In the last lecture of Coreldraw we saw many things.
We have seen how to use script macros Very easily.
In that we have seen that we have made designs on multiple pages and how to export all of them with our customized resolution in one click.
Like that only we can do with automation which we will learn in print merge.
Print merge is Basically used in many things but we will start from a very small thing.
Now we will make one more small design.
So we will take its size as a visiting card.
3/2. Ok.
Here it comes.
For which company we are supposed to make you already know that.
We will make it for Edutech.
Ok. We will take its logo and theme
like every time we will minimize it and power clip it.
And we will adjust it with the size of the power clip From inside.
Our logo will come in the Center.
Because I - card will be made differently, not like brochures, leaflets or flyers.
It will be completely different. ok.
Here comes our edutech logo.
Below that our employee photo will come.
We can put this or if we want a Circle we can put that as well.
We will try to circle once.
Something like this. ‘
And we will give it a small outline.
We will give white color to this round and for the back one we will give it a dark brown from our theme.
Outlines for both of them will be null.
I hope that you have understood till here.
Designing this is not a big deal for us.
The practice you have done for designing all you have to do Is use tools.
The creativity will come with practice and experience. Okay.
Here, the element which is shown here can use this as well once in our design.
This will be impactful. We will have to adjust it according to us. Like this.
Like this I will take it a little bit inside.
And this part which is seeming to be a little bit weird.
We will adjust its nodes.
Something like this.
And we will take this part above.
We will give a drop shadow to this part.
And drop should always be realistic. you have to use minimum drop shadow.
You cannot over do drop shadow. It’s intensity should be very low.
See you can’t even see a drop shadow. But if I remove the drop shadow you will see the impact.
Can you see?
So some things are like this when they are not there then only we can understand the difference they create.
This much things are done.
To give a base above,
I have drawn a small line and our base is ready.
It seemed empty.
These things are done.
Now our details will come.
First will be the name. Ok.
We will take the roboto font.
Size 8 is enough.
We should not keep more or less than this.
We will keep regular size for now.
Here comes the name.
After that comes the father's name.
Otherwise you can add the date of birth as the father's name is already there.
Date of birth.
Employee code.
After that comes designation.
For now this much things are enough.
What we have to understand is something different from this. Ok.
What we are going to learn is different.
Now you think that you have to create such i-cards for any company or any brand.
But they are not 1,2,3,4.
They are probably 10,000, 1,000, 500, 200, 300 even 100.
Then what will you do?
There is an excel sheet for all of them.
In excel sheet either you have to type name or you have to do copy paste, copy paste.
You will have to keep clicking on ALT+ TAB , ALT+TAB. Ok.
But think if there is any such software in which all the data will be merged here with just one click and automatically all the ID cards are ready very soon.
So yes, there is one small trick for this.
Which is known as print merge. Which we are going to learn today and it is our main topic.
So let's try to learn that.
So let's start.
First we have to prepare our excel sheet very nicely.
This is our excel sheet. So first will be the name.
After that is the date of birth.
Then employee code.
Then designation. Ok.
We will start entering Names,
As of now we only have to make 10.
Long Pause.
We will also add anything in the date of birth as of now.
We will copy this only. Ok.
In employee code we will add.
In employee code generally company code comes first like “E” .
“Edutech”’s “E” and 01 and like this 02, 03 and we will continue this.
This is our employee code.
Designation for everyone will be engineer and some of them will probably be helpers probably.
So some will be engineers and some will be helpers. Ok.
This much things are done. Ok.
Now what do we have to do?
We will use this data.
Like we have supposed 100.
100’s of data we have.
Now we can’t copy paste, copy paste data for 100 in CorelDraw.
This is what we have to learn in print merge.
First thing we have this data. Now we have to merge this in this.
We will have to run that file in CorelDraw.
Whatever data you have in your excel sheet you don’t have to save it in your excel sheet.
You have to do SAVE AS .
