Welcome to learnvern friends.
our last topic was,
how to whiten yellow teeth in 10 seconds .
and our next topic was,
how to make hyper-realistic lipstick in photoshop and we put lipstick to our subject
and we saw how to make it realistic.
and after that, problems or bugs you can say.
some errors are there, how to fix that.
and if in future this problem comes in, how to save that; we saw that.
our today's topic is,
how to cut hair precisely, means how to separate the hair of the subject from the background, precisely with the help of color range.
and after that, we will see how to remove any shadow from one subject.
we will see color correction using curves means we will do the color correction with the help of curves.
After correcting color we'll do the compositing to those colors so that it looks good.
So let's go to photoshop.
So clear out the first topic.
“Precisely cut out hair using color range”
So I have come to photoshop.
And here I have one subject which has a yellow background.
And we will set this background behind it.
I had set here, you people can take the background of your choice from online.
So this will be our background.
And this will be our subject.
So select the subject, after selecting, go to its color range, here you will find sampled colors.
Turn off localized color clusters.
Turn off fuzziness as well.
Select none instead of white matte.
What will happen with this?
We will be able to see the selection properly.
First of all, this is our eye dropper tool.
Select it.
So it will do our selection .
So here I have taken the selection.
After that there will be an eye dropper with a plus sign .
After selecting that, we just have to move around the subject like this.
Because of that it will take the selection properly.
After taking the selection, we need to invert it.
Inverting will give us proper selection.
So here I am doing the proper selection.
After that select white matte to check the leftover unselected parts.
We can increase the fuzziness.
And we can remove from some of the areas according to us .
So this has become more, we will make sure proper selection is done.
Decreasing the fuzziness.
We will click more samples as well.
So that it takes the proper selection, so it is taking our proper selection.
We will take through a little bit of closure, so that it selects accurately.
So this is done, increasing the fuzziness a little bit.
Point sample is done.
White matte is also done.
Lets see what selection we have got by keeping it at none.
Select white matte. Click ok.
Clicking ok will give us a selection.
And we will make that a mask.
Creating a mask gave us the background that we wanted.
So now we need to refine the mask.
So we can refine by pressing alt.
Fill with a brush tool.
Let's take a soft brush.
So here I am filling the white color very precisely.
The detail of clothing that was gone, is getting back.
You people do it very precisely, I am doing it fast to show you further.
You have to do it carefully.
If you are facing the same issue then convert it into a hard brush.
You will get the details precisely .
Here was the color, removed.
I will remove this also.
You can see this as an overlay.
As you will overlay, it will work efficiently.
And it wont even go out of the mask.
Here we want details of the hand.
You can see by pressing alt, keep checking backhand, details of the hand should not be missed,
So I am not doing here precisely, you do it precisely.
After overlaying, again lighten, you can take the details again.
What will happen with the overlay?
It wont go out of the area of the mask, so we get thai benefit.
So here I am working by making the mask smaller.
Here we will overlay it again.
Because we have hairs here.
And we want the hair precisely.
We will see again which area has leftover parts.
Here you can see that many of the details are gone.
Again lighten and fill.
So the details are restored, you can see that.
You can Increase the speed by taking a hard brush and increasing the size.
Zoom out a little bit.
Here it came, so remove it a little bit, and bring the details back.
So our details have returned.
In hand, a part was left, take that too.
For the colors of the hair, i will tell you the technique to get back the colors of the hair.
So that will take colors only on hair, no where else.
So we will get the details.
I am doing here it a bit faster,
Many places are left here, remove it properly.
If it is not going, select lighten to remove.
Sometimes it happens.
Some things go with lighten and others with overlay.
So you need to keep going back and forth.
The Hair of the subject is curly.
We need to take care of that also.
So again we will create a new layer,
After creating a new layer, we will select the color of the hair.
And fill here with the color.
And it remains with that only, so give it a masking.
Make sure in eye dropper tool, no point sample, 5 by 5 layer acceptable and should take the color from current and below.
Make sure about these things.
If it does not work in an overlay then choose lighten.
What will happen with lighten is.. It will take the color by making it light.
And we need to work only on masks,we will do it in that way only.
Increase the brush and work speedily, it will be better.
More refinement to its mask.
