In the last topic, we learned about Sanity Testing. And now we will see Smoke Testing. In this testing we check the new version of any software, whether it is ready for the further test process or not. We will also see in it how it is working and how it is behaving and all that. Come, let’s take an example. If the software is crashing after every 5 minutes. The data is not able to be fetched from the database. So, will we test another functionality of the software or think properly, will we be even able to test? Will we apply other testing techniques? No. Smoke Testing is similar to Sanity Testing in which the functionality gets tested. Now, we will see the importance of smoke testing. When the new build comes, we will test only the critical functionalities. Which functionalities? only those which are critical. Testing should not be exhaustive but it should be capable enough to expose major errors. Now, we will see what are its advantages. We will minimize all the risk that is involved in integration testing. Suppose data flow is not happening properly between the modules. Like this all the final products that we are going to deliver, its quality will be improved. Error diagnosis will be easy and with every incremental build a better product will be released. So, in this way, before putting any build in the big process, smoke testing will be done. Now, we will see in the next lecture Regression Testing.
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