Hello friends, welcome to Learn Vern.
You're welcome to our photoshop tutorial online series.
So we've studied in the previous topic that there are different types of logo designs.
Which were designed in photoshop.
So we have gone through how to design it.
And Also in how many different ways we can do it, even we saw that.
The Thought process and the paperwork we do before designing the logo, we saw that also.
After completing the paperwork.
we'll bring the logo in photoshop and we'll design on it also we studied, we saw that also.
So today's topic is to make a 3d logo.
Then we'll go for visiting card,
how to make it also we'll discuss the size of the visiting card.
All these things we'll learn Today.
As you're seeing I've entered into the photoShop.
So firstly we'll do “create new”.
And our size for pixels will be 1980 or better option is 1920.
And if you make it 1080 and our resolution will remain 72, we’ll do this in RGB and that's all the setting and then click on create.
then I have placed an image which has a dragon and we will design this logo in 3D.
So firstly the background is white.
So we have to transparent it, we can transparent it with a magic one tool because here are the same colors as you are able to see. This is my selection, I will create a new layer with ctrl+shift+N.
And fill the color in it. Black color.
I closed the one which was taken in the background, you can also delete it simply but I have kept it for safety purposes.
Double click on layer 2 and give the name as “Shape 01”
And you can delete this background, I am deleting it and filling it with white color and we will bring it down in which our background will be.
I backgrounded it, then we will right click on the shape layer and after right clicking here, you will get a new 3D extrusion from the selected layer.
So after clicking that, our interface will change a little, that interface will come into 3D
Wait a minute.
As you can see, this is converted to 3D here,
so you can zoom in, zoom out by left clicking.
you can rotate it by alt click and you can simply rotate it without pressing anything.
Click once, then after left- clicking it, you can rotate it, like this.
Now as soon as you click shift, it will take it and it will be snapped.
Then from here you can also select the camera that you want the left view, top view.
So for now We will keep the front view or you can also keep the default.
What will happen in default, we will know the depth.
So, Scene, Shape 01
If you go in shape 01 , you will get extrusion depth , then if we shorten the extrusion depth then the depth will be little less or more so we will keep only a little depth so that we can feel it is a 3D.
So I will keep it till 171 for the time, then if you click on the first layer here , then you will get many properties here. Here you can select the base color in the interior which means you can change the color inside,
then you can give glow to the base color.
In metallic it will look like metal , you can increase the roughness and height , decrease the opacity ,
you can also give the reflection , reflection means which will be seen through.
You can give it density and translation.
What will happen is it will work and look like our skin.
So for now , we will give this base color a little blue color.
This color is fine.
But now you can see, that blue color which i gave is not visible in base color. why?
because in layer, this shape 01 is on.
So you go to the layer from here and double click on the shape note that is visible here.
It says this note is being used in many places.
So simply click on it, after clicking this will take you to the new PhD file.
So from there turn off the layer and come back to 3D so you will get the blue color , which you chose.
Now we will get back to 3d's layer and after going to 3d's, we will go to layer Extrusion shape 01 material ,
the material which we have extruded; we will give that material a yellowish touch , which will give us sort of glow effects.
This is okay , you people can copy my values , if you guys put these values then you'll get the same color as mine and then we will go to shape 01, front Beval Material.
Beval means , the bevel on this edge , we'll give color to that and to that also we will give yellowish tone , okay!
This one will work , you can copy these values and we will give some glow to this , so it could look nice.
Over here you won't be able to see it now , you have to render it ; only after rendering it , you will be able to see its good look.
Then you can also give this back's material .
back bevel material,
we don't have to look at back so we don't need it , that's why I'm not touching it!
Then we will head back to layers and right-click on the background's layer and select the postcard.
The moment you click the postcard that will turn into one layer of gray color, which we will work nicely for rendering.
We'll select shape and background layer with clicking on shift and then enter ctrl + E,
What will happen after entering ctrl + E?
They both get combined in one layer but our 3D's work is not going to change
it will look a bit pink because we have matched them , then we will okay it.
Then when you're in 3D there is an option if you click it, then it will ask the Render 3D layer and its shortcut is ALt + Ctrl + Shift + R you can also do this, this way.
Alt + Ctrl + Shift + R then it will start rendering,
it will take some time to render because its rendering is too good , you will get very good output, while it is rendering we will wait.
