Video Duration 8.06
Guys, previously we have talked about lots of topics. As you can see about all these topics we have discussed.
So now we are going to learn about Business Suite.
We have learned about the creator studio. Business Suite is very important as well.
Business Suite is a free tool that manages your Facebook & Instagram account and all of it is done at a single place.
One more benefit is that it saves a lot of your time because you can handle everything from one place.
As we have seen in creator studio that from one place you can schedule,watch analytics it is the same in the Business Suite as well.
Whether you're using it on desktop or mobile, Business Suite makes it easy to view notifications and respond to messages quickly.
So here the same thing is given by the Business Suite as well.
All the notifications come at one place, you can reply to everyone from here, you can use it on mobile as well as on desktop or laptop.
It makes it very easy to use and all the things are done at one place.
As i will go here now and i will write ""
So this is a business suite. Here as you can see we have an account named "Ghumne Chaliye". It is its business suite.
In the business suite you can see three things here. The 1st is the ads manager which we have seen.
Here you can see there is no ads manager created for this account so we will not be able to access the ads manager account here.
As you will go into accounts you can see many options there. We will go to the previous tab then we will go to the ads manager as i will click on "Go to business settings" i will get many options in business settings.
So here whatever we are exploring is from the business manager.
First of all we will talk about users.. When I click on people,you can give rights to people from here, like when you will write someone's name who is already added on your Facebook or you can write an email ID as well. (typing)
As soon as you write this, Then from here you can give all the access like content…classic pages, publish content, ad account so these all access you can give from here.
Vicky lalwani, see as i am already added here, my name is showing here so i won't be able to see options.
So like this if we write someone's email id here then immediately you can give access to them.
It is a very simple process.
You can find it here as well, like I did.
You can see I have added an email ID..
I will click on next now.
And I will invite.. So the invitation will be sent.
So what will happen,this business suite or account will be sent to that email id and as soon as that person accepts that he will get all the rights.
Then comes partners, you can also add your partners here.
You can also add system users here.
You can add any person you want.
It’s more than enough.
By going in people, you can add people.
As I go into pages, who has rights for those pages you can see that from here.
As you can see, Pratik has rights for this, glumne chaliye and Vicky Lalwani has rights.
So you can see right here.
You can add here for an ad account as well.
I will click on an ad account, from here you can create a new ad account also.
Like I will write “testing”.. or I can write numbers as well. (6 seconds pause typing)
Here it is showing that it is not possible, as I need admin’s right for this.
When I receive admin’s right, I will be able to add.
Like that you can see business assets, you can add your business assets from here.
There are many options available.
Like data resources, brand safety,registration,integrations.
I will go on leads.
For leads, suppose you have run ads for this account, so after running those ads if you have received many leads that you can see from here.
Payment methods we have seen.
Then there are security centers.
Then comes requests, notifications, business info and setup guide.
So here you can see many options in business settings.
From these, only a few are useful for us.
Like people, I have shown you how to add them.
Then in accounts there will be many options, which isn’t that useful for us.
I have told you about all the useful things.
Though, you can explore this, there are no issues in that.
Now, we will go on ads reporting.
Ads reporting is very helpful for us.
Ok. In ads reporting, as we click, the ads manager option will be there.
These are all of your reports.
If you have run ads from that account, you can see all of the reports.
You can download them and share with your clients as well.
Like we will try here, (6 seconds pause) as you can see I will go in some ad report..
As you can see it isn’t showing any ad report as of now.
That’s why I am not able to generate reports.
I will select this quarter.
So from this account no ads have been run.
So it is not showing me any option.
I will remove “head delivery”...
Then I was able to see one ad, but it was for trial.
So you can take reports and export them, you can select the option in which format you want to export like CSV, image whichever you like.
So you can export from there.
So I have shared a very easy process with you.
Ok. This was all about the business suite.
Moving forward, we will explore more in this.
Some things which are important I have shared with you.
In the next module we will discuss more important things on an advanced level.
Which will be very useful for you.
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Next topic, as i have already told you will be on ads manager.
So thank you so much guys.
We will meet in the next lecture with a new topic.
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