Clear? So, we did here with STLC and SDLC in the difference.
Now we will next go to Software Testing levels.
That means that if in the interview you are asked a question like how many levels are there in Software Testing and which all? They might ask a twisted question like how many levels are there in the testing.
Or it will be a normal question like how many phases are there of validation on which all are they? Clear? Your answer is there right in front of you, testing levels means Unit Testing, Integration Testing, System Testing and Acceptance Testing.
These 4 are the Software Testing levels.
Even if you tell validation testing phases names, it is the same.
Even if you are asked Software Testing levels, it is the same.
And if normal testing levels are asked this is the same, it is there in front of you.
Clear? Then what happens here? If you are asked in detail what is Unit Testing? So, you have to give the definition.
What would be the definition of Unit Testing? The smallest testable part of the software.
The small parts in the software, you check it, that is called Unit Testing or Component Testing.
Integration, with the name itself you should get to know that they are talking about integrating, means they are talking about merging.
So, what will happen in this? Integration Testing means that to merge.
You have to perform the integration testing.
Clear? You are performing the integration testing.
In this what happens is that the number of components and system, when you integrate it and do the work in the interface.
That is called as Integration Testing.
So, this kind of questions can come in front of you in the interview.
Now the next thing which will come in this is the difference between the Alpha and the Beta testing.
This question has been asked a lot of times in the interviews.
When you work for your company.
So, there Alpha testing happens.
When the work is not happening in the company and you are checking any software outside that is called as Beta.
You will call that as Beta Testing.
In Alpha Testing, it is written in front of you in the 1st line that Alpha Testing is always performed by the developers at the software development site.
What will happen in Beta Testing? Beta Testing is always performed by the customers at their own site.
It is not open to the market and the public.
Clear? Here it is mentioned, it is always open to the market and the public.
And always performed in the virtual environment.
That means that the work will not happen in the real environment.
The work happening in the company’s server in the company’s limitations is called as Virtual Environment.
And Real Time Environment means that you take any application like Facebook, Instagram, which is there on the real server and everybody is accessing it.
So, guys that is called Beta Testing.
Why? Everyone in the market has it and everyone in the market is accessing it.
So, that is called Beta Testing.
Clear? Then comes the difference between Functional and Non-functional.
Guys, this difference also has been asked many a times.
So, what is the difference between the functional and non-functional.
The functionality that is there in front of you, which you check, that is called there functional testing.
That means the testing based on analysis of the specification of functionality of the component or system.
And here testing the attribute of the component or system that do not relate to functionality.
Which means the work that is not related to functionality is called as non-functional.
The functionality related work is called as functional.
Functional Testing is executed first that means that it is performed 1st.
What happens in Non-Functional? It should be performed after the Functional Testing.
It means that after Functional Testing what happens there is Nonfunctional Testing.
After Functional Testing, what happens here is the Non- Functional Testing.
Easy to do Manual Testing and Tough to do Manual Testing.
This difference you have to keep in mind.
They can also ask that there are how many types in Dynamic Testing Method? So, guys there are 2 types in it.
Functional and Non- Functional.
Functional and Non-Functional Testing is the type of Dynamic Testing.
Clear? The next question that can come to you is that what is a Black Box? Guys, this is a very good question in this.
Black Box means, the gift that you get, a wrapped gift.
What is that? Black Box.
Do you know what is there in that gift? Did you get to know looking at the gift what is there inside it? No.
That is called the there as Black Box.
Guys, you think that there is a website in front of you, any website or any mobile application.
Do you get to know from outside in which file the data will go first and after that it will go in which file and after that in which file, are you getting to see that from outside? No.
That is a Black Box.
If you read its definition, you will easily get to know what is the answer to be given.
What is the answer you will give for Black Box Testing? Black Box Testing is a testing, yes, testing, either functional or non-functional without reference to the internal structural of the component or system.
That is called Black Box.
What is that called? That is called as Black Box Testing.
It has 4 techniques.
If you are asked in the interview, what are the techniques of Black Box? Guys there are 4 main techniques.
1st in it is Equivalence Partitioning, Boundary Value Analysis, Decision Table and the last one is State Transition Testing.
These are the 4 major techniques which comes in Black Box.
The use case that you make.
Use Case Testing can also come in Black Box.
But majorly there are 4.
Next is White Box.
When Black Box comes, we know that White Box will also follow in the interview.
So guys, what is the meaning of White Box? You can see in the internal system from where all the data will be coming.
