Now, photo filter comes in image menu.
What happens in a photo filter?
if you have selected any color and you wish to apply the selected color or some area or on full image then photo filter is used.
here, we will select one color, suppose green.
now, see we will increase its density.
see, the full image is going in green tool this is a very useful option.
if, you want to use one tool for full image so you can use photo filter.
after that in adjustment, comes channel mixture.
In the channel mixture red, green, blue and constant are given.
you can increase or decrease, the red from here, green as well, in this way you can adjust colors.
after adjusting the colors you can increase or decrease this as well.
in this way,
then here comes invert.
Invert means, the color which came right now, exactly opposite of that which means, the color which is visible on the screen, a total opposite of it. It looks like a negative image.
after that comes ‘poster eyes’.
if you want to give such effect to the image so in this way, you can apply the effect through poster eyes.
normally, if you wish to do any creative work, you can use poster in this way
you can keep the creative image, you made, on brochure or first page of any pamphlet.
this is a full effect but …
see in this way, you can apply the effect if you want.
here are more object, effect will be better on lesser objects.
for example, here we will do threshold.
in this we have to can show the car then you can use this.
after threshold, it comes gradient map.
if you want to add gradient color overall, image then you can use this.
you can also make your own gradient color from here.
we have already seen this thing in gradient tool almost, this is similar to that.
in this way, you can add gradient color to full image.
selective colorm
again this is a color. adjustment option.
given cyan magenta, yellow and blackml
you can adjust this 4 colors for example, increase or decrease cyan color,
increase or decrease magenta in it,
effect will keep changing. in this way,
decreasing black will make it lighter and increasing black will make it darker.
after that it come shadow and highlights.
the image will get sharp, if we will increase this
in this way after creating it's loop you can use this in brochure and magazine as well.
after that in adjustment comes desaturate
which makes the picture black and white.
And match color if you want to match the color with another image then this is used.
For example, I'll take one more image from here, I want overall, color of that image into this image.
I like that image but color of this image.
what we will do is go in adjustment > match color > here is the source given.
in source, we will select the second image.
as you will select
see the color of that image is here.
then you can adjust as per your choice.
See, we have adjusted the color of second image on this image.
we will keep luminance this much .....
increasing the fade gives your original image.
That's why keeping the fade lower to give the more color of Second image.
as you can, see color of both images is almost same.
What is its use?
if you have images of different color combination and you have to keep them in one layer, one color then you can use this.
this Match color, is very beneficial for that.
after that here it comes replace color.
in replace color, first of all you have to keep the fuzziness as zero.
now you have to Press control.
as you will press control you will be able to see your image.
whatever, color you want to replace it with ,select that color.
I'll go there and click on that color,
see here the color is selected.
now the color you want in its place, that color need to be selected from hue,
but you have to increase the fuzziness.
now which means, here the portion that will remain white, only color of that portion will change.
let's increase the fuzziness and keep it till here.
And let's change its hue from here,
see the color is changing
I will show you one more thing, In car
replace color from here
Press control,
color selected.
fuzziness adjusted, in this way
then adjust the color in hue,
see the color change in the car.
we can increase the fuzziness a little bit
also, you can increase or decrease the saturation.
in this way, if you wish to change the color of car
Or you want to change the color of anything
you can use this.
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