You can carry-forward and see what to do next , I am waiting here
As you people can see, my rendering is completed.
Now, I am under the layer, then we will right click on the background and select convert to smart object,
then what happens with it is our logo will get ready.
Now you guys can see how beautiful it is rendered , then we will click ctrl + J for our copy and again get back to essentials work space.
From here again I get back to essentiality. I hope you guys have a little bit of knowledge of Photoshop, if you don't then you people can follow our photoshop tutorial, you will get that tutorial on learnverns' website.
So, I have reached here and then from here we will put an adjustment layer over here and we don't need color so, we will close it; we also don't want swatches, Gradients and patterns.
And I put this over here , so we could work properly.
From here I'll take Hue/ Saturation , in Hue/ Saturation increase Saturation, so what will happen is , it will enhance the glow.
For which the yellow color we gave for the glow effect, that will glow.
so you can change the color also from here but for now i am just gonna darken for a bit.
Anyway we are going to change its color.
So we'll come back to the layer which we copied and select our magic wand tool and then click on it; in which we fill color and we will create a new layer by pressing ctrl + shift + N
then we'll press enter.Then we will fill our color.
For now I am Just filling white or a slight gray color.
Now I have Filled the gray color.
now with the help of ctrl + D I'll deselect
and by double clicking on it the layer style will open.
I hope you people have knowledge about this layer style; i am gonna give you a basic introduction about layer style.
So from here you can give Bevel, texture , stroke , inner shadow and also inner glow.
What is the meaning of inner shadow ?
The shadow which comes inside is called inner shadow and inner glow means the glow which we want inside that'll show up.
For now we'll pick color Overlay , I have clicked on the color overlay.
Now what you people can do from here is change the color.
here you will pick the color and then put on it , so we won't be able to see the effect.
So from here we can see the effect.
Now I am picking the pink color; now if you drag it down you'll be able to see more colors.
So we can look and feel which color suits better , now this color is looking good but the dark tone which is showing ,we don't want.
I will pick this color and your opacity will change a bit so you can do that 100 and from here you can also choose overlay.
You People can choose as per your look goes, for now doing hard light on it and then i will give inner glow.
yes we can give inner glow to this and from here we will fill white color on this , from here we'll overlay it; we will decrease the opacity as much as possible , so we could see lightly and also decrease the size to minimum 8 and put choke at smaller amount.
through which we get to know how it looks.
it's looking very pretty and you guys can also fill the gradient, people also have many options about gradients.
So we'll see which looks good.
not this , this; you will get this blue tone as well as dark tone.
As you people can see this is looking Very nice, so we'll finalize this.
After doing this we will color balance it , this option is specially for color balancing and in color balancing we will play with colors , which will provide us looks and feel.
As you can see how beautiful the logo is looking, it is actually not for logo making , if you guys have some texts or images and you have to design those things into 3D or do something else , you people can do the same thing with text as per your requirements.
You can also use Curves on this , then let's take some curves , we will increase some darks and also get some light , set mid-tone .
So our logo is ready !
Now you can cut and take anywhere you want and remember before doing all of this , select everything by entering alt + ctrl + shift + R , make one more new layer.
All this will merge and a layer will be made and by pressing ctrl make a whole group and then close it.
You can make changes whenever you want and play with it.
Now you have to increase or decrease the size , before doing that we will convert it to a smart object ,only after converting it increase or decrease the size, or else your image might get ruined.
After doing it and pressing ctrl + T you will have the option for increasing or decreasing the image , so you can do it and with help of Alt without getting stretched you can increase or decrease the size proportionally.
for now i am putting like this only , you can take it anywhere after decreasing the size
So this was our logo design in 3D. As you guys can see I'm in photoshop.
Now we can make a visiting card , first of fall we will click on create new , after clicking on create new , I'll get a lot of options and then in option ,in recent.
we will put our Preset detail as a “visiting card” , we'll capitalize V, our width will be 3.5 and we're making in inches and our height we'll be 2.
This height is standard height, we'll do it CMYK because it's gonna go in printing, that is why we're doing it CMYk.
whatever color we see here that color will get printed , so now we will put it into inches and height will be 2 and bit 8 only.
