Welcome to Learnvern. In the last session we saw what HLR is. With that we had also seen what SRS is. Clear? Today we will start with HLR Practical. Which means, we are going to make a document of practical of High Level Requirement. Clear? So, what do we need here to start the practical? We need prerequisites, like an Excel or Google Sheet where you can mention the requirements. And second thing is, that you must have the list of requirements. If you are making a new project, you must have the requirements beforehand. Clear? Imagine that I have to make a project as per Learnvern. I should have a list of requirements for that, or I will have to think about it while doing it. How should the requirement be, what all should be there in it. Clear.
That means the mandatory part which I had told you about in the last session of SRS, is the functional requirement, which is the common thing in it, and non- functional which is not there in my hand. We saw these things in the last session. Today, we are going to start with the practical of HLR. So, the first thing is what all should be there with you for HLR? We will open the Excel over here. Clear? First of all, which columns should be here? Here I have taken two columns, which is enough for HLR. Okay? Firstly, what should be the name of the first column? Functional Requirement ID…. Second should be here…. Functional Requirement Description. There are 2 things over here. So, what do I need to do here? I can keep whichever font I want. Then what will I have to do? I will have to do wrap text. And whatever color you want to give here or if you wish to do any changes regarding the font family then you can do it here from here. These are 2 cells; we call these cells in Excel. For us these are columns Whichever FRD, which is the short form of Functional Requirement Description, which means you have to describe it and write. If I tell you that I have to make you Log in, a lot of things come into picture. So, you have to mention the requirement. Clear? So, how we will work under functional requirements. If tell you that I want to make a website for LearnVern then I have to make a web application and how will I make it? I should have at least a little bit of details as to what all I want to keep in it.
Here, I am an admin. What do I have to decide? If I am an admin here, what do I need think about? That requirement has to be begun here. But for that, an ID is important. As I am working with this ID now. Here I will write FR means Functional Requirement. I have the 1st requirement. I will write here 1.0. But what are you doing here? Since I am an admin, what will I think here as an admin? What all things the admin will provide for the web or the mobile application. Here I will write…since you are supporting the system. The system should provide a facility for an admin to maintain courses in LMS. Clear? Do you know what LMS is? It means Learning Management System. That means….if you are making the web application in learning then you will have to manage the entire thing in learning itself. Clear? And what will you write here? Define other user’s access. That means whoever, a student or some other user is there, and if he wants to access all the things then he can login and do all the things over there. Hence we will have to design the course, as per LMS. So, what will LMS provide? Means the Learning Management System which is here, what are things that it will provide. I will have to mention that requirement as well. So, I will write here again, FR1.1. Now what will we do here? - LMS courses. That means that you will have to talk about the courses. You have to create the structure. You have to create the structure there about the courses. For example, there is a business-related course. Or for example, you have to provide different section wise courses. Clear? So what will I have to do here? So, what will we tell the system to provide? We write; the system should provide the ability to create a course structure based on course category as well as line of business. Clear? You have to make a whole structure of the course and you have to describe it category wise. Clear? For that you have to mention the requirements here. Then what do you have to do? Then what will be your other option? So, the same thing, what will we write here? We will write FR here, again. As you have mentioned the structure, here now you will mention everything that you are going to include in the structure. So, you will write here FR 1.1.1 because the functionality is inside that. Clear? -LMS course. So, what else do you have to mention inside that. And, what will we tell the system? We have been told that we have to just make the structure. But what else will you do under this? The courses that you are designing there. What will be there in those courses?
We will add various sections such as
There will be different sections wise additions, any units, assignments and its quizzes.
Whichever .
Whatever the course may be, for all those you would have to add some or the other things. In order to teach something, suppose for example, I show a video, or… do something else, but how will I get to know if the student is understanding or not? For that, if we keep a quiz or an assignment, it would help. It will also be good for the student. But that is my requirement and I am an admin. So, what will I do here? The system should have the facility to add sections, units, assignments, quiz to each course. But how many ever courses we will keep here. For all the courses what will we do here? Whatever may be the No. of courses that we will be providing... We will be providing all these things to each one of them.
