all of it carefully. There are many different fonts. As you can see, Barcelona is written with curvy fonts. OK! That is also known as calligraphy. Barcelona is written in calligraphy font and ting tong is in Sans serif font. That’s a simple font. Still this is looking very attractive.
New York is written there and below that Berkshire swash. Berkshire swash is written in simple font and New York is in serif plus slight curvy fonts.
London is also written here. That is also Sans serif fonts.
We can make good typography after mixing all of this. You refer to it once. How can we combine the fonts? Always remember that whenever you create any design or select any font and after selection of font, you must be aware about your content. Content is very much important.
You don’t just need to focus on designing only. You have to focus on designing only when you are looking for an image or making anything creative.
We learnt in the first lecture, Designing is a visual communication and with help of that we can promote anything. Main motto of that promotion is that whatever we have written there should carry the right message to our consumer. OK!
So, it is very important to write with perfect fonts. Only the looks of design is not that important. We have to pass our message as well. We have to keep both these things in our mind while selecting a font and making a combination of it. OK!
We will see a small example. This is our CorelDraw.
We will write “Creative Graphic Designer''. We wrote three letters. “Creative Graphic Designer''. If we put this in any post then that post won't look good at all.
We have to convert this in typography and for that we have made this creative with using good fonts. We have to give it a decorative feel because here it is written “Creative Graphic Designer” so that we have to give it a cool look. We cannot keep it simple.
You try to understand practically how to do this? First of all, we need good fonts to write “Creative Graphic Designer”. Designer is here so we have to use a curvy or calligraphy font.
Creative words are there, let’s see what we can do in that and what kind of combination we can set there. We will create two options. Ok!
Let’s start, first we will try some calligraphy fonts. So look here, Cream Cake, as you aware , readability is also an important factor. Like “Caroline” is written here but its readability is that much good in compare to Cream cake. “Hello Valencia” is well written but it won’t suit our concept.
Then “Billion Dreams” looks good. This way the font should suit our feelings. And you have to select two or three fonts accordingly.
Then “Blissful Dream” . This one is good but very much curvy from here. “nature beauty” Yes! After this font, all letters are perfectly readable.
We need this kind of font, which is easily readable. Because unless it is not readable, our message will not pass. We will do the same exercise again. We downloaded all the fonts.
And as we did it last time, make a new folder and keep it here. Last time we made a folder of fonts and this time we will also create a folder of that and keep all fonts here.
We will extract all of them. Install like this.
As we install it simultaneously, we will incorporate it in CorelDraw as well, So that it will be in our mind which font is selected.
We will separate the word Graphic Designer with CTRL + K. So, here Graphic is separate and designer is separate.
Now, we have to combine Graphic and Design. Select Graphic first then select designer then press CTRL + L.
SHIFT + F3. Do the revision once because it is very useful. So you have to keep in mind which thing is going to be useful in future.
We will make a copy of it. Select our downloaded font “Billion Dreams”.
It looks like this!
Another font is “Cream Cake”. Install this Font. Make a copy of it and convert it in “creAM CAKE” font.
Then the third font is “Nature Beauty”, make a copy of it. OK!
Now, see it carefully, which font gives the best look. After that, we will take the decision, which font will be suitable for typography.
According to me, this one is not good and these two are looking good. OK!
Now, it's my turn to write “creative”. For that we will click on the serif font, we can select something from serif fonts. Like, Ranielle! We need some bold fonts because the font we opted for is curvy, so bold font will suit better. “Boiling” is also a good one and this one is also good. We will download this in our folder.
Extract all the files. Now, In CorelDraw, make a copy of “creative” on the other side and convert the font to boiling.
Then install another font called “minigame”. We have installed all the types of this font.
Always remember, right now I am taking any font randomly but when you are creating any brochure or catalog then always work with font family, just like there should be bold font, thin font, italic font, extra black font, bold black font etc. You have to keep all these fonts in your mind and download it. So that, you will be able to create a whole brochure or flyer with the same font family.
So always keep the font family together.
What is a font family, that I already taught you but I show it to you again.
Like here is the minigame font and you can see that all these three fonts are similar.
Then our other font is “Ranielle”. Out of these three, this one is not looking good. We got two good fonts.
Now, we will keep all these in the side and one by one we will try, which one is looking good.
See, we wrote Creative, let’s see in upper case as well. Now, with that which curvy font will suit? Now this one is better because this is more readable in comparison to others.
We will create a box and will keep this inside that box. We have to resize it. We will make their height 5 inch. We will take any shape.
Fountain fill. As we learned in the last lecture, let’s see it again.
Whenever you put anything in CorelDraw and fill color in it, you need a slightly faded or shining color. Then you have to open this edit field from here. Double click here. Then on the second number there is fountain fill and click on that. Then you will get this kind of patch below. OK!
Here are two nodes. You can add nodes according to your choice. But I don’t need it now. Hold it and drag it down then it will be deleted. Here the color is white and here is selected original green color.
