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Graphic Designing with CorelDraw Tutorial
Curriculum no. and name
Creating different layout and design with example of CorelDraw
Timing of Lecture
47.12 Minutes
Hello Friends! Welcome to Learnvern!
In the last lecture, we saw examples of visual balancing. We have also seen the theory of brand themes.
Now we're going to understand it practically through the examples.
We'll see in little depth.
Let's start this!
How can we make our layouting better? How can we use empty places? We will see this. OK!
Let's start with the practical, how many designs are created and how to set content.
Here we have content like this “creative graphic designer” and their contents are mentioned here. further if we have to put contact details.
We have to put this much detail in this creative image.
We can create our own content or we can take inspiration from somewhere else and manipulate the things.
If we get content like this in the word, WhatsApp or in mail.
Let's start! How will we make this design?
We made this last time.
Now we will take a square like this and we will bring all the contents here so that we will get the idea of how much content we have and how we set that.
so first of all we will bring all of our content here.
The first one is “creative designer”!
then their services. OK! our all contents are here.
“creative graphic designer” is written here.
Now what do we need to do! We can make this whole design in two ways.
We will make two options, one will be colorful one and another will be normal and sophisticated.
we will use the color palette, as I showed you earlier.
As I taught in color theory, We can adopt a color palette from somewhere, the same thing we will apply here practically and will see how to use color palette and how to fill color.
This is our Pinterest and from here we will select our color palette.
We will type the normal color palette here. We will get so many options here but we have to choose according to our color.
So here we have to see life, which kind of colors are available to us and how we can make the design.
Right now we are going to make sophisticated designs, so that will go towards crystal color rather than saturated color.
We will use normal colors.
We can choose this color palette because there are lots of sophisticated colors in this. we will use these dark colors in our content or text.
We will directly copy it like this and paste it in CorelDraw Like this.
Background color will be very light. We will try both of these colors.
Let's see which one will be suitable here. I think both of these will suit me here.
Right now we will go with this one.
we have to make this color slightly lighter.
we will open the color palette and add the white color like this.
Now, the most important thing, we have to insert an image here.
The question is from where We will take that image? normally we can take from Google otherwise we can take from “freepik”.
Freepik is a website, which I will show you.
Freepik! You can write anything here then you need to select any one from these options, which are vector, photos, pics or images.
Normally we will select photos. so that we will get the photos.
If you want to pick a vector then you need to select a vector.
Right now we have to create a normal design so that we need a normal photo.
I already downloaded that photo.
This is an image which I downloaded.
In this photo I don't want the whole part, I want this part only.
I cut that part and for cutting you can use Photoshop, otherwise there is a website called “remove visit” but you will get some issues there, that website will reduce the resolution.
so that if you know Photoshop then cut in that only By using pen tool, so that we will get clear cut.
we will bring this in our coreldraw.
Now there are two things, we can put this photo on the right side or left side. According to visual balancing, it should be kept on the right side because his screen is facing the right side and face cut is also on the right side.
So we should keep this side only and we can put our content here.
but if you want to put it on the left side then you have to do a mirror image, then only it will be set on the left side.
but right now it will suit here only.
we'll set it here by making it a little smaller.
but it is not matching to its background because its color lighting is totally different. so to match the color I will teach you two or three different things.
you have to go in effects then go in adjustment Then click on image adjustment lab. you have to give a slight bluish and slight greenish tone to set the image.
OK! We have to add a little darkness in that to bring depth. We have to select again then we will go into the effects after that we will select adjust the brightness/contrast/intensity.
we have to maintain this so that we will get our image according to our background. We have to set it very well and set it in good manner.
OK! Now it's matching a little bit. Now, we can do power clip or we can cut it meeting but currently power clip will work better.
we have to right click then click on the power clip inside. and the power clip is done.
Now we have to go inside the power clip and adjust accordingly. OK!
to create a visual balancing, We will take a small circle.
This whole thing is experimental and we're not making it by any planning.
So maybe it will not look great. I draw the circle and then click on the power clip. now I will page down to this so it will go behind. We will set the color to a little bit of a darkish tone, So It will be visible under our background. Like that!
Are you able to see this in the behind? This is a small experiment to see how it will look so that our Image will get a base.
Another thing, we have to show his desk in a different manner because it is looking weird. There is a cut from here and we have to set it.
To set that we will draw a small patch here. similar to this! press CTRL + Q, to match the corner to that point.
We will fill the same color here as well.
then we will hold these two points and stretch it below to set it in a better manner.
Now you can see that it is fully set. Now we will set that round which is behind.
