Name of Course
Graphic Designing with CorelDraw Tutorial
Curriculum no. and name
Color fill with Pen tool
Timing of Lecture
37.32 minutes
Hello Friends! Welcome to Learnvern!
Today we are going to start from where we left in the last lecture.
We redraw the basic outline. OK! We created the base. Now, detailing is needed along with the base.
For detailing, we will leave it here only and we will change the color of the outline. We can choose any random color, so it looks different to black. So, we get to know where the detailing is left.
I will increase the width of the outline…………..(4 Sec Pause)I have increased the width.
Now, we will work on detailing. First, we will complete the hand.
Always remember, whenever you are on any pen tool and you click on the corner, then it will create issues for you. So, you have to do that carefully…………(14 Sec Pause)
From here we have to cut the nodes because there is a sharp corner. As I earlier said, wherever a sharp corner comes, you have to break the nodes. We will break nodes from here so that you get a sharp corner here………………(11 Sec Pause)
We can take another one from here………(4 Sec Pause) These are only internal outlines; we don’t need to fill any color in that………(5 Sec Pause).it will give the perfect shape to jerry.
After that, we adjust accordingly. We will change the color of the outline to red and increase the width……………………….
We will group the whole thing, which is completed. Now, it is the turn of another detailing.
We have created only outlines to all the detailing and where we need to fill color to separate parts, like eyes, nose, mouth etc. there we will fill color separately. And on the rest item, we just need to give an outline only………………………………..
There are some outlines, where we don’t need that much attention. Wrinkles are always in random form……………….
We will complete these legs and in the end we will modify this…………………………..
We will complete another leg also. If you want to cut anything, you just need to click space and that will be cut out from there and the outline will be completed. OK!
Let's do OK, so click on space and it will be set.
See friends! This is done. Let's see by giving an outline, which part is completed and which is not. This much is done.
Now belly…………………………..We have to do it very carefully here. these two lines should be perfectly merged.
We have to fill our belly, that's why we need to do this carefully……………….
Now see, this hand will create an issue for us, we can not draw above this. For now, we take this from here and later I will teach you how to define that and how to solve this problem……………
Belly is done! But how will I define the hand? Like this much hand OK! We will create a copy of this…………
We just need to cut this…………………….We need to make another normal hand. So, it becomes filled and only one filled thing can cut another thing. We created something randomly by copying that hand. OK! I will show it to you again.
This is a normal hand, only for reference. I cut it from here. Now I don’t need this. Now you can see that the belly is perfect with hand shape. That’s what we have to do. We will adjust this, so that when we fill the color then it won't create any issue.
Already this is below the hand. That many things are done. Now it's turn of eyes and mouth.
For eyes and mouth, we will use pen tool. Eyebrows of Jerry. First we drew a mouse so that it would be easy to draw eyes………………………………….
So, we drew his nose. Now, we will draw this part of his mouth because we have to fill color in that…………
We will give an outline to the nose, so that it will be defined…………………..
Whenever you start any cartoon then first of all you understand it very well, so that you are aware, what to start and from where.
Mouth is also done!....................
Now, this part of the chin, lets define this as well.
I grouped his mouth and nose so that It won't disturb his chin.
We have to touch this here but we can not take it from above, so for that we will do the same as we do with belly and hand. I will cut this part. I took this randomly but when I need to cut this, I will take reference of this and with PAGEUP I will take an upside and then I will trim it. Then it will be cut in exactly the same shape.
And those parts, which are not perfectly designed, I will adjust that part with help of nodes. You can see the nodes, there is a slight mismatch. I deleted this node by adding two extra nodes.
Now, I will adjust both these nodes…………………….
We will give outlines to this one…………….
Ok! Friends. This much is done!
Let's define the eyes. First of all, group everything at once. Always do grouping, so that nothing will disturb you. There are some nodes which are open by mistake then it will be automatically deleted, whenever another node comes on that node………………….
