Hello Friends, my name is Chetan Panchal.
Welcome back to learnvern
We have learnt many things in CorelDRAW.
We learnt practical things, theoretical things.
From color theory to everything we learnt about designing in depth.
How can we create many designs with the help of CorelDraw? That's all we learnt.
But our first motive is to get a good job.
For getting a job not only a good knowledge of CorelDRAW is important but knowing many other small things is equally important.
If you go for an interview, which questions can probably be asked.
It is very important to know them all.
So to know how the questions are asked? Which types of questions are asked? How to crack the interview? Okay.
For that we will learn how to answer the questions.
So basically whenever you Face an interview whether it is of any type or any field or anything first thing which is very important is your personality.
The way you talk, the way you behave, your body language these all are very important things even in designing as well.
Second thing if your command on keyboard and mouse is good then it will be very good for you. It will create a great impact. Okay.
If your speed is good while typing, it will also be noticed by the company that this person's speed is really good. He can work speedily as well.
It should not be like that while typing a spelling you have to find letters and keyboard. Okay.
That doesn’t look good. Okay.
It is better if you increase your typing speed while working with a keyboard.
Whenever you sit for an interview you must have good knowledge about designing whether or not about CorelDRAW.
How can we design very nicely?
The first question most of the time is what is design?
Normally our reply to this is visual communication okay.
But in that we can also add that designing as a solution.
Visual communication is something we can write in an exam but we cannot say that in an interview.
Because the company already knows that designing is visual communication.
But how Visual communication benefits the company.
What a company does is it gives their clients a solution. A digital solution.
No matter how good or perfect a design you make, if that doesn’t provide a solution to the company's client, if that doesn’t exactly go well with the company’s client, if it doesn’t serve the company’s client then what is the benefit of those good designs.
So first thing you have to see that design is a solution. Which we provide to our clients and customers.
Whatever their problems are, their business isn’t growing, they want to stand out in the market, they want to present their product nicely, the solutions are provided by us through designing.
Questions such as this can be asked which are very important for your IQ test.
When there will be an IQ test question like this can be asked.
Second thing there will be a practical round for you.
But in that also they will not see that much alignment and all because obviously you are a designer you are going there as a designer so this much knowledge you must have. Okay.
There you will be able to know about the expert level of designing as you already know about basics. Then only they will allow you for an interview.
You are a basic designer. Okay.
So alignment and all won’t be asked in your practical.
Which things will be asked? Let’s see about that.
So first thing which you have to do is wherever you go for an interview for any company you must know the name of the company, you might have got the email from them. Okay.
So in that email ID its website, Instagram page and all of the social media platforms, address and the area you have to go through them nicely.
Second thing on the companies website there will be their clients data.
So which other clients they work for you will have to see all of them’s social media platforms.
So that you can know about their work taste.
So all you have to do is wherever you go for an interview you have to go through with their website, social media platforms, clients on the client data and their work taste.
Work taste Means there are many companies whose clients are abroad based Like US, UK. Their taste is a little bit sober and simple, minimal but attractive.
Their designs are very attractive. Okay.
They don’t like big fonts that are very bright colors like red and yellow.
Which are used here in retro themes.
Rajesh Khanna’s theme. That is very old, okay.
They don’t work on that.
If you have done a good research on Behance, then you might have seen there are many good designs with minimum designing.
Their breathing space is very effective and negative spacing. Ok.
So like this every company’s work test is different, working method is different, client base is different, clients are of different types.
They work with different clients.
There are some clients who most of the times have all social media related projects
When there are some clients who have animation, print merge and kids related projects.
They have some basics only on which they work., Okay.
They have some framework in which they are experts.
So there are many designing companies and branding companies that work in specific frameworks.
It is not like that they do all of the things.
They have some base and framework and they only work in that.
There are some who specialize in digital marketing so mostly they hire people specialized in designing for social media sites.
There are some who are specialized in making catalogs and folders so they hire people who are expert in making these.
So like this for every different kind of test there are different designers.
Wherever you go for an interview and if you are a fresher you have to keep many things in your mind. What is a company’s taste? How do they work?
You have to do research about that before one or two days. You have to do a lot of research accordingly.
So that you don’t have to face any problem.
You have to know their work space.
There are many companies who have very normal clients who are not concerned with designing only they want is to see their content or they want photographs or some bright colors like red and yellow
They are okay with whether their designs are good or not because their concern is only about content.
So many companies have requirements like this as well.
So then also you have to go with good research.
Your taste doesn’t matter what company you are going to, what your growth will be? Which kind of work do you have to do? what is your goal that matters
After that your sharpness will increase.
You have to work according to that method.
Like how the work is done there? Every person who works there works with different methods.
There are these little things for which you have to take care before the interview.
Second thing, now we will see if you are asked for some practical things.
What will be practical? First you will have to answer some little questions like this which doesn’t matter but that will be a casual interview.
But the most important thing is the designer's work.
So you have to give practical advice to each company.
That’s why I said whenever you want to know anything about your company research about them.
So firstly look for their clientbase, on their social media platforms and website.
All of them are very nice.
So that you can know what the company’s work is?
On that basis only your exam will be and you will be feeling that I have already practiced about this so I can do it.
Because new things will not come basically.
But even if a new thing comes you won’t feel panicked. You will feel normal about all of those things because you have already done that.
So always remember whenever you go for an interview do a proper research and then go.
Basically, what things are asked in practical exams ?
In practical terms, there won’t be that many hard and tough things because you are a fresher as of now.
After two or three years experience you will be given big things and they will judge you according to that.
As of now they won’t judge that much.
But you have to be very careful because there is high competition.
So which things are asked?
First thing? You will be asked to make a social media post.
Secondly you will be asked to make a Facebook page if it is a digital marketing company. Okay.
So the social media page has to be a theme-based page.
And after that you will be asked to make a cover page for a platform,
Like for Twitter, For Facebook it won’t be given because they will want to know what do you know about Twitter? What do you know about sizes and fonts?
So to know all of that they might ask you to make a Facebook cover page for Twitter.
Secondly, they want to know about your color combination as you are a fresher. It is in blood for some people while some learn from observation.
I have already told you this.
So they will see your color combination, which fonts do you select in your designing? How do you visually balance your design?
All of these things will be noticed by them to get a better understanding about how he or she works.
After that, if you go to such a company where most of the work is about print media.
You got like an hour or two.
Then you may ask to make cards or flyers.
You got like an hour or two.
They even ask you to make a cover page and last page for a catalog.
From that only they will get to know about your work and things you know regarding this work.
Now we have discussed both things.
There is such a company from modeling shoots or clothing material shooting.
Then you will get most of the work for photoshop and the questions will be asked accordingly.
So these are the small things which will help you to answer the practical questions easily.
Second thing, wherever you go for an interview make sure your communication is best as well because if they ask you to directly deal with clients or any such situations so you won’t face any difficulties.
So here we will finish today’s lecture. All the best for your future.
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