In today’s session we will learn about brush tool
Where it is used and how it is done?
Shortcut of brush tool is B.
We will take brush tool from toolbar.
Here you will see, there are various brushes available.
Whatever brush you want to use you can use.
The size of the brush you can increase or decrease from here or you can press bracket keys to increase it or to reduce it.
] right bracket key will increase the size of brush and left bracket key will decrease the size of brush.
We will take this brush from here .
You can draw whatever you want to draw, like this way.
If you need this blur brush.
Let's make it a little smaller.
and like this way if you want to draw then you can draw it.
Press ctrl + Z.
So some more different types of brushes are given. You can use them too.
For example this is a type of brush ok? If you want to make something like this, then you can use this type of brush.
Here you have given some more different types of brushes,you can use those as well.
Suppose this is a brush of this type ok?
If you want to do something like this then you can use this.
Different various types of brushes are available here which you can use in your own way.
Now here In windows you have been given a pallet of brush.
It's shortcut is F5.
Different properties of the brush have been given in this pallet.
Here the first option is shape dynamic, this is our normal brush.
If you look below, it will show you, that if you want to make changes in shape, then you can change it .
in this way.
Now if you make it, it will come like this way.
This first one was normal and this one is after setting it.
So different changes have been given in this way.
That you can do.
For example in this way if you want to separate the rounds like this way .
By doing this ,a brush of this type will come.
If you want to add texture to it, then you can also use texture.
For example this texture is needed.
So different types of brushes have been given and color dynamics have also been given.
We can use it all.
Like this way.
See it has come in different color dynamics .
In Color Dynamics, any color will come randomly here.
There is another important tool in Photoshop which we call it as a color replacement tool.
What can you do with a Color Replacement tool?
you can change the color of any object. how?
First of all, go to Tools and take the Color Replacement tool here.
Here you can see below the foreground color is blue.
Whatever color you want to put here, you have to take that color in the foreground color.
Like here we will take something like purple color here.
Now we will replace the color with the help of a replacement tool.
So you can see here, your car is of orange color.
First of all select a part with the help of a quick selection tool and it is very important to make a selection.
If you do not select it, your replacement tool will go out of your area.
If you have good control over your hands and you do not make selections then it's ok.
It is my advice that if you do it by selection, then it will be better .
So if we do not want this part so for now we remove it from the selection.
So we select it and make it minus.
Now let's take a color replacement tool from here.
And by increasing the size of its brush, start rubbing it from here.
See the purple color that I have taken, will start getting replaced on it.
This is also used to change the color like we use hue in the image.
Similarly we can use this also.
You can see here that some lines are left,so what do we have to do for them?
you will have to increase the tolerance here.
We will make the tolerance straight from 30 to 100.
after making it 100, you can add more color here.
Then those things will go away.
By pressing ctrl+D , see this portion.
Color has changed.
You can replace the color wherever you want in the same way.
After the color replacement tool, we will learn a mixer brush tool .Let us understand what a Mixer Brush Tool does. Take the Mixer Brush Tool from here,and from here make it smaller.
What happens sometimes if something is going in speed like a car is going in speed then you will see its effect behind it.
If you want to show somewhat the same effect that your object has many copies behind it.
We will always use a Mixer Brush Tool for that.
There's a car here so I'll show you.
First let's enlarge its brush size a little.
See, now I click and drag it here.
So you can see, copies are made.
So if I want to show that my car is going in speed and I will use this tool for that.
Look, let me show you one more thing here.
Like this is the side mirror.
brush size has to be reduced.
See, in this way copies are made, you saw it.
The first copy will be a bit dark and will be good.
As copies are made behind, they will become a bit lighter and smaller.
So this is our Mixer Brush Tool.
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