In the last topic, we learned Boundary Value Analysis. And in this topic, we will learn End-to-End Testing. Come, now let's see End-to-End Testing’s introduction. It's one example and how and where End-to-End Testing is used. And advantages and dis-advantages as well. 1st of all we will see an introduction. In this testing we mostly validate the entire flow of the software, from start to the end. When a user opens the website. How will his flow be and from where to where? We will execute a scenario in this and End-to-End Testing will happen after functional and system testing. There is another name for End-to-End Testing, which is called Chain Testing. Here, One process is linked with another. So, that’s why it is even called chain Testing. Now, we will take an example of an e-commerce website. If there is an e-commerce website, how will End-to-End Testing happen there? As you can see, we have opened an e-commerce website. Imagine that there is an End-to-End Testing. The user is coming first. Let’s say that he is searching for an iPhone. He searched for an iphone 5s. 5S’s page is opening. Here we see, Which one is he liking, let’s say 5S, 16 GB. We opened this, after that we can see the details, what is the product and all. Now what we will see is availability. Will this seller deliver to our particular area or not? Okay. Here we will check. Yes, okay we have changed. This seller will now deliver to our place. Then the functionality that is there is add to cart. All these functionalities that we will see in End-to-End Testing, add to cart is happening, okay. We will open the cart and see if the product that we have selected is arriving at the same price or not, delivery is free? Yes. Then what will we do ? we will place the order. Right now, I don’t want to place the order. So, I will not do it. So we will place the order and go into the payment details. How do we want to pay it, Cash on delivery or through net banking? That way. so, This entire flow is called End-to-End Testing. From the starting , when the user lands on the website to the end when his entire process gets over. Then we call it End-to-End Testing. Now the question is why to use End-to-End Testing. For what purpose will we use End-to-End Testing? Modern softwares which are made and developed these days are complex and are interconnected in a lot of multiple subsystems. Like when we took an example of an e-commerce website. In that there were other internal subsystems, which were working together. Imagine that from all the subsystems, if even one subsystem is not working. The entire software can collapse. That software will not be of any use. If in an e-commerce website the payment system is not working. Is that software or that application of any use? No. Right ? In End-to-End Testing, we avoid the risks. We find the risk and we avoid it. End-to-End Testing will verify the complete flow of the system. Now,let’s see the advantages and the disadvantages? Advantages of End-to-End Testing are that it will validate the entire system and also its interconnected system. It will be a complete flow of End-to-End Testing that will be checked. All interfaces, backend systems, all those also will be considered for the testing. Now what is its disadvantage? End-to-End Testing is a very long process. So, in this only manual testing will happen. The automation is a little complex. And the other disadvantage is that any person or any tester who is testing a particular system, he should have an in-depth knowledge of the entire system. So, we learnt in this End-to-End Testing, we saw an example, we saw where and how it is used. And we even saw advantages and disadvantages. Now, Our next topic is Sanity Testing.
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