What else will you think in it? Like, how I have written “add section”, the courses will be added section wise. I have written “Units”, so as per the chapters the units will be made there. Assignments will be there; quiz will be there. What will be next in this for you? If you are making the courses.
Whichever video is there for it, whichever things are related to it. You will have to upload the videos section wise there... It’s preview. That means the preview of the course. Like, whichever course you are learning, like if you are doing a software testing course, then for that software testing, or whichever course you select, the first thing that you see will be the preview.
What are we going to show in the software testing? For that also I will have to mention something or the other. So, 1.1.2- again for LMS courses. So, we will tell the system here, the system should provide the facility to…what we will do there? Whichever video you have added, whichever thing you must have performed over there. So, what will we do? We will upload. Upload video. Correct? We will do pertaining to a particular course; or we will mention it section wise. So, section, then we will keep the unit as well as the preview of the course. (As well as the course preview structure) As I mentioned just now. That as well as a course preview. Structures. So, the courses that must have been kept, according to their structure or unit wise, whichever are there inside it. As per that we will show you the preview for that. If that preview, you have to change later. If you wish to make changes in the preview later.
If I keep this preview, this year and what if I want to make the changes next year. If there is any new demand in the market, I will have to change it or add something to it.
Later, I may even want to delete the old one…That is the thing, like you think that your requirements keep on changing. Like what was there in Colgate first, there was no salt. For example, initially there was no salt in Colgate, but later they added it. Now, there is salt in Colgate. So, they have changed the requirement. So, what have they done in Colgate? They keep adding all these new things. Why is that? They delete the old advertisement and they show you the new ones. They get new products into the market. So, that is the concept. As and when the requirement changes the work there will also have to change. Clear? .Now what we will do here. Clear? So we will tell you here, next, I have to add in that course, update the course or delete the course, no matter which course is that. So, I have to do the same for the course. Section wise. The course is there, its sections, whichever things are there. So, everything, what should happen there should be, delete, edit, and add, everything should happen. I could make all the courses live, to enable it, I can even deactivate it, like for now, I don’t have to show make it live now. So, we can do all those things as well. So, now we will copy paste that and we will write here 3. Now we have to write here “the system should provide the facility
To add, delete, edit, updates”. Now what will you do? Add, delete, and update, everything I have to do here. But to what? Like if there is some course, or there is some section, or if there is some unit, you keep an assignment in it, or you make a quiz in it. And also enable them to live or deactivate the same. We have to deactivate it as now we don’t have to keep it live. So, I will not enable it. I will deactivate it. If I want to keep it live, I will activate it and make it live. So, you think about any course. Like here we have a software testing requirement that has come. So, I have added and updated courses related to it. Now, I have added the assignment and the quiz as well. Now what will we do? You have to make it live; so, we will enable live. As, for now, we don’t have to make it live, I have to remove it from live. Then we will deactivate it so that you don’t see it live. Why? Because …..if I want to do some changes at the backend, I have to do can do some editing and updating in it. I can do that. If I add it in between the running course. They The students will be confused and will have questions. ask me, sir what is this.(Clear) which they will send me in feedbacks. Each and everything should already be there in the course.. Clear?(R U Getting It) Now what will you do? Like you did this requirement work. For the same thing if I have to see how the users are registered, in which course most of the people come. In that the report will have to be generated. Clear? I will also have to analyze all those reports. Correct? From which all cities they are the students coming, which all users are seeing from outside. For, each and every detail I will have to generate a report. It would also help me know how many people have completed the course and how many people have not completed yet? If I have to send some notification to them, I can send that. So, all for those things you will have to write about here. But there are some new requirements for LMS. Clear? Now I have told the courses. Now, here my new requirement is made, 1.2. Clear? Apart from LMS courses, I will write an LMS report. Now, what you will do in the report. The system, what will the system be like there? System should provide the facility to create. What will you create in it? The report. That will help because you will get the help there and you can easily analyze. What will you analyze? You will analyze, What kind of users are registered? Clear? Some are college students, some are outside students, some have studied and they have come there, there are elderly persons. Each and everything I will has to be analyzed. For what? For which course they have enrolled. Clear? Second, how many students or users have completed this course. You will get all the details over here. When you think as an admin, how there are many things that you have you thought that you have to think about here? If I have some functional requirement, all these are my requirement, functional based. Because I have talked about all the functionality here. From the start, from the admin, what have I done here? From an Admin’s point of view we have tried to look into all the aspects. What and I have provided all the details? I have provided the all the information. Clear? If you have to see more, what can you do? Now, Think as a user. Imagine that I have completed the admin. Now I think that I have to think as per the user. If you are a user, which kind of facility would you want? (repeat) You will tell Learnvern that I want this functionality. You will go in admin support and tell that I about the things you want all these things. Like what do you do? For example , if You order something from Flipkart or Amazon. Imagine that you order food from a food delivery app. Imagine that you order a Pizza. There and they give a check box below, asking if you want to make any any addons to it? There is also an option for there. Where you can provide an instruction for example you can write “That I want Pizza to be spicy, I want more cheese in it, last time it was less.”
