Hello friends, welcome to learn vern.
You are welcome in our tutorial,
So last topics were:-
- What is a logo?
- What is branding?
- Types of logo
- Thought process before designing the logo.
I hope you have practiced it and must have learned and understood.
So our next topic is logo design in photoshop.
Basically, First we will design the naming logo.
After that, I will show you abstract logo design.
So, let's go to photoshop.
Here, I have opened photoshop, i have the latest version of photoshop.
So click on create new, or you can press control N.
Here, I will give the name as “name_logo&rdquo.
I will set it to 1000 by 1000 pixels.
I will create it with 1000 by 1000 at 72 resolution.
So this is done, I will create a new layer in this by “control + shift + N”.
Then, we will take text layer, in text i will add name of my logo,
I will keep it white and i will create one more new layer, so created one more layer,
And in that i will fill the color and name of my logo will come above.
And by pressing shift and selecting layer one. Which means, pressing shift on background color layer, go in transformation and align, so that name comes in the center.
I will change the name of layer one to background color.
Whatever name you wish to keep you can, also you can keep whatever background color you want.
Now you will wonder, where did this font come from? We don't have such fonts.
So, there is a website 100fonts.com.
I already downloaded and installed in the PC,
So you can download from there according to yourself, whatever font you like, there you will find fonts at free of cost,
Now, if you want this font only then you can look for “plaster’’ on the same website,
You will find the same font when you search for plaster.
So I made this font, I will duplicate it.
After duplicating I will take it below.
Which means, this font will come below that font, the newer font.
Then, I will change its color. What color? So in black,
Fill black color from text,
So black font will go under this white font.
And in its transformation, click here, and click on these points so you will get these options.
So from there rotate it to 45 degrees.
So as you will rotate, Press Alt,
Click on right, after clicking on right,
Pressing alt, and left side arrow key, will make copies.
Through which you will get the effect of shadow like this.
We will make around 100 copies of this, so that we can get a deep shadow of this.
You can make more than 100 copies as well.
I am making more than 100.
After this, merge all these copies with shift.
How will we merge? with Control E,
So all these are merged.
Again 45, but this time - 45 degrees.
And enter, bring this down, and set it sideways until it sets properly,
Press alt and match the shadow in this way, which means we will get a long shadow
After this, shift and select all these.
Again control E, which will merge it and we will keep its opacity around 20.
Then, double click on background color, so you will get layer style.
You can make changes from here which means, you want lighting or not, if want color overlay, if gradient,
After selecting gradient, you will get many options for gradient like here i have purple option
This is pink, this is blue and many more gradients are available.
You can select as per your choice according to your taste
And then if you double click here, you will get more colors, you can select any color.
You can make your own gradient as well.
If you want in blue tone, you will get colors in blue tone also
this is looking nice, so we can keep this also,
And if you want a simple background, you can keep a simple background as well.
So this is your naming logo, you can design in this way
You can do many more things on this.
For example:- layer styles, go to view, open styles in windows
So this is style.
Then here go to natural, and here you can take styles in background whatever you want
Paper, grass, we have fur etc.
So we will not keep on this, I am doing ctrl Z to bring the logo we made.
If you dont want on background but on font, you can do the same thing on the font as well.
Many styles are given here, if you don't like anything from this so you will double click on this,
So we will get more options in this.
You can add inner shadow, click on inner shadow, then increase its opacity,
You can change the color of the shadow from here.
You can give angles as well, whatever angle you want.
You can also change the distance from the shadow that we added.
This is inner shadow which means, shadow will come only inside.
Also we have an inner glow.
What will be in the inner glow?
This will glow on the inside, i will increase its opacity and change its color so that you can see
I hope you are able to understand!
This is the glow done.
As you can see, this is displaying like this, because of noise.
If you will decrease the noise, it will look better and sharp,
So I am not doing this, our logo is looking good without this.
So this is our logo, naming logo.
I will you what to give to the client, we will do “export as” or we can do “save for web”
We will do “export as” for now.
As we can see, our logo is made
Whatever he needs, we can provide in that format.
We can give in JPEG, even in SVG.
We don't need to make any more changes here.
Just export it, it will ask where do you want to save, you can create your folder on desktop or wherever you want to save.
Add the name and save.
I will save this for now.
So this is our logo.
Now, we will see how to design abstract logos?
So lets make it in high quality,
4000 by 4000.
This is very high, but the scale will be good with high quality.
I have a drawing, i will open that
I have made these drawings,
So as i told you, before making a logo, we need to research,
So i have designed these logos after researching and paperwork
So one by one we will make all of these logos.
How to make it?
How to change colors?
So i have taken a new layer and we will take pen tool,
After taking pen tool, zoom in
First, you need to think what color you need at which place,
I want different color in this V and different in this V
So this V will be made differently and that V will also be made in a different way,
So you can fill colors in both of them
So we will do similarly, I am making it with a pen tool.