Now you can see that visual balancing is looking better than earlier. like this we can create a visual balance.
we had set the photo, now we will set full content.
This whole thing is experimental, it is not going as per our thought process. Still we can do lots of changes to make it better.
right now it is going live so you might feel that it is looking better here not there. OK!
I will show you the difference. I will do the CTRL + X to this.
This is a trick. I will press CTRL + Z repeatedly.
I will take this to the other side. Now, you can see the difference, what is visual balancing?
Visual balance does not have any definition, for now you can understand by doing it practically.
Now you can see which things are well maintained, which things are looking great. here with one round lots of things are set and you will get base also. OK!
Like this, some part is set, now we have to go further.
We will make a copy of these two and paste in another page, So that we will be able to compare the difference.
Now it's the turn of “creative graphic designer”.
PAGEUP to keep upside. We will delete this bullet.
We will convert this in uppercase. SHIFT + F3, select uppercase enter.
if it is a calibri font we can keep it bold or we can use other fonts as well. you can download your font according to your choice and use it respectively.
it all depends on you how you play with fonts. right now we will take “Franklin gothic demi”.
This will be our title creative graphic designer.
Now see one thing: we will get some issues in visual balancing and we have to make it a little clear.
Where do we need to make it clear because graphic designers are overlapping one round. so that we have to make that round smaller.
I made this round smaller like this. I clicked R to the right to align both of these two.
always remember that if you want to do things to perfection they take a nudge of 15 mm or 10mm as per your requirement.
what I will do, I will write a line the creative graphic designer and touch to the edge. then I will click the left arrow key so that it will go 15 MM on the left.
suppose I keep the logo here, like the normal logo of a CD.
This is our basic logo, we will take this in and will fill any basic color in this.
We will take a reference line in the center and we will add two points on the reference line.
We will take 2MM left nudge on these two points. Our dummy logo is ready, now we have to set it.
To set this, we will take 15 MM nudges and leave it here only.
As you can see, 15 MM nudges applied on both sides, so that we got proper spacing. We can work like this.
Another way is like whenever you are creative Then you had to create a box like this and take the defined size according to you.
Right now I am taking 15MM, and we will keep it here.
you have two left defined margins like this.
Now whatever design you create, that will be done inside this margin After leaving this much space.
content must be inside this, it should not go outside of this margin.
If the image goes outside, then it is ok. We can ignore that.
We have to work according to this one. you can do like this or like this as well.
take perfectly 15 MM nudge and leave the space upside bottom and left and right.
a creative designer is pending to set right now, So that we will not leave the top nudge. OK
There are two ways to work and you can select any of these two.
We will keep this in a thinner font and increase the size. We can also convert this uppercase.
we will increase its spacing. this is our graphic designer, now we can give 15MM nudges.
We can give a little more by 3 MM. so this both will set in perfect nudge.
We will leave the creative color Same as it is, And will change the graphic designer color to green.
As much as we will do the experiment, we will understand what we need to set, what our requirements are and how we can make this better.
Now, it's the turn of services. service will not come in this much part because the list of our services are big and we have to keep on size this much mandatory.
so if anyone checks this out in mobile, he does not need to zoom in out.
Currently, creative graphic designers and logo sizes are visible enough easily.
We have to keep this detail small and the font should be normal as well.
We cannot keep fonts in bold because of the rule.
The rule says that whenever you keep any title in bold then you have to keep details in normal, so it will look better.
If we keep details in bold then no one will understand what we are trying to bring into focus.
our title will be misunderstood and it will clear the fundamentals of parent child as well.
so if we want to set this then we have to make our image and round smaller.
Little smaller and little inside. Now we'll see whether it is fitting or not, otherwise we will adjust further.
I took a lighter font for this and we will write a line of text, like this. Because our whole design is depending upon right alignment.
We need to do more adjustment here because we have to bring content details below here.
We will set the round once.
This part is done but this part is looking blank. So, to make adjustments there, we have to set the line or round in a good manner.
We will group these two and move the round only.
At the moment, I cut the image by CTRL + X and by CTRL + V the same will come to the same place. Ok!
Now you can see that there is another thing if I want to touch this round here to the laptop, it is also a part of creativity.
We can try this experiment. we will take our round out by CTRL + X.
Now, With cleanliness I touch this here and if I do powerclip and PAGEDOWN.
This is also looking good. it's font sizes right now 25, we will take 24 or 23. it's visible and we will reduce the spacing.
Further, we need to write a title above this, that is “services”. We will keep its spacing normal and its font also regular normal.
now our contact details will come in the picture.
What things do you need for contact details?
