In the last lecture which thing we have covered?
In the last lecture we have seen festival post, promotional post and social media cover page for all platforms
We have covered all of the platforms
So our today’s topic is Bi-fold brochure and Tri-fold brochure
About these two you might have heard rarely
May be you would have heard about brochure but Bi-fold and tri-fold you may have heard for the first time
Ahead we will see what is Bi-fold & tri-fold brochure
Bi-fold is one creasing in which only two pages are there and in between there is a crease and that folds it
Tri-fold have two creases. It is of three folds.
That’s why it is called Tri-fold.
We will see the detailing ahead.
How many types of folds are there.ok.
C fold. You can see how he has done the c fold.
It is trifold only but it is also known as c fold.
In Z fold this many pages are there and there are a total of three pages in that.
That is known as Z fold.
This fold is created according to the client's wish.
it is folded like this.
It is all about creating fundamentals.
After that cross fold which is also different.
Then double fold that is also a different way in our folding.
These types of brochures are there.
But majorly in our industry the most popular one is bifold and trifold.
Now we will talk about the normal world where you have seen the most bifold and trifold brochures.
Mostly we have seen that in a restaurant.
Menu card there is a print bifold or trifold.
You can relate to it.
You might have seen lots of brochures.
Ok. Which are bifold or trifold.
The next time you go to a restaurant, refer to them nicely.
You have to see the designs carefully, you just don't have to order food.
Ok. you have to see which type of fonts are used in that, how is the breathing space and which type of graphics are used you have to see all of that.
Ok this was about an example.
Now we will talk about the things which are seen in corporate as this bifold is mostly seen in restaurants.
Something like this annual report or some real estate new projects or flats launch brochures.
For that also there are different types of bifolds and trifolds.
Whenever you go to see a new house, what do you ask the builder? I want to see a brochure.
Ok. and if you go to see some laminates or paint shops you ask about brochures.
For painting in house you need to see various color options and brochures.
So whenever you go to a shop you are given a brochure and from that only you select which color you want.
This is also an example. Ok.
Always remember that whenever you design a brochure there are certain rules and regulations for that.
We will see how rules and regulations work in brochure making.
Because it is not a social media or one liner post in which you just have to set your content and on image.
In this we will have more content and adjusting that we will be all about our ability and artisticity.
Ok. so we will try to make a good brochure.
Here you can see how nicely he has used an image, there is a patch behind the image that looks so good.
He has given such a decent look to the entire brochure.
There is a lot of white space but he has managed that beautifully.
This is a different type of cut he has applied and there is a reason behind that.
The reason behind that is breathing space and visual balancing.
So you have to understand all of this, how can we make this?
Ok. Now we will talk about practicality.
Whenever you decide on printing there are always two options of how do you want to print?
Bleed and Non bleed.
Bleed means cut to cut.
Whenever you give it for printing then it is cut to cut. Ok.
In that no frame is added.
It is designed till the last edge.
But if it is non bleed there is always a frame and under that only the work is done.
Ok. inside the frame only, the margin is given properly and also cut is outside it.
And then some space is left outside it.
You can see here there is a perfect 5mm frame and inside that only the entire design is.
So these two things are there.
Whenever you go for printing or you deal with clients, always ask them if they want bleed or non bleed.
Ok. like this we have two options for printing.
Now we will start practical.
how brochures are made and how we can make brochures.
So we will start making brochures and we will make on “edutech” only like we have designed the stationary like that we will design the brochure for this company only.
I have created a dummy content.
We will use that content to create a good brochure.
Ok. So let's start.
So we have created a new file in coreldraw.
Whenever you cant understand what should be the size of brochure, mostly the client will tell you that if they want in A4 or A3.
If the client doesn't tell you and it is his first time or he doesn't have any idea about this so what you have to do is as we normally search on google about everything like that only we will search here that bifold brochure size.
You will get a perfect size here.
8.5/ 11 inches.
So here I have taken 8.5/ 11 inches.
Like this.
Now there are two ways of doing this. Ok.
Always remember that this is an outsider. Ok.
You have to understand this nicely then only you will be able to design this nicely.
You just don't have to design this, you have to send this for printing as well.
So understanding this is very important.
Then this is insider.
What is insider and what is outsider you already know that.
I will tell you.
See this is an insider and this is an outsider.
Whenever there will be printing of this there won't be creasing.
This creasing won't ever be there.
And this will be a flat page just like that.
This will be a flat page.
It will be like this when printing will be done after that it will be done.
So we have to design in that way so that it will look good after printing.
Ok. This is its title page and this is its last page. Ok.
These both will be together.
First page and last page they will be together as outsiders.
Here this will be the first page and this will be the 4th page.
When someone will open this then they will be able to see the second page and third page.
See once again.
This is an insider and this is an outsider.
This is the first page.
When someone will open it this will be the second page and then third and behind that will be the 4th page.
Like this we have to design this.
First will be the title page.
As of now we will design 1st page, 2nd page, 3rd page and 4th page sequence wise after that we will shuffle it at last.
According to how we want its printing.
So first you have to rename the title page.
Title 1st page. Ok.
Our title 1st page is now started.
We will start designing on the first page.
Whenever client gives us content he has clarify that which content he wants on first page and which content he wants on second, third or 4th page,
Because there are many fundamentals for this Friends.
