Guys, welcome to Learnvern.
What we had seen the last time, the Test case Scenario and the HLR.
Today we will do our next and last report which is called the defect report, so today we will do that, so that you get to know that how the defect report is made and how it is stored inside it.
So, guys what is a defect report.
Why are we making the defect report? When does the defect happen? First, what is the meaning of defect? The error which is found by the tester.
Means what is found by the developer will not be called as an error.
But the thing the faults that were left in the function.
If those are found by ther tester.
That is called as a defect.
Those defect that created a problem in the functionality, that didn’t work in the functionality.
If I have to work on them in this.
So that will be called as a defect report.
Next in the defect report is that, it is a document that identifies and describes a defect, detected by a tester.
Clear? That is what I have told you right now.
The testcase or whatever is there with you.
From which you have identified and described a thing.
That this is a problem in it and it is not working in it.
We have detected the defect in it.
I did it and I am a tester.
Clear? So, what is the main purpose of it.
The purpose of a defect report is the state the problem as clearly as possible, so that the developer can replicate the defect easily and fix it.
So, guys what does it mean.
The defect report that you are making, what is the meaning of the defect report? Whenever you make a defect report you will send it to the developer and the developer would fix it based on its priority and severity.
They will resolve it easily.
Making a defect report is in his hand.
In the defect report which are the main common defects? So, there are few types of common defects.
Why the common defects? Whenever you are on the mobile application or on a desktop application or on a web application, wherever you do the testing.
What are the common defects in it? Database defect, critical functionality defect, functionality defect, security defect, UI defect, that means, user interface defect.
These are the 5 common defects.
Everywhere there will be some or the other database.
It can be desktop, web or mobile.
Ther will be security also.
There will be login in it, there will be something performed in it.
There will be functionality in everything.
The critical functionality, the main functionality, if that itself is closed.
If there is a website and that is closed, that is a critical situation.
If the website will not open, how will I go ahead and do the testing.
So, guys what are all these things? That is called the defect there.
These are the other defect like usability, GUI, compatibility, performance, load, stress, etc., there are many like these.
These are called as other defects.
Clear? But to resolve the defects there are mainly 2 categories.
Clear? To properly resolve the defect.
How to resolve it with the developer or how to do it looking at its functionality? Both these things we have to keep in mind.
Clear? The most important thing is defect severity and the second thing is defect priority.
Defect severity is the 1st category to resolve the defect based on the functionality.
Means in that the categories have to be given of the defects, severity has to given or it is a high emergency.
It has to be resolved right now, medium, low or cosmetic.
Cosmetic means the look and feel.
If there is a look and feel defect, then you can just apply the severity as cosmetic.
How we have to get done the priority from the developer? If you want to get it done on urgent basis, then you can apply the category as high.
If you feel that you have to get it done after some time, then medium.
If he does as per himself then low.
These are the 3 categories that are very important.
In severity there are 4 categories which are very important.
By these 2 ways you can properly resolve the defect and based on that.
Clear? Now we will see in it that what are the main things in the defect? What are its categories, how will you make it in excel, which all fields you will keep in it? All those things I have to see.
So, guys here we will see which all columns we have to keep in defect? First, we will name the sheet as defect report.
So, which will be the 1st column? Defect ID.
The second one you can put in it is Test Case ID.
Here it will come as Defect Summary, Defect Description.
Then in test case the step that you used to taken, before that you used to take pre condition.
Precondition is not needed here.
Here directly you write the step.
Which step? You have to reproduce and give.
So, write here Reproduce Step.
Which value you will put and check? It is test data.
Then what will be the types of defects? So, Defect Types.
What will be the severity and priority of the defects? Defect Severity and Defect Priority.
And here these two things have come, what you are expecting and what is the actual result that you are getting.
So, here it will come Expected Result and Actual Result.
But this is made by which tester.
So, here the tester’s name will come.
Clear? So, you have made it so your name will come here.
Clear? What will come here, what will come after tester’s name? If you want, you want to put some attachment here, means some link to the image or anything, you can get it done here.
And at the end here, Status.
These columns are mandatory for you because you want them compulsorily.
You can manage the font as per yourself and manage all the cells which are there here.
So, I have managed the cell by giving the border.
I have made this bold and given the color.
So that you get to know in this.
So, now I have to increase the width of the cells of the Defect Summary, Defect Description, Reproduce Step, Test Data, Clear? Defect types, will do.
As Usual here we will make it a little.
Severity, priority as usual and expected results, actual results, tester name, we have to increase the width, so that the name comes, attachment, there will be a link there.
Clear? Okay guys, so what do we have to do here, the format that has been given for the defect report.
Based on that format you have to work there.
Clear? Guys, at the end we had done the test case also, so based on that you can resolve any problem over here.
Like this had failed here.
Clear? So, the thing that was failed will go into defect report.
Like Test Case 004.
Clear? And the ID that has been given.
All this will go in fail.
Then the Defect Report will be made and who will we send it to? We will send it to the developer.
So, here is the test case ID.
We will copy it and take it to my excel, so that we get to know.
The defect summary, I will copy it from here and paste it here.