First, mobile number, if there is a website then mention website name, email ID and address if required. but currently we don't require an address.
these many things required.
Now we can incorporate contact details in two ways, either by icon or with text.
We can keep in this manner like, mobile number in front of mobile number and website in front of website.
OK! We can keep in this manner. Another way is to represent through icons.
Let's see this. There is a website called “flaticon”, this is the website of “free pick” where we will get an icon, vector or PNG.
Let's go to flaticon, here we will get different kinds of icons, Like the first one is a mobile number which means our contact number.
Like this we will get the options, at this moment we will click on this don't have and we have two options here, we can take PNG where different sizes are provided and if I select SVG.
I always recommend taking SVG if you are working in coreldraw.
The biggest benefit in SVG is that if you are working in coreldraw, you can change the color according to your choice.
but in PNG you cannot change the color.
you have to select SVG and download it. phone contact is done!
After that another one is a website.
Let’s download the website icon.
There are two things, if you are selecting any icon and that icon is a fill icon then all selected icons should be fill icon.
if you are selecting icons which have only outlines then you have to select all icons with outline only.
It should not be like this, you select the fill icon for contact number and outline icon for website.
Symmetrical is very much necessary in colors, fonts, and images.
If you select an image, then the color of the same should be related to the background.
So symmetrical things are very much necessary in the design and you have to take care of this.
website is done and now email ID. we will also select the outline icon and not the fill one.
Now, Address! Address icons should be outlined only. all of our icons are ready. We will bring all of them in coreldraw.
This much part is done.
Now, all icon sizes should be the same. Unnecessary repetition
When I select this icon, you can see that sizes are disabled, so whenever you pick any icon from Flat icon then you have to ungroup the icon.
First you have to ungroup it and then group it. After that sizes will be unable. Select the sizes.
This one also ungroup and group then select the same size which we considered in mobile number.
Same thing here also. Again repeat the procedure.
Now all our icons are the same size. OK! Now, we will see, what do we need here? First we need a mobile number, we can put any random number.
And ensure that your font size should not change, that’s why I work from here only rather than taking new text so that font size and their type would not change.
We will right align this and their icon till here. Another one is a website, we will align that. We will take any random website like “”. Now, email id! OK!
This was our contact details. We don’t need an address right now. OK!
We hold all of these and align this and take a little bit this side, so that we will get little space.
I will delete other items because there is no need for those items.
See! This much things are done!
Now again, We will see visual balancing and we will set that. As I told you earlier, parent and child fundamentals will be clear here.
Now, we will learn, what is parent and child fundamental.
Always we used to learn that all the spacing should be the same.
So I will group all of these three portions. And now I will make the distance similar.
To make it similar, we learnt that last time.
If we have to set the distance vertically then we have to press SHIFT + A. All distances are the same. OK!
But it is not right. Now, we will set it perfectly.
We will make a copy of it so that we will get the idea of visual balancing.
First thing, which things are connected to which item that we have to identify. Creative is connected to Graphic Designer. “Services” is connected to these details and these three details are connected to each other.
Now, we align everything. OK! All the distances should be the same.
First thing, we touch this one here. And trying 2MM nudge two times means 4MM. Same thing we repeat here, randomly we will touch it here two times.
We will do the same here as well. All are aligned. OK!
We will group all together. I saw the internal spacing. Now, We will see all over spacing. I pressed SHIFT + A and the service moved slightly upside.
Services and Graphic Designer both are also slightly connected hence I have to bring it near by 2MM.
And these contact details are always below if you observed it in any design.
Now you can see which one is looking well maintained.
We always used to learn That all the distances should be the same.
I made the distance the same.
but when you see here you will find that this is a creative graphic designer and this is their services and this is their contact details.
but when you see it here you need to focus on the image to understand it.
But in the right image, we understand all of the content very well.
This is called visual balancing. I made it a little near it, so that it will look connected.
There it will look like a creative graphic designer, its parent of “services”.
And here it seems that creativity is the parent of Graphic Designer.
Services and their details are their child.
We can do visual balancing like this. OK!
We will make a copy of it and paste it on another page.
So that we are able to compare it.
To make it look better, we will give the base here.
I also gave base in the bottom as well and we will give base inside as well till this round shape. OK! This much part is done.
If we want to make it cleaner, we can do that.
We will take our contact details 1MM in downside.
We will try to give a “drop shadow” to our image, to check how it looks. We will set it manually and will keep its feathering at 5 and darkness at 30. OK!
I gave very light to the shadow. If we don’t have shadows then it will impact more. Let’s check it.
I gave a shadow to the left side and no shadow to the right side.