Set the opacity accordingly, to make it look better.
You can see the colors here also, we will do the same thing on this also.
Create a new layer, give it a color, select a color from here, decrease the size of the brush, fill it.
Keep that also lighten, that should match.
Decrease the flow, so new layer, color.
Wherever the yellow tone is visible, change it to our this tone.
For example here it is, take another color and fill it properly.
So the tone is maintained on its colors.
It was in her hand, so I selected and removed it.
Skin normally has a yellow tone.
Make sure that is maintained, that should not be lost.
You can see here, here is too much .
So I am removing the tone speedily.
You have to do it precisely.
Remove by Increasing the size of the brush.
So our background has changed.
And even hair cutting is done precisely.
You can see how precisely we have done with time saving.
Time wasted in hair cutting through pen tool or any other selection tool is saved.
A Lot of our time is saved.
We will save it.
So here i have opened an image in photoshop, she is a subject and the shadow on her is to be removed.
We will see today how to remove it,
Take a polygonal lasso tool, make a selection from a polygonal lasso tool.
You people can do it precisely with the help of a pen tool.
But we dont require that much so we are not taking it.
So much precision is not needed so we can work with a polygonal lasso tool.
You can see here, how much rough selection I am taking.
You people can make selection according to yourself, as much selection you want.
As you can see my selection is done.
We will make a selection with curves.
And brighten that we made.
After brighten, you will get this type of effect.
Because the shadow remains blurred, what we did is hard selection.
Because of that, this is displayed like this.
So we will give it a solid color.
We can take a tone of gray in solid color.
So I am taking a gray tone.
Click ok, and color it.
The one which is yet visible, for that go in filter, use blur, gaussian blur.
Radius 8 .
The effect that we wanted in blur, we have got that.
After that you can remove this effect with the help of a brush tool.
Here is also a smudge tool, you can remove it with that too.
So first of all lets try with smudge tool,
So how does the smudge tool work?
As you can see, it is getting removed easily.
We have to remove them normally.
So there won't be much of a problem.
And if it is not happening then you can use a brush tool.
In this also, keep the flow normal. Point or two.
You can Zoom in and remove this effect.
It will be removed from some of the areas, rest will have it slightly.
Don't worry about that.
Zoom in and work on it.
So that it is removed properly.
Decrease the size of the brush.
And keep the flow at 2.
Effect should be maintained.
I am trying to remove over the eyes too.
Trying to take it out from the nose as well.
So this is getting removed slowly.
Here is a little bit, let's remove that also.
So I am removing from here.
I am doing a little bit faster To show you all.
You have to do it precisely.
If you do it precisely, you will get the accurate effect that you want.
Increase the brightness a little bit more so it matches with the face.
We will try to match it properly.
After that the solid layer that we have taken, can be removed.
As you close it, you will get your normal face.
The parts where you see errors. You can use a healing brush there.
You can remove it with a spot healing brush.
You can even use patch tool, what happens with patch tool?
You need to define the area.
The area that you will define, it will take from there and we will get good smooth skin.
So you can see, I am doing it properly.
We try to match by taking normal selection.
And even if this doesn't work, refine it with a content aware move tool.
So it will work nicely.
Patch tool.
We need to do some cleaning, because we are doing it manually.
And we were not able to refine that much at the time of shadow, which removes all the effect.
We can take the effect manually and remove it, fakeness appearing is fine to some extent.
So the effect is removed.
I will pick this area from here.
So the errors will be gone.
Here is also some error, we will remove that also properly.
Here is also, let’s remove that too.
Zoom in properly.
Control Z to the effect which has come.
Here we can run the brush one more time if you want to get a better effect.
So it will equal to normal effect.
So it is removed properly.
And from here as well, let’s remove it.so our shadow is removed.
So in this way you can remove shadows from wherever you want.
So friends, I have opened one more image of which we were going to do color reading.
I have opened that one image.
So this is a baby, our subject.
We will do its color reading with the help of curves.
First of all control J.
So we will have an image in the background.
After that we will take curves.
In curves we will go to the rgb channel.
Here you can have three eyedrop tools.
- First is the tip of the black.
- Second is gray.
- And third is white.
So we will take black one.
What will happen in black one is, we need to select black as soon as we take black one,
We will not have proper full black in any image.
