Hello friends.
Today we will start here practical, which means 1st practical of testing which we call as HLR.
So, guys everyone knows what HLR is.
If you don’t know, I will show you in this practical as well how it happens and in which way it happens.
Clear? Firstly, what is the main full form of HLR? Think about it, what is the main full form of HLR? After that we will see a little about its description.
Frist of all what is HLR? So, it’s full form is High Level Requirement.
Clear? What is its full form? High Level Requirement.
That means it is there in its name, High Level Requirement.
You think, what is the meaning of High-Level Requirement.
Whatever requirement you have of the customer, which is basically needed by you, all those requirements should be fulfilled in the website.
Clear? But inside this you have been given a ready-made website.
Like 15 to 20 years back in the market it was used in such a way, we had to make the HLR first and after that we had to make test case.
Clear? So, when the HLR was made at that time.
At that time what used to come first? HLR was used to do the tracing.
You trace HLR with the test case.
So, first the HLR should be made.
When I don’t know HLR, how will I know what work happens in it and in which way.
Clear? So, we will see the practical of HLR in which we will see how HRL is made and how we have to write it, everything about it.
Whenever we use HLR there are requirements that come with it.
What is the main work of the requirement? Requirement is of 2 types, mainly functional and nonfunctional.
Over all if we see in SRS.
What is the full form of SRS? Software Requirement Specification.
What happens in SRS? In SRS also there are 3 types of requirements.
Which means, the customer requirements, 2nd is functional requirements and nonfunctional requirements.
The customer’s requirement is given to you on which basis you will make the project.
But in that you have to compulsorily make the basic requirement.
Like there is Gmail, so why did Yahoo mail come into the market.
But think about it, there are such functionalities in Yahoo which are already there in Gmail.
Like composing the mail and receiving the mail, sending it, seeing the trash mails.
All that is available there.
You attach the file to the mail and send it.
You can share it on the drive.
So, what are all those things, Clear? Those are also the requirement but those are common in all which we call as functionality, means functional reequipment.
Non-functional requirement which is not there in our hands.
So, what are we going to do in HLR? Clear? What we are going to do in HLR is, if the website is made in the market.
In the market the website is already made.
After making that website.
What did you have to do in it, what is the first thing you had to do in it? First of all, you have to make the document inside the testing practical.
What is that? That is HLR.
Why? We are starting form zero, we will be starting from zero.
Clear? The current generation or the next generation that we talk about.
What do they do? Why should we waste so much of time on it? Let’s make the scenario directly and make the test case and close the topic.
You know when you do the software testing in Learnvern for the first time, you should know the basic thing.
Right? Like, 15 years back also they used to make a use of HLR, 10 years back as well they used to make use of HLR, 12 years back also they used to make the use of HLR and 8 years back also they used to make the use of HLR.
It is not that HRL is nowhere in the market.
Yes, now it is less in use but it is not that it is not in use at all.
Clear? So, this thing you have to carefully make inside it.
You have to be careful while making it.
So, we will start about, how HLR is made and how it will be made practically.
So, today let’s see how to make an HLR of a website.
So, first of all which will be the column in HLR on which basis we will create a document.
So, I will open one notepad here.
And in the notepad, 1st thing I will write is, what will you check first in HLR? HLR means requirement.
What will you check in requirement? Functionality.
So, here the 1st thing would be functionality ID.
The second thing that you will write here would be the functionality name.
And the 3rd thing that you will write here is description.
These 3 columns are required.
These 3 columns which are required in the document for HLR.
Why? If you think the type of functionality that will keep changing inside this.
The way the functionality will keep changing here.
That type of ID will also change.
If you think that you are now in 1st standard.
Clear? Then you will go to the 2nd standard.
If a certain person fails, his ID will change.
Next time when he sits in the other class.
There the person with that roll number is already sitting there.
His ID is changed.
Same, when you change the functionality, in the same way the ID also changes in this.
You can give the ID in any form.
You can give it in point, which means in floating point and decimal point that I was talking about.
If you want to make use of the letter, if you want to make use of word.