Many times there is a content writer with us and many times not.
Whenever there is not a content writer it is not our responsibility to write that content so you always have to request to the client that please bifurcate which content will be on the first page, 2nd page, 3rd page and 4th page.
You have to ask for bifurcation of all four pages then only you will be able to design nicely.
Now we will see which content we have got.
This content is made by me. It is a dummy content so that i can teach you.
Content is a secondary thing.
This is title page content in which we only have to add tagline and contact details.
One stop solution for all your IT needs and contact details.
So what we have to do whenever we make a post, what is the first thing we take.
We take the logo first.
This is our festival post image i have opened it,
First thing we will take is the logo.
Here comes the logo.
After that comes background,
Which type of background we take.
We can also take this “festival post” background as well.
Or we can take any different background as well.
We are free to design it in our own way.
We have freedom that we can design in our own way.
So before taking the background we will see other things as well.
Normally we don’t create all the elements and sometimes it is better not to create by your own because sometimes you can find it somewhere else and our work is done speedily.
Sometimes what I do is I search for creative flyer design.
There are many flyer designs like this and if there are some good elements in them I can take them and use them as well.
As a background and as an element as well.
So that it will be easy for us to design.
See this.
In this I am able to imagine that I can use this in our brochure’s first page.
First we will download this.
And we will try to put it in my design,
Like always, extract files.
Then we have an EPS file as of now so we will have to open an illustrator.
We will have to convert an EPS format to AI.
But before that we will delete the things which are unwanted and which we don’t need.
Like first this background i have selected it and deleted it.
After that with just a normal click, SHIFT+CTRL+G.
With that it is now ungrouped.
And now I will delete all the text from it.
Because I don't need it.
The shadow below is also ungrouped and I will delete that as well.
I will keep this so maybe we can use it somewhere.
Main thing is this leaf kind of thing.
This is very important for me.
Now with CTRL=SHIFT+S, I will “save as”this.
Then Adobe illustrator.
So from EPS we have an illustrator file saved.
I have dragged and drop this,
Something like this.
It is here but it is somewhat mis-balanced because we had downloaded a big file.
I will delete this thing as of now.
I will keep this leaf kind of image because I need it.
Then I have set it here like this.
We will set the logo as well.
How and where to set the logo.
Now I will search out which background I want to keep.
So we have already taken a lot of backgrounds.
But I am liking this one as it’s color is matching with our logo.
So i will copy this by going inside powerclip and i pasted it here.
Now by clicking right and then powerclip, i will powerclip this.
I will remove its outline.
We will align this to the left and try to adjust this.
There are many elements in this which are still to be deleted.
So first thing I will ungroup this.
And after that there is this shadow type I will delete for now.
Because we have shadows in CorelDraw as well which we can use.
Then I will increase its size.
Something like this we will set this.
Now in this what we will do, we need some element or photo, we already have photos.
We will use the photo according to our theme.
We will try to use this photo.
After that the image we have its color should always be according to our logo.
It should be according to the color of our logo.
We will try that color here.
It is looking good.
And now we will set it like this.
This man is now standing here.
Now we will take its outline a little bit inside.
So that it doesn't look outside.
Now it is the turn of typography.
Now we will do typography here.
The main thing is what is our business type?
Second is what is our timeline?
That we have to enter but we can show our creativity as well.
This freedom is given to us by our client.
First thing they have told us is what we have to keep on the first page.
First is “one-stop solution for all your IT needs”
And second is “contact details”
So what will we do?
We will take “one stop solution for all your IT needs” at first.
In black colour.
What is the most important thing?
One-stop solution is important and IT needs both are important.
So we will try to give importance to the highlighted things.
We will take the one step solution below and IT needs also below.
I will right align all of this.
Something like this.
And here also right align.
By pressing CTRL+K, I will break all the fonts.
And here I will bold the things which are necessary.
I have decreased its spacing.
Right align.
And I will give this color to “ALL YOUR IT NEEDS.”
We can do one thing also we can take this for here as it doesn’t have that much role.
We will try to highlight “ALL YOUR IT NEEDS.”
This will look good.
I will take both of this in one text box and then click on full justify.
Or on force justify so that it is merged nicely.
I will decrease its spacing.
Right align.
And here also right align.
Okay this much things are done.
As of now we are ignoring this logo because it is upside down which is okay.
Now we will talk about the other things.
These things call for diagnosis and contact number, Client has given us permission that we can design in our way so what will we do we will right align this.
And we will do the spacing properly.
We have to take this little bit below.
Something like this.
So our normal title page is ready now.
As much as we will adjust this the more finishing will come.
Always remember spacing management is very necessary in this.
How do you do the spacing? How do you do the layouting? That is very necessary.
So you always have to remember how well you use the space you have?
It should look very good.
We can do one more thing.
We can add a little patch here.
So that there is visual balancing.
Something like this.
So look how well it is looking and it also looks like this is our first page.
This is the title page of Edutech.
One stop solution for all your IT needs and call for first free diagnosis.
And there is their number.
Ok. So now the first page is ready.
We will move on to the 2nd page.
Page down.
I have told you before that as of now we will normally design this after that when we have to give for printing and for that we have to ready the file, i will teach you how to do that?
For just printing.
We will continue this in the next lecture.
Thank you!!
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