Marquee Tool In Adobe Photoshop
In this video, we will learn about selection tools.
The Marquee tool is the most basic of selection tools and often the one most useful. This tool is used to draw selections based on geometric shapes.
As shown in video, there are four types of Marquee tool. First, let’s see rectangular marquee tool. The Rectangular Marquee tool is used for making rectangular selections within an image. This tool selects square and rectangle area.
In Photoshop, to undo, step backward is used. Its short cut key is, ALT+CTRL+Z. Same way for step forward, SHIFT+CTRL+Z is used.
Second marquee tool is ‘Elliptical Marquee Tool’. It selects image in round shape.
Third tool is single raw marquee tool. It is used for line like selection. Generally it is used for generating patterns.
Fourth tool is single column marquee tool. It works same like single raw marquee but in vertical direction. For deselecting anything, CTRL+D is used.
Additionally, in this video, how to do zoom in & zoom out is also shown.
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