You always have to make sure that wherever the detailing work is there, the outline should be very smooth.
No sharp corner should be there. When we need sharp corners, then no issue in that. Wherever we don’t need a corner, there we have to draw a smooth line.
We will define their eyebrows. This much part is done!
We will outline everything. Motive behind giving an outline is that we get to know which things are incomplete and which parts need sharpness and where we need to do correction.
See this much part is done.
Now, the mustache, tongue and nose balls are pending. Firstly let’s do mustaches. Now eyeballs.
In corel, very few people know that layers are also there but there is not much need of that. You can work without layers. If you open layers then there are chances to get confused, so better you work without layers.
I can set this here by copying it.
Now, I am teaching you very slowly and steadily but you have to keep some speed in the pen tool, while learning this. Whenever you work with a pen tool, you have to hold the grip and maintain good speed while working in industry. Then only you will be able to grow faster.
Right now you are a learner so you should work slowly with patience, once you reach 100% perfection then work in a speedy manner. Till then do it slowly and once you master that then keep in mind, you have to work fast. OK!
Now, it's turn for the nose……………
Then tongue……. Now the tongue is also defined.
Now, we have to see other small parts, we have to fulfill that also. Tail is also pending here.
In the beginning, if you are working with interest, then you are going to enjoy it but if you don’t have proper practice then you will get bored of it. But If you work on this with understanding then you will find it very interesting.
Always try to understand the shape and then draw it. Because suppose there you draw a sharp corner, then it wont look good. So better you understand that shape and then start.
Almost all of our work is done!.............
Done! If anything is left then we will do it later on.
Fingers are left. Here, we can use this………………………we will trim this so that it sets perfectly.
This part is already clear. This part is also done.
With the help of nudges, we can get to know which things are left.
Now, I ungroup all. Then I will take the other side and fill its color.
While filing the color, always remember that you first make a color palette otherwise if you have any color in your mind then work according to that only. OK!
Two things are there. This is a flat redraw, then after it comes mash and after that gradient.
Gradient means faded color. you can say faded color in layman language, it looks like slight light or saturation. For example, you have seen balls, in balls one side is dark and the other side is light in color.
Right now we are learning only static and after that we will switch to gradient.
We will apply jerry base color first. It is similar to chocolate or coffee. We will adjust their color from here and set RGB. This much light is ok.
Its normal color is done. Then we select black color for all the outlines. So, we get to know which color we need to separate.
First, the belly color should be the same and make it light………………..
Then, the tail color should be a little darker because it is the back side hence shadow should be there. So that it would be defined uniquely.
Now. Its turn of finishing. Then eyes. White and white here also. In this part, fill black color.
We can do one another thing, we can create eyeball in this. OK!
This much is done!
Now, leg’s turn………………… In legs, we have to give outline only and cut from here. And before that we will remove the color from the body and then we will create an outline randomly as we tried earlier. We have to repeat the same intersection here also……………………….
Take a pen tool then normal shape, here we have to draw carefully. Now, what will come? All those things, which are overlapped, you will get that separately. OK!
We got the legs separately. We will do the same thing in another leg as well, first we will create a random shape………………………….Done!
Now, we will fill the same color again. Here we will fill it with a slight pinkish color. Slight pinkish shade. Select this color and then pinkish tone……………………. We need to adjust it a little bit. We will keep it slightly light and the same color on this leg………….
We have different colors for his ears as well. We have to repeat the same procedure here as well which we did in leg. What do we have to do? We have to intersect it and remove all the common items.
Take any pen tool and group from outside. ………………….till here…………….now we have to only apply intersections. All the overlap items will be removed. We have to give a unique color to this.
We will remove their outline and only keep this outline. Same here as well. We set here. Done!
We will change the belly color to resemble our legs. And we will set the outline After that same place again.
Outline should be smooth hence from starting give nice finishing. Gradually you practice, your work will finish accordingly.
