How To Use File Menu In Adobe Photoshop
Let’s understand features of Photoshop one by one.
First, let’s see File Menu in Photoshop. To start a new file, click on New. Give name to your file. In document type, you will see some options. In US paper, you will see different sizes of paper. Same way, some other sizes are given in the option. In photo category, you will find two category: Landscape and Portrait.
What is landscape and portrait? Landscape means horizontal page and portrait means vertical page. Landscape has width greater than height, while in portrait, height will greater than width. After that, web sizes are provided. Web is used for websites. Mobile app design type offers templates for designing apps. Every document type is explained well in video. Also customization is available in document type.
Choose according to your requirements and select other parameters as per shown in video. Color mode offers RGB, CMYK and other options. After selecting all options, click on ok. You will see a blank page is opened. You can save your document as psd document type. Other document types used are png, jpeg etc.
When you want more than one file in a document, select place embedded from file menu. Some other basic properties explained in video of File Menu.
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