Background color white , I have made mine.
you people won't have this roller, if we enter ctrl + r we will get roller,with help of roller we will make a safe frame , what is it called? Safe frame .
Why do we need this safe frame while making a visiting card ?
because we make edge by edge and after getting printed it will get cut and because of that we face problems.
so we won't make it edge by edge and also change the color, let's keep the dark tone but i have already thought of an example and as per that, accordingly we will choose color and everything.
As you guys can see, I have a visiting card , we design the same as this, this is for your understanding.
i will make a new small box in which we'll fill colors in it and after that we will pick that color and in this color, we will fill that also.
one color will be this and the other color will be Gray color , not exact gray but dark tone blue and one more is white color and after making both of these , press shift and select both and take it towards them.
this is only for color , we will use it only color , you can put this anywhere and for now i am putting this here because now we are designing the frame.
for designing the frame , i will fill the background layer with the dark tone and go to image from here and select the canvas size, then we worked on inches so we will do inches and add here 0.25 height and add the exact same then the width will be 3.75 and we'll do it from all the four sides , that's why i am putting this anchor point in middle and press ok for it.
After doing that, what I will get is the outsider thickness and the remaining inside will be a safe frame.
that also i will set with the help of roller, always remember that all these are important to be done.
From here I will pick a rounded rectangle tool and give it a round shape ,
After rounding we will fill that color , our color gets filled .
So our design got ready the rounder one and the color was already fill ,
now the floral effects or patterns, you can take from google if you want.
For instance , I have this pattern downloaded and if you guys want this pattern then you can download it from our resource folder , you will get all of these.
So from its magic wand tool , I will do the selection, after clicking on this, I get this selection and after getting selection, I will fill in some dark tone to it.
and the selection is already opposite so i will press the ctrl + shift + I for reversing it and then press alt + backspace for the selection and now our selection is done.
now we will take this visiting card , this is looking large in visiting card , so we will minimize the size with the help of ctrl + T after converting it to smart object ,
right click convert to smart object and after pressing it do ctrl +T to it.
we have decreased the size of it , so with help alt we will decrease the size of it proportionally.
the right after it's done the right click on the inside layer and create a clipping mask and now it clipped and narrows down the opacity of it and also take this little inside and decrease its opacity and fill also. Decrease the fill also.
if the colors are matching we can also change the colors ,
we will give white effect to it ,
again with help of magic wand tool will do the selection by pressing ctrl + shift + I ,
this will not happen we have to rasterize it again , after rasterizing, it should happen,
we will try to fill colors in it and our background is gonna be the same as before.
again we will do a clipping mask, with this and enter ctrl + D. So this is done.
Then we will take one more layer and our rounded tool,
after putting it in we will turn it into 40 pixels , how much? 40 pixels.
so our color is already selected and we won't face problem with it ,
If we decrease the opacity and fill, little effect will show up or else we can do it, select this with help of magic wand tool and delete it so all we get is just a shape and take this shape over here and will delete this one.
press ctrl + D and then it got shaped , we will bring this shape and zoom it out and decrease the size and more cutting down the size and from here we pull it towards to middle , so we could get floral effect and with it by pressing alt take underneath one and convert to clipping mask.
so our floral effect is done.
decrease the opacity and fill.
increase a little bit of opacity so we could see that there is floral effect; for now we are putting this color on the side.
So what was here ?
Branding name !
Our branding name is in white color , as we made our logo and now we will use that logo.
Open '
i hope you people would have picked the designed logo ,
Now I am opening my logo , the abstract logo we made, you can use any logos out of this.
we will fill it with the white color , this logo looks nice
we'll take this.
press ctrl + C and then press ctrl V here ,
so our logo is done , if enter ctrl + E then this will come up in one layer.
Only after layering, we will convert to smart object because we have to decrease the size and resolution should not be get ruin, that is why we decrease the size by smart object.
Take this into middle ,
as you guys can see that it's in the middle.
We need to make the logo smaller.
Let's make it smaller.
After this gets smaller, our brand name will come.
So our brand name is Learnvern.
now we will take text from, learnver
here and give it a white color and smaller font .
take it in the middle , so it could look nice ,
we have to decrease the size even more ,
let's take this in the middle too and put it downward and now our is done.
We have given white color so we will do selection and fill some white color ,taking white color.