In the nose, apply the same color. Then where the mouse is, we will do the same color. And inside the mouth, dark black color and tongue should be slightly pinkish. We have to adjust here a little bit. We will make it RGB color then adjust it a little bit. Ok Friends!
You can see! Gradually it is getting his real shape. We will keep this on the other side and focus on pending areas. Almost everything is completed, only finishing is pending now.
So, you can see that earlier this cartoon was only outline but we will fill color in that cartoon perfectly according to their need. Other things, in last you have to observe that whether pen tool is creating any issue anywhere. Pen tool is such a thing where you need lots of finishing. And if you left gap there, then it wont look good. Wherever is the gap, kindly fill it with holding its nodes.
Double click to open all the nodes, then click on any nodes and adjust it.
You can adjust this as well here also. In short you don’t have to leave any gap which looks weird. Done!
Now, we will make the thick line thinner. 1.5 is enough. See gap is here, we will adjust that as well……
We will do 1.5 to this line………
We need a very thin line here so that it will be defined enough. Because it is necessary. 1.5 same.
Then we set the eyebrows.
As we learned earlier, If we want to break any shape and customize the nodes, for that shortcut key is CTRL + Q.
CTRL + Q will convert that into a curve and after that we can make it curve holding any nodes. But if there is any outline and we want to move it or modify it, in that scenario we have to use the shortcut key CTRL + SHIFT + Q. With this shortcut key we can convert any outline in the curve.
Now see, this is also behaving like a shape. OK! Now, what do we have to do? We have to make this shape slightly sharper. I will delete any one node and adjust another node like this, so that it will give a look of eyebrows.
I will copy this on the other side and then I will adjust this. Like that!..........
Here also the same thing, we will delete any one node and we will adjust it a little bit so that it will set perfectly.
You have to understand the nodes, as soon as you understand this, everything becomes easy for you.
You need some practice. Somewhere you need judgment and somewhere practice. And you will learn things accordingly by experience.
But! Yes, you have to practice a lot for the Pen tool. Pen tool is not hard but it requires practice for finishing. So better practice a lot.
We will do the same thing at mustache, CTRL + SHIFT + Q. We will delete any one node and our mustaches become sharp. To make this mustache sharp, we will create a copy of this one and make it small and adjust the node, so no gap is left.
Same thing here also. I will delete any one node. Same here also, delete any one node. OK!
We will make nose black. As you can see here, what is this? This is defining the thumb and making it separate. OK!.
So, we will make it thinner first, 1.5. and delete any one node and adjust the shape.
Same shape we will apply here also………………………..
We will give 1.5 outline and that would be black.
And then hand, In hand we will do the same, we need to sharp this. But before that we have to make it thinner as well. Select 1.5. Now, we will adjust this with CTRL + Q.
This sharpness defines things very clearly, these fat lines hamper the look of the image. That’s why we are doing that much hard work to define any outline.
When you get the actual output then you will understand why it requires so much hard work.
CTRL + SHIFT + Q. And delete any node and slight adjustment…………………..
We will do the same here as well.
It is almost done! Some sharpness is pending, otherwise it is 95% complete……………….
Wherever you put any outline, then keep it that way so it does not look weird…………..
We will adjust here a little bit. So, it became sharp. And here also. Touch this here. We will take this little upside, so that outline will be defined.
So, friends, our artwork is completed.
You can see that What we created from what we had earlier. You can see the difference in both of them. There is finishing work. You also filled the color perfectly. Also defined all the outlines. Not a single shape is left out. All things completed along with colors.
So, Like this, you can redraw any character or gaming character. OK! Two or three things are involved in this. There are things which require you lots of time. OK! You will feel that it is very much time taking but as soon as you start practicing, it becomes smooth for you. OK!
You try to do lots of practice with a pen tool because as much as clarity you have in a pen tool that will help you in designing. Then only you are able to deliver your work quickly.
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Ok Friends! That’s it for today. See you in the next lecture.
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