I hope you know how to use this pen tool etc, and you should have basic knowledge of photoshop,
So this became my shape, i will fill this with red color for now then later on, we will change its color.
Right click, make selection, you can give feather, you can give one, i am giving 0.5 for now,
Because we made it very perfect, I filled it with this color.
We will create one more layer,
Then we can merge these, whatever we want,
Make it very precise
Control enter, so selection will be made through this and backspace will fill the color.
I moved it with a spacebar,
This selection is very …. So we need to add only the points at all the places.
As selection is made, control, enter will select it and backspace will fill the color and control D will deselect it.
So whatever design you made on paper, we will click its picture and add the image in photoshop.
In this way only we need to move the pen tool, make the selection and fill color that's it.
So our logo is ready, the logo is ready on this side.
I will do control E,
So this is the selection made .
So whenever i will select this magic one tool and selecting this will select full,
With this i can fill any color i want, done, see color is changed.
Let's name this “right side V”.
You must do the naming every time.
If you do not do the naming, you will get confused of what you have done, and where you have done.
So let's zoom into this now,
And start adding the points,
Control enter
Control enter
This time let's keep the color different, orange type.
Control enter
Control D
Will create one more layer.
you people entering ctrl + shift + N then, press ctrl + enter
then, alt + backspace and ctrl + D and our new layer is made.
we'll add points , after adding enter ctrl + shift + N, okay
alt + backspace color filled then ctrl + D then after adding this point,
that and this is also done, what will happen if we enter, ctrl + shift + N
a new layer will be made up.
then after, new layer coming up we will press ctrl + enter to what we made our selection
With completing that with alt + backspace what will happen is color will be filled and with ctrl + D it will deselect.
so our logo is ready, we call this abstract logo.
we will call this abstract logo because, in this we will design this logo with the dark colors
you can add the radiants and all also, if you want
i'll press ctrl + E then all layers will be merge.
so there was a problem in this, i made this in right side, layer only
so it got joint with this, what will we do to separate this?
I selected it as magic wand tool after selecting enter 'ctrl + shift + N'
by that we'll make a new layer, then select layer via. cut
so what will happen with this is it got seperated and that also got seperated,
and after selecting all of this press ctrl + E, so this will get done in one layer.
we will name this 'left side V',
so this one got over now, you will double click, then you will get the gradient overlay,
so you can fill gradients in this.
From here we will take other, and better gradients.
we can take black and white, as you can see
and then in red also we have many gradients,
this looks nice, and this also looks nice, we'll add this one.
then okay, this and our logo got ready.
our logo is ready, we'll call this abstract logo.
after getting done, with this and selecting both of them, press ctrl + G,
we pressed ctrl + G because we could name it.
We'll do the naming because we have too many logos and we have to design it.
so by mistake we should not put this layer into that layer.
you people have to do the naming and grouping very nicely, remember that,
So we'll name this ' V logo’.'
so we'll take one more new layer in which we'll design this.
So design this I have taken pen tool, i am telling with the pen tool because you people know ,if you people have any drawing how to design it,
There are also many other ways to select it but with a pen tool you will get the perfect selection, that's why I am telling you.
you people don't delete this point, so you can make the changes and all
here my selection is done, we'll lower this.
you can also make few changes as per your choice, I will make more smaller than this
i will take this inside more, I will put this in a bit curve shape,
so it can look nice, you people can do the changes as per your requirements in drawings.
after drawing also you can do the changes,
here my selection is done, i will press the ctrl + enter on it .and fill the color
through ctrl + D de-select, so our selection is completed here.
just like that we will do the another selection,
to that I will select like this, from here this is done.
here we'll take the direct point, from here i took this point.
you people can make little bit changes, by pressing Alt i am doing few changes, so selection should be perfect.
here our selection is done, we'll smaller the size of this
to this from here like this, then smaller the size of it and put it here, so it will be helpful for us anytime.
After doing it we'll add it like this.
this time i didn't make the new layer , so we'll press ctrl + shift + N by which new layer will be made.
then ctrl + enter and so by ctrl + enter this is done.
we will have a different color to this, for now i am giving this color to it and now it is done.
ctrl + d , so this is in a different layer and this is in the different layer.
This is also how we design our logo.
by double clicking, on it you can add the shadows and all , if you want
There is an option to drop shadows here, so by that it will give some feel about it.
3d feels will be there , like there is something
double click, then drop shadow put the same option so both can look good,
but here it is looking good, but over here is not looking good, we will bit change the angle,
so it could look good to both, here it is looking good on both sides.
we'll select okay, then select both and press ctrl + G,
after pressing ctrl + G , name it 'C type logo'.
you can make this by magnetic lasso tool because these are very simple shapes,
I am going too slow because selection should be good.
