Okay guys.
Welcome to Learnvern.
So, today we will do a new practical which is called Test Case.
See, there are two words in it, Test and Case.
The case that you made now in the scenario.
The things that you have verified with that one case that is made.
Like when you go to the Doctor, the Doctor doesn’t call you inside directly.
Even there you have to first file the case.
They verify your age etc, and after that they test.
Then they go to the Doctor and get the test done.
So, this is what? This is called a Test Case.
But guys, we are studying Software Testing here.
So, in the Software Testing, manually the big practical that is there.
That is called the Test Case.
What will you call it here? You will call it a Test Case.
So, guys, what is a Test Case? I will have to see that first here.
What will you do here? What is Test Case? So, guys there is a definition of Test Case given here, they have talked about it here.
Then after that I will start the practical.
So, Test Case is the set of actions executed to verify a particular feature or functionality of your software application.
The functionality that you have, which you have made under scenario.
Clear? Where you have even verified it.
Clear? You have done it positively and negatively but for the same things we will go ahead and fire actions.
We will execute the actions inside it.
If it is perfectly performed then it will pass, and when it is not then, it will be a fail.
So, we will keep such status as well but where? In the test case document.
So, guys in the second point you have been told that Test Case is a document which has a set of test data, preconditions, expected results and post conditions, developed for a particular test scenario in order to verify compliance against a specific requirement.
This means that according to your requirement, you get the work done as per the preconditions.
Check it as per the expected results.
The thing that you had asked for, the thing that you had expected, are you actually getting it there? Combining these things, what do you have to make? Test Case.
Test Case includes specific variables or conditions, which means if you have verified a specific thing.
On it 10 to 12 negative points can come.
You Can fire, you can fire, using which a testing engineer can compare expected and actual results to determine whether a software product is functioning as per the requirement of the customer.
Guys, they have made a big statement here.
Clear? What have they said? Whatever test case you have got included.
In that the specific conditions that you need to fire.
You can fire.
I am saying it again.
And get that compared.
What will you do exactly? The way you have expected, exactly in that way you were getting the output.
That’s it, you work on that thing.
Clear? You have to work exactly on that thing.
That same condition, that same thing, you have to fire it and work in the Test Case.
So, for the test case, what is the first requirement here? Like if you go into the old times, like before 15 to 20 years.
In the Market, there was HLR based Test Case used.
But then the scenario had to be made.
But the people today are very smart and they want quick work.
So, what do they do? They make the scenario first and based on that scenario you do the test case.
You go to any company, they do the same thing.
Make the scenario, make the Test Case and file the Defect Report.
Over! Clear? But you will have to learn everything.
We cannot say that all the companies will do it.
So, guys, we will start the Test Case now.
But, guys at the end, you saw the scenario here.
Clear? So, with this scenario what we have to do.
Here in login, as many negatives you can identify, as much as you can think, you have to think it here, definitely you have to think.
And on the same basis you have to login and continue the work.
Clear? So, guys we will start here practical, how it has to be done.
We will show it to you on that basis.
Clear? So, guys we had seen here the scenario and now I want to open one more excel here.
And I can make it in another sheet as well.
But I am making a different excel for you.
What do I want to do here? I want to make as many as columns the test case has, I want to show you by writing it here.
So, the first thing that I will need is the test case ID.
There should be a unique ID of the Test Case.
Some people forward the company's name or digit.
Some people can even make an ID as per their wish sequentially, like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
It is your choice.
The work will be as per your company’s rules.
The second thing that should be here is the Test Scenario ID.
Then we want here Test Case Name.
It's a summary, which we call a Test Summary.
What will happen here in the Test Case name? When you will do a Test case name.
Test Case name means what you have thought or verified.
All those things that you have verified, you have to verify them here in the summary and get it checked and show it and you have to describe it, that I have done the work in this way.
After that will come precondition, after precondition will come your step.
Where did you go first and then where did you go? All those steps you have to mention here mandatorily.
Then there will be test data.
Clear? Which data you have inserted in it and checked.
What did you do by keeping that data? What are you expecting out of it? So, that will come here.
Expected Result, Actual Result.
And here status.
So, guys, all these things are mandatory for you here.
All these things are mandatory here.
So, here there should be a wrap text.
The font that you want to keep, you can change that.
Correct? Then you can give here the border that you want to and make the top field bold.
Give whichever colour you want.
