so i have come to photoshop.
you can see that i have added the size before, 2551 and 3579.
This is for making the poster.
poster can be of any size.
so we are going to make this poster today.
We will make the same poster like this.
for only the design i have downloaded it from the internet.
so that i can teach you properly, what we are going to design today.
so first of all we will type the poster in preset details, to make a new poster.
Here we can see what type we want.
Select whatever you want from print.
so we will take this A3 size of the poster.
We can also take the A6 size.
We can also take the A4 size.
whatever you like you can select it.
because poster size is never fixed.
Some are of big size and some are small in size.
so here the biggest size of poster is a3 according to me.
otherwise you can select this square from here.
and fill the color here.
and we will paste it here from there.
so our poster is big and its poster is small.
Now we will make it small.
How will we make the canvas size small?.
We can do it small by selecting the image then the canvas size.
And you can make it small from here.
Another method is by pressing C.
you will get a crop option .
you can now crop it in the way you want.
We will crop this much part and then we will select done.
you will get the cropped poster.
we will now do ctrl z.
because we have no need for this.
we can take it to a new layer and fill the color.
Because it is white in color so we cannot find out what size.
so i will take this so we will know perfectly.
After this you can crop properly.
So this is perfectly done.
If you feel this does not fit your size properly, click control N and choose A3 size.
The one which we took out from there, take it and put it here.
Put it in the middle properly, so that it takes properly.
And then crop from here.
I am teaching you this technique for making the same.
If you want to make the same, then how do you make it?
For that, this technique.
Turn it again to white.
So done, keep the background on. Keep it white.
We can need it afterwards.
First of all we will look for colors that we have.
This is an orange color, it has dark orange color, this color, this color, that color.
Firstly we will make small boxes, so that we can pick the colors whenever we want.
So I am making a small box here.
Making a new layer for it.
So Made a new layer.
I picked up this color from here.
This is done. Control Z.
I will copy the same color.
I will click on it with the control so it will give me selection.
Then I will select this color, and fill the color.
Control J to this.
I will take one more color.
I will click on this with the control.
So I will get one more selection.
Then I will pick a dark color from here, and fill the color.
Similarly we have to pick different different colors.
Whatever colors you want here, on your website, if you have a live concert then from your live concert, the color theme it will have, you can use that theme.
Then hold all this and control shift T or control alt shift t.
It will give you all a joint together.
Whatever way you want, if you are not able to understand that then from here merge layers.
So what will happen is.. It will become a layer for you.
Same layer you can put it here at the bottom.
If needed, you can pick color from here anytime.
First here is something like a rounded square, what will we do to design that?
Make a selection of this type, right click and fill it.
To make it a round, I gave it a ten but it is not effective, so we will give it more.
So round has become of this type.
After that from here it is little this side and this side.
So to make it like that, control T .
Let's make a new layer first.
And fill the color similar to that.
So why did this happen?
Because we gave feather, that is why it became like this.
So if we give feather then it will become that way.
But we do not want to give the feather but want the same effect, what can we do?
We need to create something similar here.
How will we make it?
With the help of a rounded rectangle tool.
Why did I tell you that?
So that you know the use of feather and no feather.
See here you got the perfect round.
If you want to be more rounded, then you can make it here fifty fifty.
Fifty and fifty.
So you will get more rounded.
Fifty fifty from below as well.
If you do a hundred hundred, it will be more rounded.
So take that much which is required.
Control T to this and rotate.
And put it in this way.
So we got this type of effect.
Control T, let's make it a bit more large.
So it matches perfectly.
So this is done.
Now What will we do to this?
Give gradient.
To give a gradient, double click here.
Here you will find a gradient overlay.
You can pick color from here.
To pick a color, double click here.
At the place of light color, give our light color.
At the place of dark color, give our dark color.
Colors in the middle will be one light color and one dark color.
So we will get the same to same fill, which is here,
Here it is written ‘your logo’.
We have our previously designed logo.
You can add that inside it.
I am adding it.
I have this png of logos.
Let's use this.
We will use this much part.
We have cropped this much part.
And we will make a selection.
So the selection is made.
And you can fill any color to it.
You can take it and drag & drop anywhere you want.
We will close this.
Control T will allow you to change its size and position.
And from here you can give the name of your company.
Whatever is the name of your company.
So this is done.
And we have our logo of learnvern too.
We can use that too here.
After that See this here he has taken full square from here to here.
You can take the fourth or third part from here in blue color.
To give that, we will directly take a square from here.
And keep the square this much.
And take our color blue.
After taking blue, it will go below it.
We will get the fill we want.
We will delete the logo that we don't want.
So keep the logo anywhere it suits.
We have taught you many logos, how to make them.
I hope you have designed those logos.
so you can use those logos here.
Here we have one more square.
Which is rounded.
We will take one more square from here.
We can take this much.
We will make it fifty fifty, or let's make it sixty sixty.
Sixty will make it properly rounded.
Rotate with control T, as it is in that.
Beside it, there was one more square.
To make that give this control J.
After control J.
You will get one more as you will move it.
You can also make this smaller.
And we will make some changes to make both look alike isn't mandatory.
