Name of Course
Graphic Designing with CorelDraw Tutorial
Curriculum no. and name
Designing Visiting cards in Coreldraw
Timing of Lecture
28.18 Minutes
Hello Friends! Welcome to Learnvern!
What did we learn in the last lecture?
We designed a logo through the sketch according to the brief we received for the logo.
What comes after the logo?
After the logo, comes Stationary design.
Now, we will understand what stationary design is.
Stationary design is considered as a very important part of branding. (Pause)
Stationary design plays a very important role in the branding of any organization.
Like, If any customer or client first time visits our office and he isn't aware about our designing and product and what we do here or if he enters any XYZ company and he is not aware about their services.
Then the question is how much verbally can you brief them?
OK! It might be possible that he may forget the information you provided till he reaches home or his office.
So to make this unforgettable, what will we do? we will send a digital mail or we will send a WhatsApp.
We will use digital sources.
But we have to provide something like, which is always there on his table or in front of his eyes. (Pause)
If you send a digital mail, then he will read that only when he opens the system and that mail is seen by himself only, other people like their worker or customer will not be able to see that. OK!
So what we will do, we will provide a print design that is called a stationary design like brochure and many other things that come under this, which we will discuss later.
If we take a normal example, the visiting card is a part of stationary design. OK!
If we provided a visiting card with print, then what impact it will make, we will do that now.
If he keep that visiting card on his table then if they are a business partner or friend or colleague anyone who visits their office will see that card and there is possibilities that when they see that card something will come in their mind, they will get to know about our business and that will increase the probability of getting business.
For branding or rebranding, stationery design is very much important.
If we send any gift to anyone and if we put our brand logo and contact details in that like corporations do such kinds of things, that is also part of the stationary design.
That is also part of branding.
Whenever you provide a CD to our client, we have to send the data to our client, sometimes we use mail and Google Drive but sometimes we get the requirement to send the data in CD.
When we send a CD, we can put our branding on the top of the CD.
If any client asks something written on our official letterhead of the company something like any bill or any agreement or anything.
Then what will we do? We will not write on normal paper.
We will write on that paper only, where our company branding is printed. OK!
If you have to send money to anyone or an offer letter or relieving letter, simply if you have to give any kind of letter then we will use an envelope. OK!
We will not give a paper with an envelope, and we have to design the envelope and that is also part of stationary design.
If we give a Pen to anyone, to write something or suppose we have business where we file a form and provide a complimentary gift.
We can also put our logo design and contact details on the pen as well.
So that people will be able to recall that we received this pen from that company.
These things gradually make an impact in our mind and stay there forever.
If you are a student or professional, whatever you are. Suppose you are a student, and you visit any classes and then their representative will give you a brief about the course and their job opportunities in written as well as on mail also.
In addition to that they will give brochures as well.
Because if you forget any thing which was briefed by them then you can refer to that brochure.
It will remain in your mind that you have gone there and you have to go there.
If you are a businessman and you go for any meeting and someone gives a presentation there then you will also get a brochure as well.
So that If you need more information than you can read it from there.
If they have limited time then they cannot give a long presentation.
And if you need any information regarding their presentation then you can refer to that brochure.
If you are a job seeker and go for a job or any meeting or you have joined any new job then you will get an offer letter there and you will find logo and branding on that offer letter and envelope.
Stationery design is very much important because it is not only a simple print rather it is company branding.
And we can do the rebranding as well.
OK! So that is a very important thing.
That’s not only a simple print which will be provided to anyone.
That's a very important part for any business.
Because this helps us to grow our business.
To make an impression in everyone's mind, it is very important.
Digital things are important but print is also very much important.
OK let's see what kind of things are included in the stationary design.
This is a normal list of a stationary design and there are lots of other items as well but I made a simple list.
First one is letterheads and envelope
Another one is notepad.
If you are going to any meeting and you don't have anything to write then a notepad can be distributed there.
And you can distribute the Pen as well.
So that people will write in their notepad and will take that to their home as well, so it becomes a way of branding.