You can use anything and give here the functionality ID.
Second in this is functionality name.
What is the meaning of functionality name? You have got any functionality.
Like Login, like registration.
Any functionality which has come to you.
How does that functionality operate? You can just click on that.
You click on it.
Then, I am saying that whatever functionality is there in front of you.
When we click and check it.
All that is called as your functionality.
That functionality you have to enter in the document.
How does that functionality operate? Its description has to be written here on the basis of it.
These are ther main things that we have to keep in mind.
Now what we will do here is now we will first of all use our website.
Imagine that this is Learnvern’s own website.
Clear? I have opened here Learnvern.com.
You know that, you know how famous it is.
Now everyone uses it in the market.
So, what is used the most in the market, we will do the testing of it.
If we find a defect in whatever is doing really well in the market, if we find a defect in that, our reputation will also increase a lot.
Clear? Guys, so we will start here with the practical of HLR.
Like I told you now, what we used to do in this? What all columns should be there in HLR, which you can use for documentation.
Clear? So, here we will make those columns in Excel.
In those columns how the work happens, how do we check in website.
Correct? What will be the first column’s name here? So, 1st would be Functionality ID, second would be functionality name and here inside here would be the description.
These are the 3 columns through which your HLR document will be ready.
So, how many columns will you require for it? These are the three columns through which your HLR will be made.
You can do formatting and all here, whatever you want to do, you can do it here.
Like you want to do wrap text or you want to increase the size of the font.
You can color it, make is bold, italic, whatever you want to do, you can do it here.
You can even resize the cells here.
You have the choice; you can do it the way you want to.
And what you can do here is, you can give borders to the cell.
So that you can see it properly.
But these two things play an important role for you.
Functionality ID and Functionality Name.
Why are these two things important for you? Whenever you change any functionality, change your ID there.
So that if any new functionality is added after that, you can easily add in it.
Clear? So, we will keep seeing ahead and keep telling you.
We will start here.
I had told you that there is already a famous website, Learnvern, we will start with it.
Clear? So, with Learnvern we will now start HLR here.
So, in HLR, 1st thing from where and how you will start? Obviously, what you have done here? You have put the URL of the website, learnvern.com.
We will start form here.
The website URL that you have entered here.
If you enter that and if the website is closed.
You will not be able to check anything further.
So, we will start from here.
What we will write here? We will write 1st, 1.
Some people write here A1, some write TC001.
You can give any name, that will be okay.
You can give it as per your wish but the indexing should be common.
Here whenever you use HLR, writing “check” is important.
Why? Because you check in HLR.
Which thing you check there? Which all functionality is given on the website, where all you can click and see.
All those things you have to check there.
So, first we have to check URL, which means website URL.
So, write the description as per your wish.
While entering URL into address bar, it should be open the Learnvern website or you can directly write, it opens the website, that will be okay.
Clear? So, this is your 1st HLR point.
After that what you have to do? You go here the second time.
How do you write in the note book? You go left to right.
In the same was you have to go left to right here.
You start from here, first is all courses, then after that you go into account, login and all.
After that you will straight away come to the name.
This way you have to go left to right.
So, 1st you think that you have read it ahead, in that you had read Integration Testing.
In Integration testing you had seen that there is top to down approach or bottom-up approach.
Similarly, we have to work here with top to down approach.
When you go in that functionality, go there and see, then go in the other one, then the other one.
But there is a limitation to the functionality.
We have to go till there and see it.
Why? Because this is HLR.
It is not a Test Case that you have to go in deep and keep checking everything.
So, see here, we have only hovered the mouse over All Courses.
So, in it all the things have opened.
So, what are the main things in it? In HLR only main requirements are covered.
What is there in all courses? In All Courses there is Technology, Business, Design, Designing tools.
Mechanical/ Civil, Live Webinar, Free Certificate, Live Project.
These are the main functionalities.
All the courses that have been given in detail that is what we have to check…when we will check it? When we will Test Case it at that time, we will check it.
So, what will be our second point? All courses, so you can merge and write here Home Page.
