Name of Course
Graphic Designing with CorelDraw Tutorial
Curriculum no. and name
Designing Letterhead in CorelDraw
Timing of Lecture
31.47 Minutes
Hello Friends! Welcome to Learnvern!
What things we have seen in the last lecture.
In the last lecture, we saw how to create a visiting card and what we can add to it.
And we had also seen, what is the requirement of customers? how to set alignment? And how to do placement of logos?
OK! We have seen all these things.
Now we're going to see, how to do stationary design? We are going to take practical knowledge.
Lots of things come in the stationary design but we are going to see basic things only.
You will get the idea, how we are going to create stationary design.
Second things, today we are going to see how to design letterhead and envelope in stationary design.
Let's start with the practical. We will move forward in stationary design.
We saved this. (Pause)
Now we will see how to make a letterhead of this.
We will take a page.
We will change the size of the current page.
We got the size of a letterhead 8.5 by 11 inch.
We took the normal sheet.
Now always remember that!
As you can see our logo here and our visiting card, so always remember that You have to continue the same theme which you made in the first design up to the last design.
We will make the letterhead on this theme only.
We just normally copied our visiting card.
We will extract the power clip, which we have done in this.
At this moment, we will delete this frame.
Then, our part which we downloaded as a photo, We will rotate this.
I will copy its size which is 8.5, and we will open the lock from here or we can copy here with lock.
Now, width will be the same.
Now we can do the same thing here as we did in the visiting card.
Actually, there are not many elements in the letter head because lots of content will come in the middle part of the letterhead.
That content may be someone's invoice, offer letter, relieving letter or any legal content.
So there are many uses of letter heads.
So for that, we have to leave space for content which will come in the center of the letterhead.
So for that we will increase the transparency of this. Right now it's 30 but will increase up to 50, so that it becomes light.
Now Right Click and Power click and click here.
Now it is inside of this.
Now, we will set this.
We will null the outline first. OK!
Most important thing, we have to create the layout of this.
Lay outing is such a thing which is part of creativity and you could not learn that directly.
First we will see some examples of letterhead and we will try to make it like that.
We will search Pinterest here.
If we type in creative letterhead, then we will get lots of options here.
As you can see here, which kind of design was made in this letterhead.
It is very minimal and it is according to their logo theme.
It seems very simple and space is left in the center, so that they can write content here.
As you can see here, How much content is in the center, and in nutshell we can say that, we just have to create header and footer or we have to create left corner or right corner.
Only we have to design that.
We have lots of options.
We will make something with our own creativity.
We have an IT firm, so we will make it according to that.
We have two colors in this logo, so first of all we will take these two colors.
First one is gradient and the second one is dark coffee. We will play with our creativity in these both colors only.
What will I do here? I will break the nodes with CTRL + Q. And I will take this little behind.
Now, I will hold this corner and will take a little behind.
With + (Plus), I will increase like this.
I will take this a little down.
Then, here we will put this color and in this we will put this color.
I created something like this.
Here we can make it normal like this.
Our logo will be set here.
This is a whole game of trial and error. as much as we will try, we will get the improved version.
Now you can see that, here it is a curve and we have to make a similar curve here as well and it is possible too.
What will I do? I will make a copy of our icon. Then I will increase the size of the icon and we will align to this.
Now we have to align this patch according to our logo, like this.
Now I will take this little inside and trim it.
Now you can see how it is trimmed. OK!
Now align this logo to the patch and group the whole logo.
As you can see, how the whole logo is created, and I fit that inside this. Like that.
we will increase its length. What is here? Here it is flat and we can't curve here.
We will make a copy of this and we will keep it here like that.
As I told you, it is a game of trial and error. as much as you will do, you will get back many ideas.
We have a Wi-Fi symbol here, and we separated the WIFI icon. I increased the size of the WIFI symbol and kept it like this and then PAGEUP.
After that I will trim this. And now I don’t need this.
On double click, these nodes are opened.
We will delete these nodes carefully.
We got the second shape as well. It is in wifi shape. Now, I will make it smaller and it is a little outside.
Something like that. I can do powerclip here.
And we can do intersect as well instead of power clip, so that external part will not be visible.
I will do the intersection and delete the external part.
We already learned the intersection. OK!
Now this was its header.
we don't have to do anything in footer.
There are two types of footers, one is on the left side and one is on the right side. you have to see which one you want.
Here we will take the reference of our visiting card, this much part only. (Pause)
We will use our gradient on white part.
B means it is bottom aligned.