After that, Calendars.
Calendars are also very much important.
Postcard. Postcards are also very much important, and it is also a part of a stationary design.
Invoice book. whenever you make an invoice for anyone then you should make an invoice book and it is also part of stationary design.
Now what we're going to learn out of all of this list.
First we will learn “visiting cards”.
We will see how to make a visiting card for any company.
we have seen the theoretical part now we will see the practical.
This is a normal list and the visiting card is not mentioned here but we will learn the visiting card first.
We will see how to make a visiting card? What are their rules? How to generate QR code?
Lots of people make their visiting cards on their own by using Microsoft paint or PPT.
But that's not the right way to create a visiting card.
Because I already told you that everything has their specific rules and visiting cards also have their rules and we will create those designs by following their rules.
Let’s start with “Visiting Cards”.
We will open coreldraw. (Pause)
We will take a new sheet. OK!
Now lots of people are confused about the size of the visiting card.
From here we can select the size of the visiting card. We can get preset from here as well. (Pause)
Business Card! OK!
This is 3.5 by 2 inches.
If you're not getting anything then you can directly Search in Google “business card is standard size” and you will get the size from here that is 3.5 by 2.
You have to try this as well because you should not take any kind of risk in regard to sizes, whenever you are giving anything in print.
Make sure that you won’t face any trouble in the matter of size, so always check it.
Now we will open our logo.
We made a logo here.
the client has selected this logo. OK!
Or you can take this as well. (Pause)
We will take this one normally.
The first thing comes in any visiting card, that is the logo. OK!
Now we have to make the front page of this and we have to make this very much attractive, so that whenever anyone gives an edutech visiting card to anyone, it should look attractive.
It should not look normal.
We considered this logo. OK! We have blank pages and we do creativity inside this.
We will not do lots of things here, rather we will keep it normal.
We will do a very minimal design as per current trend.
This is an IT company, so we will keep their vision card very normal and minimal.
Like a simple visiting card. OK!
So we will try to like that, now we have to put background in this.
Let's see what kind of things are available for us.
As we have seen in Freepik.
Let's check two or three things there.
If we get any good background related to information technology so that we can set in our background and will get an idea about that.
Something like this one.
Let's download this and see what kind of background we got. (Pause)
We will extract this, Now we have a photo and AI illustrator file as well. But we don’t need an illustrator file right now.
Let's see by taking photos only. We got the photo.
Now I will convert this photo in our size which is 3.5 by 2 inches.
I will open the lock first. 3.5 and 2.
This is done but you can see that the round shape is ruined.
We have to bring this in its original shape again by pressing CTRL + Z. We have to work on this by using a power clip.
First right click and then powerclip inside.
I zoomed this and made it smaller from inside.
I will decrease its opacity as we learned in transparency.
Because We don’t need to show this very much.
We have to show this very minimally so that whole visiting cards won’t look blank.
Hence, I have taken this background.
As you can see, it is looking better than before. OK!
Now I will try to do something around the logo.
Like I have taken a patch here and will give a round shape from upside and bottom side.
And I will copy the same then click on the mirror and keep it right.
Now take the attributor eyedropper and we will put our gradient color in those patches and let's see how it looks.
As you can see, we can try this as well.
Always keep on trying, so that you will get the idea about which things are suitable in your design or which things are not.
If you have any confusion then what you have to do.
you have to make the copy like this or keep it on another side.
Then we will use other gradient colors there and we will see it together.
Which one is more attractive to you? As per my taste, this one is looking more attractive.
We will delete this one and continue with another one.
It has a tagline that is “one stop solution for all your IT needs”, let's try this tagline here.
Let's type that once.
CTRL + A + SHIFT + F3 means uppercase!
We will choose the thinnest font because we already considered the logo.
We will choose any thin font.
Comfortaa light is also a good font.
We will keep this size very low.
We don’t need to show lots of things in our visiting card.
Only our purpose should be portrayed there. OK!
As you can see the visiting card is ready. “one step solution for all your IT need”
Our front page is ready. OK!
