A macro in Microsoft Word is a set of instructions that can be recorded and then assigned to a button on the keyboard, in order to automate tasks such as repetitive text entry.
There are many types of macros and they can be used in different ways: copy-paste, formatting, calculations, etc. Editing a macro in Microsoft Word can be quite challenging. In order to edit a macro, you need to open up the VBA editor. To edit your macro, click on "Tools" and then "Macros." Then select and choose your macros and click Edit.
It is not possible to edit a macro in MS Excel. Instead of that, you can use the following instructions to remove the macro from your Excel file:
1. Open Microsoft Excel and go to File > Options > Macros.
2. Select a worksheet and click the ‘Cancel’ icon at the bottom left of it.
3. You have successfully removed a macro from your workbook
With the help of macros, you can easily open and save any file format. You just have to point out the file name that you want to view and click on it. A macro is a little program that runs in your computer's browser. It saves files to disk automatically, displays them with great speed, and allows you to save them as temporary files within your computer’s memory or browser cache.
Many software companies offer the use of macros in MS word. These macros can be used to automatically perform routine tasks like cut text or insert graphics.
To enable these macros, simply go to the “Tools” menu and click on “Macros”.
This will bring up a dialog box where you can enable or disable macros. When you are done, click on “OK” to save your changes and close the Tools menu.
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