You can keep the size randomly as much as you want.
At this moment I am keeping the sides randomly, otherwise you should keep the size as per rules and regulations and font size should also be as per rules only.
I made this very basic, you have to make this creative. OK!
There are lots of possibilities for creativity.
I can keep this also like this on the right side.
We can use our logo as a watermark, as you have seen this kind of letter normally. (Pause)
I made this slightly lighter and I will do the powerclip here, like this.
We can create letterheads like this normally.
There's no need of lots of creativity but you should try little creativity for big clients
We have completed our letterhead.
After that, we will learn the next process of stationary design.
We completed the visiting card, after that we completed the letterhead.
Now we will see the envelope.
We will see how to design envelopes.
We will take a new page with the same action.
We will find out the size of the envelope here, if any available otherwise we will take it from somewhere else.
Here we have lots of size like #9, #10, #11, envelope check and envelope monarch. Now we have to see, which one is the actual size from these all? as usual we will search this on Google.
We will type here Envelope standard size. There are different kinds of sizes available here. OK!
Normally, we will consider the first one which is 8.5 by 8 inches.
Means we can choose any one from here.
We choose that. As per regular practice, we will take a box here then we will start the next process.
As we used the visiting card background theme in the letterhead, we will do the same and use that same theme in the envelope as well.
we will remove the watermark as we don't require it right now.
Now we will extract this.
Our envelope is in landscape mode, so we have to rotate this in landscape mode. Then right click and power clip.
I have to do a powerclip inside this.
To edit this, I will double click with CTRL and then edit from inside. I will make it smaller.
Yes Like that!
Now, it is normally like a box.
Now, we have to create a header and small footer and for that I will take any shape, just like this.
At this moment, I don’t need this curve.
I will trim this curve like that. We will delete it with the help of a reference box.
T and L. I made this smaller.
We will keep our logo here.
Always remember that in envelope and letterhead, you have to do minimal design.
If you put so many details here, then it won’t look good at all.
I copied this and I will make it smaller. Like this.
And I will bring this in the center of both of them.
I will make the similar line here in the bottom but I keep the different color as per our font.
This much part is done.
Now we will incorporate the address and contact details.
It is very much important to set this, whenever you set this, set it in a very well manner.
These details are very much important because with help of these details our client will be able to contact us.
So we have to design this in a very good manner.
You can see that there is white round behind this.
I will delete this, because I don’t need this right now. To delete this precisely, I kept black background so that it will be visible easily.
This is deleted. Now, I will group all of them.
First one will be our contact details. And beside this, email id will come.
They can contact us with this digital contact. After that, the website.
Now, I have to align this all perfectly. I have to distribute this and for that I have a trick, that I am going to teach you.
First of all, ungroup everything and group icons only.
So that icon will not move at all.
Now, I will equally distribute everything. SHIFT + P, this is a shortcut which we learned earlier.
Whenever you have to align anything in landscape mode then press SHIFT + P.
Now, here I will take the nudge of 2 MM. Now, I will take a nudge here so that the child will come nearer to the parent.
Now, you can see that, if anything ends then there is an equal gap, like after mobile number there is a gap and after mail id there is a gap.
Earlier, there was an equal gap between the icon and number and then other icons, it should not be like this. Equal gap should be only there where things end.
I hope you can understand what I am trying to say.
As we already know the fundamentals of parents and child.
These little things matter a lot.
Now, what do we have to do? We have to group everything together. Then we have to keep a divider line in between everything. I kept the line like this.
Now, select everything and SHIFT + P, so the alignment and distribution become perfect between all of them.
Now, you can see that it is looking perfect.
Everything is nearer to their belongings.
This much part is done.
Below of everything, our address will come.
I kept the address very small, normally the address is always bigger.
We kept here small because we don’t have such an address.
This thing is completed like this.
We can keep a watermark here, if we want them. But we don’t want to do that.
We have to keep it a little simple and sober, so that it will look good.
You can see that we have created letterhead, visiting cards and envelopes as well.
Now let’s go further and see what things are there.
Letterhead is done. Visiting card is done. Envelope is done.
Now it is the turn of Notepads.
Notepads don't have any specific size.
It is customized because whenever you go for any conference and meeting, then to make notes you get small diary kind things. OK!
There are designs available on that notepad. OK! That design is our branding.
Because you are going to take that note with you.
So, whenever you see that, or your friend, relative or any colleague sees that then it becomes part of branding.
So because of that, we should always focus on our branding.
Notepad normally will take 8 by 10 inches.