If the cells width of Test Case ID and Test Case Scenario will be smaller, it will be okay.
But the Test Case Name should be big enough, and the Summary should be big.
Precondition, what it is required for, that should be under condition.
Step for that.
Which Test Data you enter in there and check.
What is the expected and actual given output? So, this concept, you need to have compulsorily here.
Done! So, what will come here? Test Case ID.
Like I can write unique numbers here like 1, 2, 3.
I can even write here, Test Case ID 001, you can even write in this way.
Test Case ID 002, same way, Test Case ID 003.
In this way you can make as many as Test Case IDs that you have to make.
The choice is yours.
Clear guys? So, I have made it here.
But, Test Case Scenario ID, guys what you had written in the excel here, 1, so write the same thing here, 1.
The ID that you have mentioned there, you are testing same thing here, right now.
But on which site you were checking? Guys at that time we had seen Learnvern’s site.
You should never forget.
Because this site is doing well in the market so never forget it.
So, this Test Case, you will make it here for Learnvern.
Let’s check how powerful the Learnvern’s site is.
And if there are faults somewhere, that also we will get to know.
So, guys we are talking about Test Case Name, so what will come in Test Case Name? Here whatever thing you are taking along to verify, that thing I have copied here and that thing you write here.
Clear? If the user/student will be able to login with a valid username and password.
As per your username and password all the things should be there here.
How will we do that, what will be its summary? So, guys I will have to open the website first.
So, I have done it here, I have opened the Learnvern site.
After opening it I went straight away to login, with others.
For example, here if you know any user name or password or if you know any email address and password, you can write it down here.
But you will login and check if it is happening or not.
Clear guys? You will login and check whether it is logging in.
So, guys, here first sign in with others.
I have told it earlier as well that we need to verify if the user will be able to login with a valid username or password.
Insert the correct one and check first.
This is the rule for the Test Case that first you insert the correct one and check.
Then insert the wrong one and check, then keep it blank and then check.
Then for each one of them, you can check all the negatives as per your capacity or limitation.
So, in this way you can generate the Test Cases.
Correct? How much ever risk you want to reduce the risk and improve the quality.
So, brother, fire as many negatives as much as possible on it.
You can easily take it out of it.
So, first of all, I need to enter the value and check.
But which value, how it has to be done, which steps did I take? Guys, I am here on the Learnvern site.
So, first of all I should have this link.
When you perform anything here then when you will fire in steps.
What should be your first step? The website should be open.
What is the second one that you will give here? I will write here second, for example, press enter key.
Clear? So, this thing will be performed here.
Clear? Here you will press enter key but to open all these websites you must have the precondition.
So, what is the precondition? You must have the browser, you should have the internet, the website that you are opening, that should be in working condition, when all the things would be there, only then your work will go ahead.
And before that you should be registered under the website, like Learnvern.
So, guys, this will be your condition.
What will you do? Website, internet, browser must be in working condition and must also be registered in Learnvern site.Guys my conditions have increased here.
Clear? So, you will first open the website and then what will you do? I will have to come straight away to the 3rd step, then the 4th step, like this the steps will keep on increasing.
But what will be its summary? If you enter a valid one, it should open here.
Yes! So, while clicking on Login button, which one, login button, it should open in the user/ student’s Dashboard.
If you click on the login button there, your Dashboard should open but how will you go till login? First, I went to the Leanvern site.
Second I want to click on the right-hand side logo.
Clear? So, see guys, even here, where you have to go after clicking, that also you have to write.
So, write here, the 3rd step.
What will you do here? What will you write in the 3rd step? What will you have to do inside the 3rd step? Click on the user logo on the right-side of the screen. Clear? We have to click on the logo on the right side of the screen.
But now you are logging in but you have not reached the log in yet.
So, you have the 4th step as well inside this.
What is it? You have to sign in or sign up with others, I don’t have Gmail or Facebook, why should I use mine.
I want to make another account.
I should have my own username and password.
Clear? So, what will you do here? Click on Sign up/ Sign in with others button.
What will come after clicking that? You will click on the login button.
Here your 5th step will come.
Click on the login button.
Guys what does this means, you will have to first do the 4 steps as per you.
First you do this, see if the website is getting opened.
Then you do this, whether it is getting clicked or not.
Then you click here, whether it is getting clicked or not.
Guys I just told you that, we are telling you the Test Case of login.