As you can see, how much difference there is between a flat image and an image with shadow.
If there is a requirement then you can try it and if there is no requirement then it is not necessary. There is no such issue at all.
Now, another thing, if we have to give a patch to the “services” that also we can try. So that It will be highlighted. That depends upon our client requirement.
We have highlighted services more.
We will create patches like this and do the white color in that and bring our content on above of it.
Now, we will do “powerclip” to this so that it will get a base. We can take this behind the ground. Like this.
And we will bring creative Graphic Designer back. This is also an option. we can create like this.
If a customer has a demand to highlight their services, then we can highlight services like this. OK!
this was very basic, I didn't work too much in this and also didn't apply any content.
I did everything here, which I felt was right and created this design.
but if we work according to the client, then there are chances for lots of changes.
If a client wants to add other things, then that depends on our art.
How do we add those things?
Always remember your alignment matters a lot in small things. in alignment no designer can compromise.
whenever you create anything that should be either right align or left align or should be in center properly.
We should not leave any item here without alignment.
This is looking beautiful because it is well maintained from all the sides.
You can see that from all sides their breathing space. OK!
if you want to make changes here then you can make changes in round by making it smaller.
we will apply a little darker shadow here. We can create like this as well.
This has also become an option.
So what things we learned today?
First of all we took a normal photo and we set that photo like this.
After that we redefined that photo and created a round here and then we extended the table size so that it would look good in visual balancing.
OK! We also cut the table to give it a nice look.
Always remember that don’t cut anything directly, that will look weird.
After that we added everything, we included icons and set everything.
After that, we set everything according to parent-child fundamentals.
We brought services and Creative Graphic Designer nearby so that it will connect to that.
We provided a 15 MM gap to the logo and other items as well.
This is our final product.
Now how will we export this? Always remember if there is only one item in your page like this then you won't face any issue. but if in your page there are lots of items then you will issue.
The question is, where will you face the issue? Whenever you export this on a desktop, Then it will consume some time because all items will be exported.
So have to cancel that and after cancellation press CTRL + E, otherwise select from here also.
But you always use shortcuts by CTRL + E.
Then click on Select Only so that only selected items will be exported.
You have to export visual balancing, you will find your image like this.
At this moment it is in CMYK but we have to convert this into RGB.
We will change from CUSTOM to HIGHEST and all everything keep as it is.
We have to keep their resolution After that 300. OK!
So this is now exported like this.
OK! So like this weekend, make anything creative by following these steps.
always remember whenever you create anything like this then take care of visual balancing, parent child rule, Fonts, color correction and alignment.
One second I write All of those things which we need to remember:
The first one is PHOTO. you have to select photos according to your background
After that, you have to consider similar fonts, which means you have to select fonts from their font family only.
If you are selecting Gothic then select gothic light or bold only.
After that you have to take care of parent child fundamentals.
After that you have to take care of alignment and color.
you need to take care of these many things. after keeping all of these things in your mind then only you start drawing. OK!
So today the creative is finished here.
Now we will talk about assignments. What things do you need to practice?
Firstly, you have to create the same creativity as we made today.
You will get this image from Google or freepik. you just need to write to a graphic designer and you will find this image on Freepik.
You have to cut that image from removeBG, which is an online software.
Similar to this you have to create at least 10 creatives from Pinterest.
Now how will you create that? I will show you.
You will find this kind of creativity here, if you type social media posts.
Now what do you have to do?
you have to create a similar copy of this for learning purposes.
you are just a learner and beginner, so you have to create anything for learning purposes only.
you just need to copy this. you can change the image if you don't find a similar photo.
Color, background, fonts everything should be similar. You have to copy the whole concept. OK!
You have to create 10 similar creatives, So that you will get an idea of visual balancing and better understanding of what things need to be kept where.
You will also get ideas about font size and color correction.
You practiced all the tools now it is the turn of the learning rule.
you have to practice the rules also.
You should not think that you will create all the concepts on your own.
Ok! Right now you need practice. push through the practice then after create your own concept.
After making 10 images on your own, the 11th image will be your own and that will be created by you only.
If you try to create the first image on your own then you will not be able to do that. You will feel good but that won't be appealing for the market.
You need to practice first then you have to create that on your own.
You can select any 10 images like this. OK!
You have to create the same concept.
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So you have to make 10 creatives. You can make a copy of this image which we made today.
Ok! You have to do many things. Now In next lecture, we will learn what logo design is.
What are the types of logo designs? How do we make logos? What is the importance of a logo for any company or designer? Before making a logo, how many briefings we should take from our client or company. We will cover all of these things in the next lecture.
Thank you!
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