Click here and then click on color then select eyedropper then it will match the exact color. OK!
I wanted the fountain fill rounded so I selected this one. I will make the color here a little bit lighter. Now in the middle, slightly shining, that’s what I wanted.
ENTER! As we learned color theory, Whenever you take a dark background then always take light for the above content. If you take background light then all the items which are above should be dark. OK!
After taking this understanding, you have to make this creative. Along with the font, let's see normal designing also. Like, what is the color combination, so that’s how we will do revision as well.
Here is “Creative” written and to make it light, I will put white color in this. Just for an example, For designers, we will take yellowish but yellowish is a little bit extreme, so will edit their color. Done!
I grouped both of them and centralized it. To make this more creative! Creative is but obvious in focus because it is big and the font is also unique. I have applied shadow or something else on Graphic Designer.
Now, another thing, as you can see here, this past is looking weird and disturbing the design. We have to delete this. So for that, what will we do?
We will trim it, as we learnt in pathfinder. Even though I selected more than one item, the pathfinder has not opened yet. Reason of same is that whenever two fonts are selected, then we have to convert any one font into a curve. We will do CTRL + Q to be creative. Then Graphic and after that select creative and trim it.
Now, you can see, all the overlap is cut down. You can see that by removing this. OK!
Now, I will be creative. I double clicked on that and all the nodes are open now. All the parts, which are disturbing the design, I will hold it and press delete button on that. So that part will be removed from there.
It is disturbing here as well. I will delete this too. This much part is done.
Now, we will give a drop shadow to “Graphic Designer” from here as we learned this last time. Flat bottom! And we will try to give the original shadow, so that it feels like it is coming above. So for that, we will increase its feathers. I selected 10 here and I selected opacity 40 once. We can increase capacity more till 50 and their feathers should be 12.
You can see that we made simple things very much creative. “Creative Graphic Designer” It is normally written but it looks good. OK!
In that way, we can set typography on anything or any title. We can put any description below.
This will become a poster. We take any random description. We will take this much part for an example.
Now, I take the text tool and do CTRL + V, now you can see that it becomes a long line. Now, what we have to do, we have to press enter from where we need to cut, so that it will come down. But we don’t want to do this.
Whenever you take a text tool, draw a box. Don’t click, just hold this and drag it. Boxes will be created. Now, if I will CTRL + V here, then all the details will come in that box only. OK!
Now, We have to set it here, which font we want. We will take a normal and thinner font. This one is good, “Arial Unicode MS”. We have to do white color, so it would be visible. And we will make the box smaller, and we will centralize it.
Then, you can see that there is a gap. It does not look similar or appealing. To fill the gap, we have horizontal alignment, left align, center align, right align, full justify and force justify. Left align, you understand that. From where it starts, that all will be left aligned.
Center align means everything in the center. OK!
Right align will right base.
Full justification means no gap at the end. OK! And in the force justify, it automatically adjusts the spacing between the sentences.
Right now, we need full justification only. We will do that only. We will hold all the content and do the center align.
You can see that design is ready. We will not adjust its text or its sizing. Now it's look good.
Like this we can set any typography.
Wherever you go out and see any hoarding then you should observe that, also do the observation , while reading any newspaper or looking at any advertisement or reading any brochures., you will find lots of typography there. We have to observe everything, which is useful for our designing. One example is done!
Let’s see another example of the same thing. We will keep Graphic Designer normal and make “creative” differently. We have selected an earlier “billion dreams font” in this. We will take the same here. We will keep Graphic Designer in any normal font. Yes!
We will take the same base color here. White color. We will keep Graphic Designer in one line.
Which thing you keep small, give them attractive color, so it also seeks attention.
Big things will obviously seek your attention.
See, typography can be set like this also. OK!
One more example!
We will take only Graphic Designer here. And I will convert this to upper case. CTRL + K. I have to make these two fonts bold. We will search out any font and consider the bold one. Done!
I made it black now. The Width of Graphic and design should be the same. Font size will be changed but it looks as per current requirement.
Let’s change the color. I centralized it. I have to bring “Graphics” into focus. Ok! I will use the same shadow for that. It was trending a little while ago.
I increased the feather and I made it 100 times. Page up done! Because of the shadow, it will look amazing. It is a game of shadow. We can use both the fonts of creative.
One type we can create like this. If you want to make it a little sophisticated, then we will decrease the font and increase the spacing here and will convert in upper case. That also looks good.
You can see that “Creative Graphic Designer” Graphic is looking totally different and giving a different look. OK!
We can create typography like this. We kept “creative” very simple here. But it is very much focused even though it is small.
So font size, its color, font variation, all of these are part of typography. That you have to understand.
That’s it. After keeping in mind all of these things, you have to create any design. Ok friends!
We have seen four options of typography. We have created a small design. We made “creative Graphic Designer” . It is just a title. We used shadows in these. Here also we applied two kinds of fonts.
We saw font combinations, spacing management and typography.
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Next lecture is not about workspace. As we already completed it.
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