Control T, make it smaller and keep like this.
And then looking again and again, what he has done.
It's better to design on your own.
Which will open our creativity.
To give here color, I will use this color.
And we will get the selection by pressing control.
So you can fill the color in it.
Control D.
Double click here and you will get the option to fill the color.
So you can fill the color.
Give it blue and here we will get a proper cut out like this.
Here it is joining and here we are getting the cut.
From here we can add these other objects.
Small objects can be added.
We can add more squares here.
Which will be of this type.
We will take this square not that square.
What will happen with this is, we can fill the color whenever and wherever.
So let's give it a color, This one.
Here you can add small details and all.
And you can make your pattern as well.
If you know, the xyz pattern will look good.
You can use that pattern also.
And you can do one more thing, I will show you how to do it.
Take the line tool.
Take a rectangle tool, and fill the color which we have from here.
So you will get a different type of pattern here.
Which will give you a shadow type effect or you can make it bigger and take this type of effect.
So only this much part is joint, we will get that feeling.
Then from here you can make it a triangle.
You can make one more square by joining from here.
We have many things to make.
But for now we will design this part.
The one with a square at the bottom side.
So this much is fine.
We will just take inspiration from it, so that we can create something like that.
So this is done.
We will fill color in it, this one.
We will fill this color and the gradient that we gave with the double click, we will give the same type of gradient to this also with some changes so it doesn't look similar.
So this is our gradient.
See here is written “marketing poster”, whatever your text work will be, can be added here.
Then this text of “5 professional business leaders”.
We can give that text over here.
Here more texts will come and at last these lines are always to be added before making any design.
We need to remember, always do that thing.
I am keeping the colors over here for now.
And add the color which is towards the bottom.
We will give the color blue.
Lets give this blue color.
We will make it a little smaller.
Make it smaller and give the gradient.
So we get the fill which is needed.
You can use textures and all from here.
Adding textures will give you new effects.
You will be able to see stencils.
Going into contour will give you different textures that you can add.
If you don't need those, you can apply these textures.
In this also, you will get different varieties.
Glass, water, and all.
If you don't need this also then you can add strokes and all to it.
Black stoke is available in this.
You can even use inner shadow.
Keep normal in the inner shadow, make distance and fill white color.
Or you can use any other different color as well.
The one which matches with the color.
So it will give the feel of shadow and glowness.
You can see that we are getting the glow.
See, you can even multiply it.
You can screen it.
What will happen with the screen?
Screen will make it lighten and with multiply it will darken.
So we need to remember this, when we want to make it dark and when light.
Next is inner glow which is for giving glow.
I will keep its opacity to the fullest.
I will make it normal and show you with different color.
So the glow which we will get. what i am trying to say you will get to know through it.
You will get this type of glow of red color, you can make it white color as well.
Or the orange color that we used, you can use that too.
So this is filled.
Click ok and then Normal its opacity.
So we will get a slight touch of glow.
It will look good from far away.
Then these icons of facebook, instagram, twitter are known as flat icons.
That too you will get online.
The one we designed, we will do control J to it and keep it over here and make it smaller.
Let's make it smaller, so here you can add your phone numbers and all.
This has become large again because we didnt save it.
This much is fine. Here we will add calling numbers.
We need to keep its text white because whatever we will write should be readable.
Let's write a number, nine four two nine nine five nine.
So done with the phone number.
Here we will add one more text, where it will be written as “call now”.
We can keep its text too in orange color. Because it should be matched with it.
Text size of this will be a bit smaller.
But not that small. Should be readable.
As he has written “call now”.
Which is properly readable.
We will keep it in bold.
So it is visible from far away places as well.
So for this, instead of regular, keep the font which has bold option.
Now you can see that, from even far away it is visible that Here is written call now. ok?
Now all this is written here, for that we have an option in text which is useful for creating mockups and all, so here is text added.
Similarly you can do here.
Just select the text and drag & drop here.
It will be written on its own.
Here we want the color white.
Select and turn it white.
Then one text will be added here.
You can make it bigger or smaller.
In this gap also, we will add text and all here also.
Then here we can add any odd design.
So our poster is designed.
You can add text and all on your own.
You can use Same poster for mock ups or if some projects were assigned, to complete the same project, you can use this.
I will give it a poster and color white.
Lets keep it all of the above so it will fit us.
Increase the text from here.
Poster and same below it as well.
So this is our “poster design”.
Here texts are added, let's add the name of the company here.
The one which we have opened on the other side of the screen, so we can see anything from there.
I have opened my website.
If to add any details and all, I will check once.
Change the font of the text from here.
Instead of a regular font, we want the one which is understandable and fancy as well.
Or else let's remove the logo and make this larger itself.
So it will be properly visible to us.
So we are done with poster design.
Now you can use it.
Lets save this file.
I hope you all have understood whatever we learned today.
And I hope you all will practice this and after designing you can even share it with us.
Dm on the page of learnvern on instagram.
Or you can share with the tag of hashtag learnvern.
So we will look into your designs, we will reply to you, we will tell you the changes in your design and we will teach you.
Thankyou for joining.
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