How To Use Vector Tools In Adobe Photoshop?
In this video, we will learn about every vector tool like rectangle tool, rounded rectangle tool, ellipse tool, polygon tool, line tool and custom shape tool. To add object on any image, vector tool is necessary. In previous video, we saw custom shape tool. You will find the shape, we made in custom tool.
In video, rounded rectangle is explained for example. You will learn how to change border, radius of corners, and border style. If you take circle, polygon or any shape, you will notice properties are same for every shape. On changing feather radius, object is becoming blur.
Let’s see line tool. Draw a line using Shift so you can have straight line. You change color and width of it. In properties, you will find many options. In line tool, you can change feather radius, too.
So this way, in Photoshop, you can draw shapes with the help of vector tools.
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