What do you do with these things? You add it there. These are the user’s requirement. What did the user tell to the restaurant people? He gave it to Zomato but it went to the restaurant. So, these are the kinds of requirements that user have.
Students as per their requirements ask “if I want to make the changes in this functionality, would it be possible?” It is user based. Which means that user can be any person. He can be a student or a developer or any tester. It could be anyone Any person, whom we whom we call end user. E N D, end user. Clear? So, we will change the requirement over here. So, I will write here, functional requirement 2.0-. Here I will write user, what will he do first? He will login 1st. User, what will the user do inside this. They will login. Clear? So what will they ask for in the login first? That if they don’t have an account. They will have to first register in your website. That means you have to create an account, if you create an account that means you can login and enroll in any course. Being an admin, I am just thinking about that. So, here I will write, the system should provide the facility for a user to create an account and sign up. As a user I just thought, what you can do here. I will sign up first for the login and after that I will perform something or the other in it. Clear, done? So, here create an account or sign up and sign in. Clear? You make the account first and then you sign in into it. Now what will you do inside this? In the same login you also want to see the history that when way the last time I logged in. Like what we do in what’sapp. When was the person’s last login? He can see the history there because when he opens it, it come there, the time and all. Clear? If he is online, we can see him online. If he is not online. We can see when was the last time he had opened the What’s app. So, that thing is there. Clear? So what else you have to do here? You will have to make login history, yes. So here you will have to do 2.1-user login history. But You Think you will get to know. But you think last you were on which video, if you want to see that. So, even that should be stored exactly. Clear? So here we have to write, the system (Long Pause) should provide, the system should be able to store and retrieve the user course history and enable the next login from the last saved. That means what you have saved in the past that they will check as per the history. Clear? Now what do you have to do? Functional requirement, if there is a person who has taken up this course that is software testing, then he wants to do a course in automation testing also. If he has registered in multiple courses, So, in his account multiple courses should be visible. Clear? Every user, what we can do is, he can get permission for multiple courses. Which means he can register in multiple courses. It is not that he has to do just one course and make another account for another course. So, if he wants to do 10 courses, he must have 10 email ids. He must have 10 IDs only then he can login. This should not happen. Clear? So, what will we keep here? We will keep here another functionality, Course Registration. Again, the user should be able to register in multiple courses. Imagine, you have accumulated so much information here. That is called one kind of functional requirement. This way, much ever requirement you get about the system, you have to take it here. Slowly, you can accumulate all the requirements. First how, I thought as an admin. Then in that, all the LMS that is learning management system that you have to use. Why? Because you are making a website or web application as per learning. So as per that you have to work here. So, making use of LMS, I added all the requirements. Then I made it for the user, the user- that is the end user, what will they do, they will go there. Even that I have performed here and added. So, in today's HLR practical section what we learned. What is learnt the Functional Requirement? What is the Business Requirement? What is the requirement to be provided to the system? So, all those things we have practically covered in this, in HLR. Clear? In High Level Requirement. So, this is the entire practical of the session. Clear? Okay.
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