Correct? We are showing you a small demo of login so that you understand how the Test Case is made.
Okay, so here username, which one you will put and enter? Password: here = sign should not be there.
Colon, why? Because the data you are entering you have to enter here compulsorily.
The data that you are using for the work to get done that also you will have to enter here.
Clear? Guys, I cannot give you my password and username but I am showing it right now, maybe you will not see in the video.
Clear? What are you expecting? If you are clicking on the login, whatever value you enter in here, like I have mentioned here my own ID, Rahul009.
This is my ID.
And I have a password which I will not tell you.
Clear? Now what will you do? As soon as you click on Login, what do you expect? What are you expeting? Yes guys, this is a mandatory thing for you.
If I am clicking on something, inserting the correct values.
What exactly should happen? Our dashboard should get open.
So, write here, it must be open user/student dashboard.
But actually, what is coming.
I am clicking on the login here.
Oh! My account has been opened.
See, here it has come Rahul.
Clear? This is my account.
This account has been opened.
So, what has happened here actually.
As per expected result.
And your status is pass.
Why does it pass because the login is happening? So, this test case is over.
My first test case is over but sir you have not entered the value here.
See the username is Rahul 009.
Password I cannot show you.
You have to enter the same password that you have entered there.
Clear? So, here your first test case is over.
So, what do you need to do to increase the speed? You need huminity.
No, you need to copy, paste here.
When you select any test case here.
Like I copied here.
In the next step you paste it.
Why? You know that with all these steps and conditions, you don’t have to write them all the time, so to increase your speed I am doing this.
So, guys, you have completed your first Test Case but in the first test case you have done positive but if I want to do negative here then, now I have to do so many negatives on it.
I have to fire a number of conditions here.
Okay, I leave it blank here or I have mentioned it wrong.
Here I have written the user with a valid, here I write, invalid username and password.
So, what should come when I click there? The dashboard should be open? No, it should be open or it should display a validation message.
These 2 steps would be the same.
But here I have mentioned it wrong.
I have written Rahul here and even in the password I mentioned it wrong, Rahul itself.
So, here must show a validation message, compulsorily the message should be seen there.
You log out from there once and go and check it there, is it really happening or not.
I have written Rahul here.
I have written Rahul in both the places.
I login.
See, for the password I got the message that it must be at least 6 characters.
Clear? At least 6 characters' message have come.
It won’t go ahead till then.
Suppose that I make the password as Rahul123.
Why? To increase my characters.
So, I made Rahul123 here.
I log in.
See, here it has come that “you have entered the wrong username or password”.
See, a perfect message has come here.
Why? Here, or should be there, if you write ‘and ’ that means both are incorrect.
If one of them is correct that will not be known.
That means he has to check what is wrong at his end, password is wrong or the username is wrong.
So, the message that is there, is perfect here.
Clear, so this is passed.
Why? Because the message is showing.
So guys you have to write the same thing here.
If you entered the wrong value, the message came? Yes, as per expected result.
The message is properly shown here.
Clear? So, your test is passed here.
ID should be as it is, it should not be changed.
Which one? The scenario one.
But the Test Case ID will be changed.
As you are doing the new tests inside it.
Now, in the username you had put invalid and you checked it.
But now check it by keeping it blank.
Clear? Like you did invalid here, you make it here login with a blank email address.
Means blank username and password.
Able to login with a blank username and password.
So, what should come here? You have to check; you need to remove the wrong value and you have to keep what is there here.
Like from here I will again make it wrong.
I will again go in sign up.
I have removed that message from here.
Straight away I clicked on the login.
The message has come “This field is required”.
See, can you see the validation below both of them? So, guys this is also passed for you.
Clear? Brother, this is a good website, I told you even before.
This has also passed here.
Guys, you increase the number of conditions.
Think of the number of negative conditions in it.
So, that you can remove more negatives from it.
Clear? Now what will you do? Here for example, I entered the right one and checked, I entered the wrong one and checked.
I even checked by keeping it blank.
Now, what will we do? Now we will check each and every field.
If there is email, in email how much negative you can think and username is also written there.
You can enter the username and do it or you can also enter the email and do it.
Clear? But you think that you have entered it right, wrong and even kept it blank and checked it.
Now is the turn to check each and every field and do it.
If I am entering an email address here.
Like rahul.mca@gmail.com.
I have entered the correct one but if I am entering double dots here.