And if you want to change the ID here, you can do it.
Okay, so I wrote 100 here.
So, what will I write here? Check all courses while hover the cursor on All Courses, it opens sub details of the course.
You have to write the description in a way that the other person can understand.
It should not be the case that I have written it in Hi-Fi manner and I have done something great.
That doesn’t work.
Write in a way which can be understood by the other person.
Clear? Then what will you do in here? Inside there is Technology, Business, etc., all the things are available.
So, you can show it inside it as a requirement.
Where? Inside this.
If you are using All Courses link there, you have to start here from 101, even if by mistake you write 50 in here, it won’t work properly.
This documentation of yours will be wrong.
Why? After 1 you have used 100, so after 100 series will work here.
So here 101, check Technology under all courses.
Clear? There is also the hover effect there.
So, writer here, while hover the cursor on technology, under the All courses.
Clear? So, what will happen here? Under All Courses, to open the sub technology details.
Clear? So, you understood, how I wrote it here.
Like that you have to write about all the technology like Business, Design Tool, so I keep copy, pasting it here.
So, what you do here is, press F2 and change it.
Here instead of Technology, Business will come.
Clear? So, here also the cursor on the business and sub business details.
Like that you have to write all the details here.
Clear? Write third here, check designing Tools under the all courses.
So, write here in the same way, F2.
What will we do there? Technology Designing Tools.
And same details you write in the place of Technology.
Clear? So, in this way you have mention there, but change the ID here, 102, here 103, here 104, 105.
So, what will come in 104? There is Mechanical/ Civil is there.
So, write here the same way, Mechanical Mechanical/ Civil.
So, there is an option there regarding that.
So, we will copy it and we will make the changes here.
So, it’s details will open here.
So, what will happen here? What is the option after that? Live Webinar + Free Certificate.
So, write it here, Live Webinar + Certificate.
So, you write about it here, copy, instead of technology, even there it will be same.
And the end there is 106.
What is there in that? Live Project.
So, even here you write Live Project.
So, this also I have copied and here inside this …and below also you make it Live Project.
Clear? So, you have done the HLR work here.
So, here there is Home Page, you have to highlight it, make it bold, whatever it is, you do it here.
The process of Home Page is going on here.
Now, what all has happened on Home Page? All Courses has got over.
Now you come here to Login, when you come here for Login, what happens during login is Create and Account comes first here.
So, as per that if the Menu and the Functionality is changed, so according to that you can change the ID here.
Because if you think later, in All Courses if there is a new column added.
If there is a menu added below Live Project.
Then how will you get it added there? So, what will you add is we will keep ad difference in the ID.
Whenever the Menu will change, the functionality keeps changing, as per that you keep on changing the ID.
Clear? So, now the Log in came, I clicked on it.
So, 200, check Login option or you can even write Login Menu.
Login icon Menu, as the icon is visible there.
So, you clicked there, while clicking on that icon, it should open the Login Page.
That is opening, it means that it is correct.
In this what is the 1st thing that comes, Create an Account.
Create an Account is visible to you here.
Clear? So, what will you do here? Directly there is a Sing Up button.
You have to fill this up, that you don’t have to mention under requirement, this is not what you mention in the requirement.
Clear? Yes, in the requirement you have to mention Sign in with Facebook and Sign in with Google, you have to mention that and after that the sign up happens.
If you go in the sequence, you will see this first.
But it is written their Login Via social media.
But I am still doing sign up functionality.
So, what is the meaning of Create and Account? Sign Up.
So, what is there for sign up? There is a Sign-Up button.
So, first you will get them to click on the Sign-Up button.
Clear? So, 201, check Sign Up button, while clicking on that sign up button it should be open or it should be done, the sign-up process.
Clear? So, this should be here.
So, here your sign-up functionality should be made.
What I have to do under Learnvern account is that I have to add all the functionality of sign up.
You can give anything here.
Give any name here, ABC, XYZ, PQR, you give any name you want and validate it through the email address.
Then you make them fill up all the details here.