Now let’s talk about the second page.
We will keep the same background in the second page as well. OK!
We have considered the same background.
We can use these patches as well.
I will zero the curve.
We don’t need a curve here. I have dragged this till here. OK!
And now we will keep this logo here and make it smaller.
Here we will keep our contact details so we don’t need a big logo here.
Normal size logo will look good here.
We will keep something here as well for visual balancing.
Here we will keep the client's name.
Then we will keep their contact details here.
We will keep the patch here and put white color on this.
All contact details will come here.
For example, we will take any name Like “Kishor Modi”.
We have chosen this name randomly. We have converted this into regular font comfortaa.
Now, who is this? What is their designation?
So always remember that whenever you write a designation or you have to mention anything like position or any complement then keep the main name in regular font and designation in medium font.
If regular is above then thin will come in below.
Lets understand this practically. I will take Roboto LT here, now their position is Director, that will come in thin font. Like this.
Font size will be smaller than above.
I mentioned the designation like this.
Now After that contact details will come.
In contact details, the first thing is the mobile number.
For mobile numbers, as we learnt earlier.
What did we learn earlier?
We have to show the mobile number or contact details by icon only. For icons we all use flat icons.
In flaticon, We will type contact and we will get a list of icons.
Like always I prefer this because it seems like whatsapp and contact details, so that we don’t get confused.
You have to always take SVG.
So that you are able to change the color.
I downloaded this.
After that comes email ID. For email we have to consider any good icon. But only one condition is there, if you're taking a fill icon and then you have to consider all the fill icons and if you are taking an outline icon then you have to consider all the outline icons.
This is their basic rule.
Email id icon is here.
After that, there are websites.
And After that, location (Pause) means their address.
See we got this many things.
First I will change the gradient because it is looking weird and we will make it smooth by little modification.
It is modified a little bit. OK!
We will fill all the details in the rounds like CTC, call to action.
I will keep its size this much. Then we will keep it in white color.
I will take our contact details above the layers by PAGEUP.
Then we will press C and E, so that it will come in the center and perfectly fit there.
Now I will give the exact distance. All are the same.
After contact details, it comes email id, then website, then location.
Always remember that whenever you take any icon then it will not be their size first, that will be disabled.
If you have to enable that then you have to ungroup all the objects.
After doing all the objects, what do you have to do? You will click CTRL + G. So it will be grouped again.
We will do the same here. ungroup all the objects and as you can see, size is enabled. And we have to group this again, so that it will not move.
Ungroup all and CTRL + G.
We made all of this the same but we want their height the same too.
I copied any of one height and I will paste it here, so that height will match.
But here our contact details have different heights.
So we will see the height of the smallest icon.
Just we need to set the height of the email id manually.
Because That is a little different.
Then whatever details we have like their number.
We will put any dummy number here. Any one XYZ
We will keep their font slightly heavy. So that it will be visible.
Email ID
And any random website
We will be at any XYZ location.
Now, we will see the QR code.
IF there is a requirement of QR code then insert that and if it is not required then it is not compulsory.
Lets learn how to generate QR code.
There is a portal called “QR Code generator” .
Click on this.
Here you can get for free text, Url, contact and phone.
Normally in a visiting card, it is for contact.
Here you can fill in all the details.
Like I keep only one detail here.
I type the name “Edutech”
And save it and always save in SVG. So that we will be able to change the color.
If we select EPS then it is also fine.
I saved this.
We will use this in our visiting card.
This is our visiting card.
This is the first page and this is the second page.
Visiting card is over.
Now, we will proceed further, in our stationary design at number two, it is letterhead.
We will create a letterhead of edutech. OK!
We will do the branding of the same company.
So that you will get the idea on which theme we are working and how we can do the branding.
We will save this first.
Edutech Stationary design.
Now, what we are going to see in the next lecture, we will see the further process of stationary design. Yes Visiting card is also part of stationary design, so in the next lecture we will further see more of the stationary design process OK!
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