In the last topic we studied Inspection. And In this topic we will study about Dynamic Testing. What is Dynamic Testing, types of Dynamic Testing, where and how we have to use Dynamic Testing? Dynamic Testing is done after executing the software. When the software is executed, what do we consider in Dynamic Testing? That particular application that is running on any device or PC. What is its memory consumption and its CPU usage, what is its response time and the entire performance of the software? Let’s take an example of a Ticket Booking System. Right? Any customer comes to me to book a bus ticket. I have a bus ticket booking software. When I click to book, that software takes a lot of time to load and to book the ticket. In this how will we do the Dynamic Testing? We will do it in a way, when we are clicking on particular functionality, what is the issue coming for. Is it coming because of the Memory consumption, is it because of CPU usage or there is some other problem. Right? Dynamic Testing is that it will focus more on all these issues and possibilities. In Dynamic Testing the input and output of the software is very important. The input that we are giving and the output that we are receiving should be as per the expected output. We will see an example of Dynamic Testing. Dynamic Testing particularly focuses on whatever input that we are giving, what is the output of that. In short Dynamic Testing gives more importance to Input and output testing. Dynamic method we will check by compiling and running. Now we will see the types of Dynamic Testing, what are all the types of Dynamic Testing. The 1st is Unit Testing. In Unit Testing we will test the small units. The other name of units is module. But this testing is done by the developers. Right? They will test the small functions like addition. They will check if the addition function is giving A+B=C or not? Then comes Integration Testing. There are 2,3,4 different modules which we will integrate together and test whether the data flow from 1 module to 2 module, 2 to 3 or 3 to 4, is it happening or is it giving us the expected output or not. First, we will test the individual models. Let’s take the Banking system. Account Balance Testing will be different, withdrawal model testing will be different, the 3rd one is overdraft, that will be different. When we integrate all these 3 models and we test upon those we see the 3 models are really working as expected or not? This is what we will see in this. Then comes the System Testing. What we will do in System Testing is that we will test the entire system. The application that is there, has it been developed as per Requirement Specification Documentation or not? That we will test in the System Testing. Now the question is when and where will we use Dynamic Testing? In Dynamic Testing we will find and fix the defects. In Dynamic Testing the execution of test cases is important. In Dynamic Testing we will test each and every executable file. When will Dynamic Testing happen? At the time of validation. And it is tested by executing it on the computer. We will execute it on mobile and computer. If we pay attention to Static Testing. Static Testing was at the time of verification and dynamic testing is at the time of validation. Keep in mind that this is an important point in Dynamic and Static Testing. What did we learn? We learned about Dynamic Testing. We learned about the types of Dynamic Testing. We learned how and when Dynamic Testing has to be used. And what is the goal of Dynamic Testing? Now what we will learn, we will learn about Levels of Testing.
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