In the last topic we studied White Box Testing. In this topic we will study Functional testing. In this we will see about the introduction of functional testing. Example and when and where Functional Testing is used. What is Functional Testing? Functional Testing verifies the functionality of every function. In Functional Testing we will do Black Box Testing. Every system’s functionality we will verify after input, enter with the output. In this testing user interface, database, API, security, client/ server applications we will test. We can do this testing manually. Or we can even automate this testing which is called automated testing in which we will test the basic functionality. Come, let’s see its example. You can see that in front of us right now is one registration form. In this registration form there are few fields which have to be mandatory like email and password. You must have seen, when you log into Facebook, there is a star mark there. You get to know that these fields are mandatory, if we don’t fill it, our process will not go ahead. See if there are any stars in the email. It is not there. So, we will not know if the fields are mandatory or not. In this form the user will not know about mandatory fields. Now we will check the add button’s functionality. What we will do is add the button's functionality. Suppose I click on the add button, what should happen? Should the black data be added or there should be a validation check here? Come, let’s see. Oh! This is adding. Did you see it? We will see it again. The user has not entered any data here. Our user has not entered any data here. And we click on the add button and this is happening. So, this is a bug. Why is this a bug? If the user is clicking on the add button without filling any fields and he does not get any validation. Please enter username, please enter email and please enter password. So, that is a bug. Similarly, what we will check in the registration form, this is called the Radio button. What is the Radio button? Radio button means at a time only one is selected. Male or Female. Both of them should not be selected and What is Hobby?, in this what they have given is known as Check Box. Check Box can be one or more than one. So, we have selected 2 check boxes. Similarly, we will test the email. What is the simple formula of email? This is it’s particular thing, username Right! Now what we will do is, we will put a simple one and see, if it is getting added? Maybe it will get added. Username, password, city and add. See it is happening. So, the email validations are also not here. Correct? Now we will see another registration form in which the field validation has been done. Now you must be understanding properly as it is written in the form required field. This and this is a required field. User will easily understand it as soon as he lands here. Now what we will do is, we will directly click on the submit button. What has come? Please enter 1st name, please enter password. So, let’s put the 1st name as a test, submit. Okay, what is it saying now? Please enter a password. So, even this is an issue. Because when we entered the 1st name the validation from here went away. But please enter password validation. Right? Again, we will click on submit. Please enter your first name and enter password. It is not taking the password. If I type here both the things, it is taking. If I type password, which validation it is giving me? Of the 1st name. Please enter my first name. Why? Because we have added the password. This was Functional Testing’s example by taking the registration form. How will Functionality Testing be used? When a new build or product is launched in the market. And before that it will come to the testing team. Every time there will be a development of that particular product. And every time when we will do the testing of it. So, then we will call it Functional Testing, that we will check it’s basic functionality as per the requirements given. Right! We learnt about Functional Testing. We took one example. And we also saw when functional testing is used. And now in the next lecture we will see the types of Functional Testing.
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