In the filter, next come the option render,
In render > picture frame.
Here, you can add any type of frame, like here are different types of frames given in the library.
Hope you are able to understand me!
You can set color and all from here, increase or decrease the margin, increase or decrease the size as well.
Can change Its arrangements, flow color is also changeable, clicking ok, will appear your frame in this way.
After that, in render > there is a option of tree,
Inside the tree, different trees are given in this way.
Here, if you wish to edit it, you can.
I decreased the branches, and even more decreased.
If we want to increase the branches then it can be increased from here.
Thickness of branches, size of leaves, let’s increase it more.
Clicking okay, will bring your tree in this way.
After that in the filter, clouds are also given.
If you want to add clouds all over here,
What is in the clouds actually, foreground and background color will be used to make the clouds.
Ready made clouds are given here, you can add those directly like this, see.
After that, here comes ‘difference clouds’.
You can count it as a negative effect.
Fibers, if you want this fiber effect, of the wood.
You can increase or decrease the vibrance from here.
Strength, okay, and full fiber will appear,
Filter > render > lens flare.
In this way if you want to create a lens, this is a very effective option, this is used a lot.
You can directly create lenses in this way.
Clicking okay, will appear this type of lens.
Which means, if you want to show that your vehicle is moving in the sunlight or It's a sunny day.
So you directly add the effect on the image.
One more effect is there in render, lighting effect.
See in this way you add different lights, this is a spot light, point light from here.
See, this can be increased or decreased from here.
Infinity light, in this can also be increased or decreased/
In spot light, color can also be changed.
Let's make it red,
In this way I have to give it an effect, I am able to give.
See in this way if you want to increase the effect, can be increased or to increase the glow, see, okay?
According to its increase or decrease you can set a dark portion in the background as well, by increasing or decreasing.
Hope you are able to understand me!
After that, here it comes sharpen,
See from here,
You will see the points created on its body, let's make it smoother.
See, clicking ok will appear this type of effect, see it has become smooth.
Dots were here, ctrl Z, see these dots have become smooth.
So, if you wish to make it smooth like this then you have to use shake reduction in sharpen.
Then again sharpen, this will make it a little more sharper, this is a very minor effect.
Sharpen edges, see this will make the edges sharp, its border, this is also a minor effect.
Sharpen more, if you want more sharpness.
Smart sharpen…., increase the radius, see the area will become very sharp, full car.
See this is very heavy effect, see in this way it will give effect,
And unsharp mask.
See it is increasing the sharpened area in this way….
Normally, it is used on shiny things like jewelry,
Diffuse in skylize,
Dark, light, anisotropic,
See this type of effect it will give.
If you want to Emboss, if you want to show effect with emboss, then we can show that in this way.
After that, in extrude, here are two things in blocks and pyramid,
Blocks are given 30 pixels, as we will do okay, this type of effect will come.
This is used to make wallpapers.
Here in extrude,
If you want a pyramid effect.
so it is the same effect, but it will be in the pyramid in this way.
Find edges, a drawing - like effect will come.
Solarlize - negative,
If you want to make tiles, then instead of 10, make it 15 and offset also 15.
What is offset?
Space between two tiles,
See this type of effect will occur.
It will become a Random tiles effect.
Trace counter - full drawing will be made,
Wind - in this way, it will give effect of wind.
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