After getting whited enter ctrl + D and our front page of the visiting card is ready.
like shown here.
we have tagline which we can also add up here ,
what our tagline will be ? is learn together ,
so we make it spelled together TOGETHER.
learn together and smaller the size of it.
let's take it towards mid and up.
Now to this logo and our text or learn vern's text , we will slightly increase the size of both
the size of our together will be smaller.
now our front page is done,
Now after selecting all of this we will enter ctrl + G.
After ctrl G, add group name as “visiting card front page” and hide it and duplicate the same thing ,
duplicate our group ,
we can duplicate it by right clicking them.
instead of front in this we will write back.
in which our names and all will be added .
So closing off everything in front and from here, your name and graphic designer ,so we don't need a logo anymore.
so i closed it ,
‘learntogether’ one is gonna stay and over here we will make one more design and our background color will get white , first we will add white on it.
to this ,
we will decrease opacity and make it to almost negligible,
also we decrease our flora effect then it slightly show up,
We can use a polygano laska tool to design this, so let's design this.
you press shift and straight the line and now i have done the design ,
and we will pick our color, this is the color and we fill it into a new layer.
Ctrl + d , now it is filled , over here our name and etc will come and i will tell you how to add your names and all
so now we'll select our name , drag it upwards so we can have a look,
over here we will change its color first,
and what our color will be ? the dark one.
After selecting that one , we will fill that color ,
after selecting both of them we will take out both towards outside
So our naming is done.
we will add a underline, you can drop it if you want ;
We will make a new layer and our name is finally done.
we will turn off the selection, now we will add some shapes and all over here,
For instance we need a calling number, e-mail address and address.
now we will go to windows, then choose shape in it , we will attach shape here only
you might won't be able to legacy shapes and more option,
so here click on the dot and the moment you click on legacy shapes and more you will tons of options ,
when you go down you'll get the 2019 option and as well as defaults option.
like leafs , roads , spiral shapes , people many choices you have, you can add these
lets see in signs nothings here ,
we'll have in flags , helmet ,
Let's go in all shapes.
we will go in all then default shapes ,so we have this email option here and from here we will take round tour for making a round ,
we will make a small round here and after making rounds we will fill colors , as usual our white color.
also add our mailbox, with help of shift we will make it smaller so it gets add up with it ,
but after adding we're unable to see ,
so we will select it and fill the color , so we can see .
make its size even smaller and press enter.
Now our option is done and now we need the call option , so we will first copy the circle downwards.
So this is done.
In the arrow there is no sign of nature , object ,shape. I may get the calling option , in symbols and we found a “calls” option and we will add that also .
fill color in this and on the top of that our round there was, we will add that and decrease the size of the phone symbol so it could set in the round.
you can add and download the exact same brush from online you can find it,
Now we have found an e-mail address ,calls and now we need the location one.
for the location we can use this one and we can also do this for the internet , if you guys have to show something related to the internet.
We will try to find a location sign , as you guys can see there are a lot of options and we can add this pin also for the location , as you can see we have so many options.
you can use these options in making visiting cards or banners or whatever you wanna make you can use these.
for now we will use this sign for our location ,lets copy this downward again and add this over here and after adding we will fill the color ,
with help of ctrl key you can get transform option,
over here you can add you address here and our design is ready,
you guys can add gradient also if you want,
we will double click on it and then the option will pop and then we will go to gradient and select this option and double click on it.
so we will get the options about which type of gradient we want ,
we double click on it here , now we need dark tone here ;moving dark to light tone here ,
it has been bit more and now we can see it ;
you can give noise or solid and you can also change the angle , similar angle to that
Let's take the angle 90.
we have found it lets double click on it then go to gradient then make it 90 and also make it a little dark;
from head it will be dark and light in the end,
you can also add this color also.
over here this color could go and here we can use dark color.
anyway that one will look good.
You can increase this also for.
That how much it should be shown,
you guys can hide it also because it is not needed anyway.
Now we are done with the back side which is also called the back layer.
you can also add your own text as per your location , email or number,
so go ahead you can do it.
Nevertheless we copied the layer only and we found that also.
you will be off this layer and on this layer , so in this you will find the front layer and this one will be your back layer.
Now let's save this file , we will put it as a visiting card.
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