Clear? Now what will happen? Here you have 2 more buttons, whose name is Login Via social media.
If you go into sign in with Facebook, you should have the Login in Facebook otherwise Login with Google.
So, you should have the Google sign in here.
Only then it will happen directly here.
You can do it with these 2 methods.
So, you can just mention here as a reference, check login via Facebook and 203, check login via Google, which means Gmail.
Clear? In this way you can even mention here.
Clear? After that you go back.
You have got done with Create account, you have even seen about Facebook and Gmail.
Here also they have given twice.
Why have they given it inside? This is the defect.
Your each functionality is repeated here twice, outside as well it has been given.
If you go into account, even there they have given it.
Why they have given here, they have given it out, so why they have given it inside as well, as it has already gone inside? So, this is the defect, why have you mentioned here, 2 to 3 times.
Any well-educated person will get to know here.
Clear? So, this is the defect that is there in this.
They say that the functionality is duplicate.
There is a defect and the functionality is duplicate.
Clear? Third sign up you have to do with Learnvern.
See, they have mentioned here sign up or sign in.
If you already have an account, you have a login.
You put here the user name or email address and the password and as soon as you click on Login, the Login should happen here.
Clear? So, even this comes in the process sequence.
So, first you have mentioned signup/sign with others.
So, what will come in 204? Your functionality is also repeated, sign in with the Facebook and sign in with the Gmail.
So, here you mention, check signup/ sign in via Facebook.
Clear, similarly you have to mention there.
Exact same you have to mention in 205.
Check, sign up via Gmail but what will you do here, same as functionality ID, 202, same as functionality ID 203.
Clear? So, what will you do here? While clicking on that button, it must require Login first on Facebook.
So, first you have the Login in the Facebook.
Similarly, I have put the comment here, the description here, login on Gmail.
So, it will be red for you here.
Why? I know it is called duplicate here.
In one place you have mentioned Login with Facebook twice, inside Login and outside.
So, what is the meaning of showing it in so many places.
Clear? Now we will go on Sign up with others.
So, 206, check sign up, sign in with others, while clicking on that button, it opens the sign in and sign-up process or details.
If you think, even here there is create an account.
So, what does that mean? That means sign up itself.
So, why have they given sign up even down? Why? Same process is there here as well.
So, this is a kind of wrong process.
So before sign up, Login comes here.
See, what comes before sign up, login comes before.
So, what will we do here? 207, check login button while clicking on that button, it open the user’s dashboard.
So, the same thing will be repeated here, 208, check sign up button, so same as, wait, here we have mention create an account and sign-up button here.
Before that we had to mention here process.
We will have to change the ID, check, create an account.
I had told you that but I had not mentioned it here.
Retag, you will have to do it again here.
Check, create an account link, while clicking on that link to open the create an account page.
202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209 and here 203 and here 204.
Clear? So here the process was left so we added it here.
So, what we will write here, same as functionality ID, 201.
So, we will make it red over here as even this comes again, it is duplicate.
Clear? So, this type of process happens here.
If you get any problem in Login they have mentioned Click here.
In the same place.
If you click here, they are showing you the entire structure here, how it has to be done.
Clear? If you lose your password, they have a process here.
You have made this HLR here.
So, the HLR that you have made, what is it here is the basic that has been given on your website.
That is what I have checked.
Clear? On the website whatever requirement you have been given.
Where we can click on the functionality and perform it there.
All those functionalities we have mentioned here which were of high level.
That we check there.
In that also it is in detail, even details are shown there.
We will check all those things.
But in detail, when you will go inside it further, there you will get all those things.
Where? Inside Test Case.
So, that thing you will have to do there.
Clear? A process like this, you will have to mention there and perform.
We call this HLR.
In the sequence that you will go in, sequence wise you keep testing here and when your work will be done sequentially.
We will call it there as HLR.
Clear? We will call it HLR there.
When you will do HLR, you will get to know the basic requirement of your website.
What all requirement are given and after that which once we have to operate there.
So, those are sequence wise, they have been given there, sequence wise.
So, you check it there sequentially.
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