The defect description we will copy from here and paste it here.
Here for example, we say precondition, the precondition will not come here.
Correct? Here since the precondition will not come, how will we work in it? Here the step that is there where will we take it? We will take it to the produce step.
Which data you had put and checked.
This was my data.
Even that I took here.
Defect types, defect severity and priority, even that I want here.
Okay, we will write that later but we will 1st see what should be the expected result and what was the actual result.
I will copy them both there and paste.
And the other details I will have to fill it up on my own.
The sequence that I have here of 1, 2, 3, etc., in the same sequence the defect report will be generated.
Clear? The defect report will be generated in the same sequence.
Then, now what we will do here? What we have to do here? Read the defect 1st.
Verify if the user/student will be able to login with the triple dots after @ in username or email.
What should have happened? What was expected? It must show validation message.
If it is not displaying proper validation message, it must show proper validation message.
Guys, I will have to 1st open the website and here I was in login.
Clear? So, here when I write anything here, rahul… here triple dots error should show.
So, what exactly has happened.
So, here some error has to come but the error is not showing.
Now, what will we do, we will have to take a screen shot.
So, what will be the type of defect? This is the error of the login time.
Since it is a login time error, so here the severity will be high.
Why? Because this is a functionality.
So, its priority will be also high as it is of login time but you think what will be the defect you will put on it.
There is a validation problem.
Since it is a validation problem, you can call it functionality or you yourself can write it, validation, defect, you can make it as per you and show it here.
Clear? And your proper message is not coming here, that is covered here.
So, which tester has wrote it, so write here, Rahul.
I wrote my name here.
Now attachment, for attachment, I will have to take the screen shot here.
Like I wrote it here, I took a print screen, going into MS Paint, I did Ctrl+V.
What do you have to do, you have to identify whether a proper validation message is coming or not? Indicate in Red like this and write the message as well in Red, that not shown the defect properly.
That means the Validation message.
Clear? So, that even you know, how the work happens in it.
Clear? You save this image in any of your folders.
I have saved it In the D drive, I made a new folder here.
Screen shot.
And there I gave the image name as 1., I have to give JPG format.
So, JPEG saved.
So, the path there you have to give here.
So, even my excel file is here, so I will write here screen shot/1.JPG and keep the status as open.
Why? When you will keep it open, it will be assigned to the developer.
If you dont open it, how will it be assigned to the developer.
This entire 1st defect report is ready in front of you.
Clear? This is the defect report that is made.
Now what will you do? In the same thing you will bring another defect.
So here you copy the entire thing.
But here the other defect was there in excel, that you take out.
So, there is a defect here in Tc 005.
So, here we will make it 5.
And which was the defect? You copy it here.
Paste it here.
Then here, the step is the same.
Yes, it is the same.
Here what you will put, value in the username, that also you enter here.
Correct? Expected result and actual result, what it should come exactly.
That is there in it.
See, what you will do in it? When you put the username here, in Gmail what happens, a proper validation message should come, which is not coming.
Yes, this functionality will be same inside.
Your image will be changed and another image will come, so here screen 2.
Make another JPG and do this work in it.
So, this kind of defects, you have to open in it.
And this way you have to make an entire defect report.
Where you are feeling that the functionality is getting affected, guys, you first resolve it going into the functionality.
Clear? To resolve it, 1st of all to show the importance of the functionality, to get the work done properly in the functionality, what will you do in it? You will make the severity high.
Why? Because there is a problem in functionality.
When will you make the severity low, when the functionality is not that important.
Like when you go in About Us and the About us page doesn’t open, it is not an important functionality, right now.
Because of it, your work doesn’t stop.
Make that functionality medium, will do.
Make it low, even that is fine.
If there is something that makes you think that there is a problem in that page and it is not opening but there is nothing further than that.
Even there you make it low or medium.
Clear? You have kept a validation but you have not made it in Red color.
The validation that has to come, should be in Red but that validation is in Yellow, it is in Black color.
What will you do in it? Make it cosmetic.
But the validation is coming.
So, what is the meaning of doing it Cosmetic.
It means that the defect severity is Cosmetic.
There is the problem in the look and feel.
So, that he can make it Cosmetic.
But priority, when to give it the priority, like your company’s name is there, like here it is Learnvern, if there is a spelling mistake in Learnvern.
In the title or in the logo, everywhere.
Correct? Instead of Lea they have written Ler.
Then, 1st impression will be the last impression.
So, you resolve the problem even there.
In defect priority make it high.
Make the severity low as there is no problem in the functionality.
But if you see it make both of them high and get it resolved now.
That is the main thing here.
In this way, your defect report will be made here.
So, guys in this there are other fields here apart from Test Case, like Defect ID.
Correct? All the names are changed here.
Then defect types, defect severity, defect priority, tester’s name, attachment and status.
We used to write status as pass or fail but we have to write here open.
Any remark if you want to give here, you can do that.
In case you have to give it.
Clear? So, guys after learning this definitely what will you do, this defect is so easy and there are so many things in it that you can easily get into this and learn how a defect report is made.
So, guys quickly perform it, check it and make use of it in the market.
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