Then I am clicking on login and I have also entered the password, rahul123.
Now, both are wrong, why is that message coming? First of all the message should come that…now, we are making so many negative conditions in it.
Suppose I am making a mistake in the email address.
.mca@gmail.com and I have not entered the password.
Correct? Here the message should show that I have entered a double dot here.
So, you are getting this message first “This field is required”.
So, that should be checked first that there is a double dot here, that means that the email address is incorrect.
Clear? So, see both are showing wrong here.
Suppose that you had entered the correct password.
I am entering any password as per my wish.
I am writing it again. My password is correct but the email address is incorrect.
So, again I am clicking on login.
Here there are double dots, so a valid email address message should come.
Why is it coming that both are wrong? Valid email address should come.
“Please enter the valid email address”.
Why did we enter double dots? So, according to me we will fail it here, rahul.sanghavi.mca@gmail..com, that means after @ double dots is allowed.
But after double dots if I have inserted the third dot.
Suppose, I write here rahul.mca@gmail...com.
Clear? Password message is coming here.
The message should come here that first you enter your valid email address after that you talk about the password.
Clear? So, what will we do here? I have made it triple dots.
After @ triple dot is never used in any email address.
So, what will I do here? Login with triple dots after @ in username or email ID.
So, here you are talking about the email now.
So, remove the password.
Clear? So, the validation should be proper.
It’s not displaying proper validation message.
It must be shown a proper validation message.
It must show properly which has given been exactly given from the guidelines.
If you take any website.
What happens there? If there is a problem in email address.
So there comes “please enter valid email address”.
Clear? What happens here in username and in email? Username and email are incorrect there.
Clear? But I have used email id, so the email id message should show there, “please enter the valid username” is showing.
User name only should not show, there is email too.
So, in or, email should also show there.
Understood guys? So, I will fail it here.
If you are failing it, change the color so, you can get to know later that we had failed it.
Now, I will copy it again and take it down, Ctrl+V.
Clear? What we will do in Ctrl+V? Here we checked after @ triple dot.
Now we will check here.
Login with…let's talk about email addresses.
For example, I have written special characters and ahead there are all special characters.
And after that I have written @gmail.com.
If I write something like that? What will I have to do again? Here, I have written anything.
Password is required.
Here, all the time they ask for a password.
But why should I enter the password? The email is incorrect, firstt of all, you rectify the email, after that you talk about the password.
Some people think this way.
Clear? So, you will have to think that way and work.
okay? I wrote the password here, anything and then I am doing it.
It showed? It showed username and password.
I am saying it again.
I had entered the email address, so here that should be considered, email and password is incorrect or “please enter valid email address”.
When the proper message will show, we will get to know.
I have entered an email, and it showing, user name.
If there is a person who is not able to understand, then what? So, guys, then again this is a fail for us again.
Clear? So, I will write here login with special character in username or email.
Clear? So, here what do you have to do? You have to enter the special character ahead, the one that you had entered there and checked, the same should be there, here.
Again, that is failed there, it is not giving a proper message.
Why? Because they have worked only considering username but someone can enter email as well.
Clear guys? Someone can enter email as well there.
If he enters the email, he will make this mistake for sure.
Clear? So, like this a lot of negative things you have to do it in there.
You have to fail it and pass it.
In what? In this Test Case.
Clear guys? So, like this I checked the login with positive first.
I even checked the login by keeping it blank, I even checked by entering the details wrong, I even checked by entering special characters.
There are so many possibilities that you can make.
If you don’t insert @gmail.com at the end.
Then you can write here by leaving the space.
Okay guys, suppose I write here rahul(space)sahghavi(space) mca(space) @gmail(space) com.
Rahul, I will give any ID here. Clear? Again, I should get a specific message, which is not coming here.
Again, I will fail it.
The space is given and the work is done here, so even then it will be a fail here.
I have written rahul(space)sahghavi(space)mca(space)@gmail(space)com, like that, so the proper message is not showing.
So, guys doing it this way you can fail the Test Case.
In this way you can make the Test Case in it.
Clear? You understood guys? So, this was a Test Case funda, in which all way you can make it inside this and going ahead how can you work.
Step is an important role; test data is more important than that.
Expected, you first check from what you are performing, is it showing the same way or not.
Guys you will have to see this and this is in the definition as well.
Clear? Thank you, guys.
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