Name of Course
Graphic Designing with CorelDraw Tutorial
Curriculum no. and name
Transparency and Drop Shadow
Timing of Lecture
11.47 minutes
Hello Friends! Welcome to Learnvern!
Today we will start from where we left in the last lecture.
You have to practice a lot like this to bring finishing in your designing.
Now, our next topic is transparency and drop shadow.
I will teach you transparency.
We will do creativity in this cartoon. We will put this cartoon on another page.
We took one sheet. We create a land here………………. Land is created here…………………
And now I press CTRL + Q and we group our jerry. For some moment I keep it on the other side, till we create this.
You will observe that you will learn transparency and drop shadow by doing your work.
I will show you, you just have to understand how you should do that.
I added a node here. OK!
Inside that we will use convert to curve then we will delete it again. So, we will get a curve like this. We need just this much curve only.
So that it sets perfectly and does not look weird at all. Then, I need the sky here.
I went to the color viewer then RGB………………………………..OK!
Now, I talked about transparency, that is faded color. To create that fade, here is a tool. 2-3 things are here, uniform transparency means the whole selected area will become slightly light.
If you don’t want to do that then you can do like this also. OK! Adjustment! Wherever I take black it becomes faded and wherever is the white, there is pure color. Just like saturation.
OK! Otherwise if you want to glow from the center, then you use this as well. This is a very basic tool but it has lots of benefits.
If you want to cancel this,and you don’t want transparency then you can click here. What do we need now? We want a slightly faded color.
I just dragged from here and I stopped black point where I wanted to fade. And we can adjust from here. This was transparency. Transparency is a very important thing. You will need that at many places.
Now, another thing is that, you may create a transparency shadow as well. Drop shadow is different thing but you can create normal shadow.
Like you want to give base to this, then you can give black color to it, then use transparency and center. Now, you can see that there is a shadow kind of thing created. Normally, take any shape and give black color to it and use fountain transparency then center.
Now, the color of this will be slightly darker……………………………….and our jerry will come on top of this, so that shadow will always look behind.
You can see that, It is not that important, even if it is not that much visible but if I remove this then it will look weird. So, that much shadow is also important for designing. This is a small thing but significant for detailing.
This was about shadow. Then if I select any font……………………………………………………….
I give white color to this, so this becomes visible. Now, we will apply drop shadow by using a drop shadow tool. OK! Here is the tool of drop shadow.
Click on that and you will get presets here. Whether you want flat top right, flat bottom right, flat top left or in perspective. Whichever you want, you select that and after that you can adjust this according to you.
You can move black from here and keep it as you want the shadow. Like that! After that, you can fade their transparency. You can increase their darkness. OK!
Like this, we can make any normal cartoon. OK!
If we talk about drop shadow.
Drop shadow is a very important thing. This was a normal example, so that we can finish this cartoon with this background.
If I talk about drop shadow. Drop shadow……like UI & UX designers when they make buttons, those are also very much important in drop shadow.
We can see the drop shadow once. Like this is our cartoon and we want to place it somewhere with drop shadow.
I rounded the outline first. I put that in alignment and made it smaller. I will give it a slight grayish color……..
Some people believe that drop shadow should be dark or blackish but drop shadow should be very light, so that it will look original. As much as you want to show things above! OK! Like this is a thick shadow and we want simple normal shadow, so for that we will improve the shadow fathering. Like, I do it here thirty. And their oapacity has also improved.
This is another kind of shadow, which is going a little bit downside in right. Another shadow is that we can give a small glow to it.
In glow, you have to change the color.Go to color palette . In that R-G-B. You go in the color palette and select according to your choice. As you can see, the color here is darkish but we want to keep it above and get some smoothness. For smoothness, I do it thirty here and here we reduce the 100. It is dark because of the hundred. OK!
So, we do fifty to drop shadow opacity otherwise we can keep this to seventy as well. And we can make their color a little bit normal.
So this shadow looks like an original one just like a button. There is another shadow……………………………………………………..
Like there is anything standing and shadow is behind that. Just like a poster, banner, backboard or selfie booth, we can put shadows like this but we have to adjust a little bit there as well.
Thirty and we can take forty here. These things depend upon originality. We have to give a slight original touch to it, so that if there is an original shadow then how it will look. That you have to imagine then you have to create shadow.
This was about shadow and transparency.
Transparency is a very basic thing, as I taught you, you can put transparency in any image like that. OK!
We learnt today how we can redraw characters, how to fill colors in that, how we can define them, and how we can enhance any sketch through our designing.
Another thing, we saw an example of Jerry. How we converted it into color with help of outline only.
We learnt about pen tool, Drop shadow and transparency. OK!
Now, our next topic will be Fonts Types. Font is a very crucial part of any design. OK!
So, we will learn the font type in the next topic.
If you have any doubt related to the pen tool, drop shadow and transparency and if you don’t understand anything or you are not able to do any shape with the pen tool then you can click the discussion button below the video and post there. This way, you will be able to connect to fellow learners and discuss the course. Also, Our Team will try to solve your query.
You can take a screenshot of this or take a picture of this. OK! You have to redraw this! OK!
You see this once! You see all these four cartoons and take a screenshot of it.
You have to redraw this jerry cartoon again like I taught you. After that, here is another cartoon. You have to practice all of it.
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