On the desktop you will have to give the proper location.
You will not save it as an excel worksheet but as CSV.
In CSV format you have to save it.
Here I will name it as data.
You have to select yes.
Don’t do anything else.
This is excel. Ok.
After that we have to come back to CorelDraw.
From here, our real game will start.
You have to go in file.
There will be an option of print merge. Ok.
Here, see it very carefully or write it somewhere.
Here now see it carefully after that you can record it and see it later by revinding it.
But right now try to understand how this whole process is done.
In print merge - create load/print merge ok.
You will see a format or pop up like this.
If you see this pop up in older version of print merge then it will be a small one,
But it will be different. Ok.
In older versions it is different and in newer version it is different. Okay.
Import file.
And then you have select file type as “ comma separated CSV file”
Comma separated file.
Then only you can see it here.
See data file is here,
Then you have to open it.
Now you can see that all of your data like name, sale number, date of birth, employee code and designation all of that is here. Ok.
This much things are done, ok.
Now what you have to do is, here you can select it as well.
Like you only want this many things.
But as of now we will take all of them.
Ok. ‘
These things are done.
After that you don’t have to click anywhere else. You only have to click on finish.
As you will click on finish and you print merge pop up Will appear.
We will bring it to the Center.
Name, date of birth, employee code, designation these were the main titles of our things.
They were the main titles of our things.
We can see it here.
Here what you have to do is click on name.
Insert select field.
As soon as you do, that name will come here. Ok.
This field comes.
Now this Formation of ours is successful.
Name will come at the place.
We will have to place it in front of it but we have to take care that the font size for this is 8.
So we will have to take eight for this as well and font style also will be what we have decided that only we have to keep.
You have to manage spacing at an early stage only so whenever you finalize or trigger print March so you won’t face any difficulties. Here it is done.
After that comes the date of birth again insert selected field.
We will keep our font size 8 and what our font type was earlier the same as that.
Date of birth has come here.
After that comes employee code.
Employee code. Same.
You will have to do a little bit of adjustment at last but your hard work will be saved and a lot of your time will be saved.
Designation has also come.
So you can see here.
This much things are done.
Our photo has come, a designation as well.
We have also filled up the field.
Now, name has come beside name As everything else.
Now you must be thinking where are all the details which we kept in the data file.
We only have to click one trigger after that all of our data will be here.
Merge to new document. Ok.
You have to click on this. As soon as you click on this.
See automatically All our data with perfect alignment is here.
Ramesh - 05/05/1996.
See same to same.
The data which we have entered here has been copied with just one click.
You can see here by doing a page down and all of the designs are ready by itself.
We made the design, it only ran it here from our excel sheet file.
All of the data is ready.
You can see employee code. Okay.
We made it till nine.
Designation for all of them is perfectly set up.
All of our data is nicely filled up.
But the problem is that it will be in a new format.
Like, see you made it here in untitled, we haven’t given a name but as soon as we gave print merge another file will be opened here automatically.
We will see rapid fire for once.
You don’t have to do anything, normally you have to go and print merge and then create print merge.
Import file.
You will have to give the file type as CSV.
Then here is the desktop. Designation. Wherever you want to keep it. Ok.
Book 1. Data, R1, which was our data for now.
So we will click on data and open it. Here comes all of our data. Finish it here. Okay.
Here you can see all of our print merge files. You can get me of them here you only have to click on it and insert selected then second click and insert selected.
You have to set it in your design very perfectly and at last click on merge to new document.
Just this much is work but when it will be helpful to you in actual way that will be great.
This is very helpful and it will save you time.
After this only one thing you will have to do which is inserting The photos of your employees here that’s it.
You will not have to do any other work, all of the Data will come here by itself.
You have to do an assignment for this.
You have to create an ID card and you will have to add max to max 7 to 8 fields.
7-8 fields means Name, date of birth, employee code like this you have to add eight fields and make an ID card and do data merge.
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