Normally 100% black is not seen.
So we can take near to the black.
Meaning our shadows, eyes, here dark area, we can take all these.
First of all, let's try taking from underneath mouth.
So you can see, with my one click, the fogg effect is gone.
Then we will take this white.
we won't find exact white as well.
So we need to take near off white.
So we will take white from his sweater.
Taking this white, made it brighter than needed.
So I will take this white, you can try different different whites.
Wherever you like, take white from there.
So we can take white from here, we can take this white as well.
So let's take this one.
After that gray color, there won't be even gray color.
So on which the shadow is coming, we can take that.
We will try different different, selecting on which layer makes our work better.
So from here I have selected a grayish tone.
And we have got a warmish tone.
So you can clearly see the difference between the previous and this image.
We will give it a little bit of a bluish tone.
And brighten the image.
So take this and here is the highlight, increase it a little bit.
So overall brightness is maintained.
After that we can make our dark area more dark.
Ok then down the bluish tone.
And can increase the brightness.
For now let's delete this nord.
And go to the RGB channel, we will take back the brightness that we increased.
We will Go to a bluish tone and increase the bluish tone a little bit.
And increase the greenish tone as well.
We will take one more hue and saturation.
Down the saturation and add the lightness.
And give it a mask.
Control I to the mask.
So I have minused the mask.
Let's take the soften brush tool from here.
Soft round brush with flow hundred.
We will increase its size, and whiten the skin tone.
So overall skin will look white and brighten.
Glow will be maintained on the face.
The glow we wanted because of the lights, that will be maintained.
You can turn down the lightness and increase the saturation.
So we will get this overall
So let's increase the brightness a little bit more.
Lets increase the lightness.
And from where we don't want it, remove from there.
Let’s Decrease the size of the brush and remove that light from here.
We dont require there.
Select all of these and control shift alt T, so we will get a merged image.
We will take that to the filter and add a camera raw filter.
And in that we get many options.
For example
- Split toning.
- Temperature of the image.
Keep custom in white balance because we are customizing it.
You can keep this to auto as well.
We will get an auto look on auto.
The look which will be best, we will get that look.
You can see that the bright effect which I gave, skin is glowing a lot !
Down the highlight of the image.
Darken the shadow a little bit more.
Increase the whiten more.
Increase a little bit of blacks.
We can increase a little bit of overall texture.
Meaning the depth we should get, we will keep getting.
And we can make the skin smooth with the clarity.
As much as you will take it to minus, you will get that much smoothness in the skin.
So we'll take it a little bit.
Dehaze, increasing dehaze will give a dark look and minus will give you a lighten look.
To make the image colorful, we can give vibrance and lower the saturation a little bit.
And the exposure which we gave, minus it little bit.
Keep the contrast as it is.
In curves, down the highlight.
Because the background in the black had become lighter than needed.
Brighten the darken.
And take the shadow towards more shadow.
In split toning, we will play with hue and saturation.
The overall look that we need, fill of the color was warm, we will take that to a bluish tone.
For that we need to play with hue and saturation.
The balance that will remain, will be of this type.
Main overall look is of skin.
In the shadows we need a little warm look.
So I can take this towards red.
Click ok for it.
We will take color look up on it.
The overall look it will give of the image.
We can take this fall color.
Foggy nights can also be taken.
In that you can get a day night effect.
You can see different different colors from here.
I am taking it upwards through the arrow key.
After selecting lookup from here, we can select brightness and all.
So there is no problem with it.
After taking this, I will decrease its brightness, then fill won't be taken that much.
We need a lot of brightness.
So we can take this one
Because we had put blue in the background here.
So the filling will be good.
So our final compositing is done.
We can say the image's color correction.
We have also made his skin smooth.
And the blurriness in the background because of the lighting, the depth which should be there, we have taken that depth.
So you can see the images. The previous image and this image that we made.
After that we added a color look up.
How much difference is seen in the images.
You can see here and here the depth which was there, and the depth in the one we created.
You can see that.
After that we gave a little bit of a tone.
So this was our color correction with the help of curves and a little bit of compositing that we did, we can call it compositing of textures.
Where did we do that?
Filter and in that from camera raw filter.
Thankyou for joining us.
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