We will do the same design on the same theme.
We will take any background here, which we used in letter head and we will extract this. We will take this much part on the other side as we usually do.
OK! Like this, I kept it. (Pause)
We will try to do something different in the notepad.
We will keep the logo in the center. OK!
Now, we will take the contact details once.
That is also set here.
We can do creativity or artistic things in the center or we can try typography as well.
Let's see what we can do in typography.
We will find a dummy design. If you are getting it from the client then it is well and good and if it is not provided by the client then you should get the content from somewhere else or if your English is good then you can do it by yourself.
Ok! Here we can take any motivational thing. (Pause)
We can keep something related to opportunities.
We will try to set this in typography.
I will take this in uppercase. As you know that CTRL + A + SHIFT + F3 and U. OK
Those things which are important for me, I will make it bold and will see if it is suitable or not. (Pause)
I will change the size from 24 to 28. It is perfect now. I will change this one size also.
You have to take care of visual balancing as we learned earlier. You must know how to set the visual balancing.
Perfection will make things better. OK!
We can give only an outline to this one.
Because everything is trial and error. As much as you do, you will get that many ideas.
And you can make this that much beautiful. (Pause)
I will increase the gap between all of these.
This is also 39.
I will try once again to set this.
We will make every font size the same and all align similarly.
We can change the font as well. We can try multiple fonts. Like, this font is also very good.
Whenever there is a meeting, there must be an opportunity for business or for those who are attending that meeting.
So, I highlighted the opportunities’ part more.
Like this, typography is ready.
We will set this in the center.
Like this, We can create a notepad like this normal one.
But when the final print will come, it will look too good and niche.
This is done.
What else is left?
Now, the next one in the calendar. But we will see the calendar in the next lecture or later on.
Because I need to teach you the method of the calendar and how it is created.
Now, we will directly jump to the postcard and invoice book.
How can we create postcards?
We will try to create postcards once.
Normally, Its size is 6 by 11.
Postcards come in different sizes.
We have to do a partition in the middle and we can do our design this side.
Like this, we have to copy the background like we did earlier.
We will fill that here with a powerclip. (Pause)
We can copy the same to the same design here.
We can change the quote if the client requires it, otherwise, we can use the same here as dummy.
This is also a branding.
Whenever you want to post anything then you can do like this as well.
Now, group everything and align that.
This also became part of branding.
After that, it comes the invoice book.
We can also create a cover page of the invoice book and the internal part of the same.
Normally that is also customized.
We have learnt these many things in the branding.
What things have we seen?
We will take all of that in one page only.
For that we need to take a large page. 40 By 40.
We will copy the letter head, then envelope and after that notepad and postcard as well.
Now, you can see that here we have completed the visiting card, letterhead, notepad, envelope and postcard.
So, all the branding which is part of the stationary designs are completed now.
Like this, we make theme base stationary designs for any company.
Like this we have completed everything from logo to print media.
Today we are going to learn how to create calendars.
Let’s start it practically and see how to design a calendar.
Normally, we require data for the calendar, like what will come on what date.
We will start this.
You have to go into tools first and run script then you have to go in macro then you will get calendar wizard.
You have to click on the calendar wizard then run it.
The moment you click on run then you will get the popup like this.
Then inside that you will get calendar dates. You have to check the year here and select that year which one you require.
2021, there are many years available here. We will take 2021 right now.
You have to click manually which months you require in the calendar.
We will select all.
Now which language do you want? Week starts.
On which days you want holidays. Generally we will keep Sundays.
Layouting, you will get options here. You can see in navigation.
Right now, I will keep it for a month, so that it will be large like this. (Pause)
Here are lots of options, you can decide the color, fonts. You can decide everything. If you want a different font then you can get that like pluto or robetto, anything.
We will keep pluto.
When you click on generate, your pc will stop. You will get something else “finishing the generating the calendar” Click ok.
And now close that.
Now you can see here, you will get 12 months of data. OK!
You can customize this, if you want to change the color then you can ungroup this and change the color of everything or design according to your choice.
You can customize it very well.
This was all about data, if you want to design it then what you have to do?
You should go on freepik and type calendar 2021. You will get many templates there.
You can design this template.
You have to take the whole data.
We have already seen that earlier, how to download the data from freepik and then convert it into an illustrator file.
After that drag and drop in CorelDraw and process further.
Like this we can make a whole calendar.
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In the next lecture, we will learn how to make social media posts including festival posts and promotional posts. OK! Boost post also included in that.
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