In the last topic, we learned Black Box Testing. In this topic, we will study White Box Testing. White Box Testing is the brother of White Box Testing but is completely opposite. What will we learn in this lecture? Introduction of White Box Testing, we will take one example of White Box Testing and we will see where and how White box testing is used. So, let’s start. First of all, we will see what White Box Testing is ! In this testing, we keep in mind the internal coding - logic of the software. The focus is mostly on Input validation and on Output. Design and Stability is given the highest importance. There are many other names of White Box Testing such as Clear Box Testing, Open Box Testing, Logic driven, Path driven, Structural Testing and Glass Box Testing. We call the White Box in simple language See through box means look into the box. That is the reason we will keep in mind the pure logic in this. This is an example here. So, The White box testing will happen on a system level, integration level and on unit level. We will test the code line by line, imagine that the C value is less than 100, then which condition will be executed? In White box testing, we will mostly test all the conditions that show how they are reacting to the user input. What is the White Box Testing Technique? Statement, Branch and Path. Like we spoke of Black Box testing, in White Box Testing also there is a different technique. So, you note this as well properly. How is Whit Box Testing used? To test the internal logic, we use White Box Testing. Whichever code lines we have written are getting executed, every line is getting executed as per conditions given. Conditional statements and everything is working properly or not? We have learnt the definition of White Box Testing. We have seen the example, how the code will be executed. We have seen the techniques. There are 3 different techniques. In Software Testing we will see ahead, what are the types of Software Testing?
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