I have entered i didn't make the new layer,
so by pressing ctrl + shift + N new layer, after designing new layer,
we'll fill the color , this time will put the different color .
if we put different color every time, so in selection it will be beneficial for us,
This is also done, pressing ctrl + D to de-select.
now, we will do this selection by spacebar I moved it,
you can also do it with the pen tool also, and there are also plenty of other ways.
here I completed my selection, we didn't take this in new layer,
so press ctrl + shift + N then enter and fill the color.
by ctrl + D de-select.
so here our logo is made.
so we have to do it with the pen or i'll tell you the one more way,
By polygonal lasso tool, because these shapes are very simple
so this our is ready but here in middle, we also want this white,
so over here, we will do the subtract here where subtraction is done.
now if the color fills it will get filled in this part only.
we will put this in little bit dark tone, to related to that
is it done, we found the gap,
with Ctrl + D de-select.
then, now see i made one more mistake i put both in the same layer,
so we have to add this again, this got completed.
after that ctrl + shift + N , new layer and color fill.
by ctrl + D de-select,
we'll zoom in
do the selection properly, so after that we didn't have to do the refining to our logos
this is done, we will subtract the logo from here,
so we will also got inner thickness,
again with ctrl + shift + N and color filled ,
then with ctrl + D de-select,
we'll merge these two by pressing ctrl + E,
and two of these get merged by ctrl + E.
so our logo has got ready, you can change the color whenever you want.
we will again do the group,
now let's make this logo which is bit harder,
again new layer by pressing ctrl + shift + N , okay
this again we will use pen tool, like this whole curve
taken this , we can make little bit changes,
i am doing it very precisely and our logo selection is done, we'll select it by ctrl + enter and fill the color.
for now let it be black only , by ctrl + D de-select.
we'll select this much part and to that , by lasso tool we can select it
do it from here,
then we will subtract from there or you can do the selection like this also
this is also done, we will make this gray
this work also will get done by polygonal lasso tool
by pressing backspace you can take back all the points.
if you put it somewhere by mistake,
this is done.
and from that we will subtract one more this white part , so we will get an inner shadow.
and our selection is let's also put this gray and pressing ctrl + D .
this is done , we'll make one more layer group logo A,
Now, we will also do the selection to this and this we will do it little fast , so our work gets done quickly.
this is done.
press ctrl + shift + N for new layer then ctrl + enter then selection.
let's fill this in little pink , put it in dark pink,
but we didn't subtract it, let's subtract this also.
to this subtract front shape, i hope you people know about the photoshop shortcuts
this and press ctrl + enter,
this is done.
and we'll do this little bit,
we'll fill the path and give color to it.
from here press ctrl + enter and this also selection is done.
to this there no need to give color to this because it is white from the start
and we want white only, you can also do its work from a magnetic lasso tool.
These points are going a bit there, so selection is done.
From here we will subtract it and this is also done.
we'll give gray to this also,
this is completed.
so we will subtract it from here
I am subtracting it by pressing shift.
So this is done, let's give it a color
Deselect from control D.
I keep making new layer, so you also keep making new layer,
Do everything in a new layer.
This is done selection, now subtract from here.
So this is also done.
Deselect with control D.
I have merged all this.
We will do this, because the layer is deleted.
Selection is done.
Color fill
Deselect with control D.
This logo is also ready.
We will group it.
Let's quickly do this logo also,
We will do it with as much speed as we can.
So this is done selection.
Control shift N for new layer,
Selection completed.
An color this in dark tone,
So this is done.
control D.
Control shift N for new layer,
So this is filled.
Deselect with control D.
This is also done.
This selection is also done.
Deselect with control D.
So we will give the color now in orange tone,
To make it look better.
You can use gradients and all in this As I told you.
Now i will do in echo selection,
So that I don't need to make new layers again and again.
This is done.
Let's fill the color,
So the work of logo designing is completed.
What did we learn today?
Close this and we have this much logos ready
You can add one more layer to it.
After adding the layer, give it a color or give it a gradient.
In this way, gradient or you can do it rounded
This gradient is not looking good so we can take some other in dark tone as well.
Spo there is a problem here, lets fix it,
Close all the layers,
I didn't make a new layer, that's why this mistake occurred.
Kindly, do not repeat the same mistake.
I will subtract from here,
You can subtract by pressing shift as well,
This is subtracted.
Then give it a color, orange tone,
Little bit dark, and light,
Deselect, with control D.
I am doing selection a little faster.
I am Creating everything in one layer,
Because anyway we are going to merge them afterwards.
Logo of A is not looking good enough,
So we will change its color,
After selecting color,
Let's give it a red color,
So our logo is ready.
All these are colorful logos
These are known as abstract logos.
I hope you have understood everything and you must have liked this session
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