That all you can see.
Which means you can see the code.
So, you know the internal structure of the component or system.
So, that is called over there, White Box.
Testing based on an analysis of the internal structure of the component or system having knowledge of coding.
This is the definition of White Box.
Clear? What happens in White Box, you are aware about the internal system.
Clear? You are aware of the internal system that it will 1st go here and then it will go here and then from here we are getting the output.
That is called as White Box.
In White Box there are 3 main types of techniques that are covered.
First thing that will be there in this will be, first in this is Statement Coverage, Decision Coverage and the last one is Condition Coverage.
These are the 3 types of coverage through which the White Box Testing is completely covered.
Now, the next question is Adhoc Testing.
By the name itself we get to know, Adhoc, you must have heard this word.
Like in any college a professor is hired as an Adhoc Professor.
He is not permanent.
The permanent ones and the adhoc ones are different.
You have to think as adhoc because adhoc means, they say that Adhoc Testing is an informal testing.
Why? What is its main aim? It is to break the system.
Correct? So, to break the system is called the adhoc testing.
Clear? Because the requirement that will come in it or what you will be performing, what you will test and giving will be done randomly, it will be done randomly.
Clear? You can even be asked the types in the interview.
There are 3 types of Adhoc Testing.
Buddy Testing, Pair Testing and Monkey Testing.
So, guys Monkey testing can be its other name as well.
Buddy Testing means one buddy from the development team, second from the testing team.
When both of them work together, that is called Buddy.
Pair, means when you go to buy footwear, both are same.
Answer is in the pair.
That means that both the tester working on the same model, that is called the Pair Testing.
Monkey Testing is again, random where you have to break the system.
That is easily explained with the example.
Guys, you will like it.
Smoke Testing, without this, Smoke, Sanity, Regression.
Without this question the interview does not end.
In the manual, Smoke Testing.
Smoke Testing is performed after the software build to ascertain that the critical functionalities of the program is working fine.
This is the definition.
You will have to tell this compulsorily.
After that you take an example.
For example, anything, you talk about the application.
Imagine that today What’s app has been launched in the market.
What is there in it? Chat had come for the 1st time.
So, the chat was launched here.
When the chat was launched, after that some in few days some other build was realized in the market.
Another build was also released.
What will happen now? Second build has been realized.
After releasing another build.
We have to check previous build of the critical functionality.
Message is getting properly delivered or not.
Contacts are getting refreshed.
In the 1st build the major and critical functionalities that were there.
Those you check.
That is called smoke Testing.
Sanity Testing.
What comes next inside it? Sanity Testing.
After smoke the sanity comes.
Why? After receiving a software build, with minor changes in code or functionality, Sanity Testing is performed to ascertain that the bugs have been fixed and no further issues are introduced due to these changes.
So, there it is called as Sanity Testing.
What is it called? It is called Sanity Testing.
Clear? That means the new build that you have added, if the bug comes out of that, changing it and fixing it there.
You see that whether you are getting any problem anywhere.
So, that is called Sanity.
Then here comes the difference between Smoke and Sanity.
What was there in Smoke Testing? Performed by the developers or testers.
And what is there in Sanity.
That the Sanity Testing is usually performed by the testers only.
Smoke Testing is usually documented or scripted.
Sanity Testing is usually not documented and is unscripted.
Smoke Testing is the subset of Regression Testing.
Sanity Testing is a subset of Acceptance Testing.
Smoke Testing is like general health checkup.
Sanity Testing is like specialized health checkup.
Guys the example also comes into this.
If I get the CT scan of my body done.
What does that mean? The main parts of my body will be checked, which is called Smoke.
What happens in Sanity? Where there is a pain, we only get that part of the body checked.
That is called as the specialized health checkup.
Like if I am suffering from a heart attack, I will go to a heart specialist.
I won’t go to the medical shop person in my lane.
Clear? That is the kind of Sanity.
What is Regression Testing? Regression testing means what? Regression Testing means testing your software application when it undergoes a code change to ensure that the new code has not affected other parts of the software.
This is the main meaning of Regression Testing.
If you have done the changes in the code or you have developed the functionality.
After doing that in any software how much ever build has come.
It should not be affected anywhere there.
That is called as Regression.
Like what is new in the What’s app? Payment has come.
So, after the new thing, payment which was added in What’s app.
There the chat should not stop, ther emojis should not stop.
There photo sharing should not stop.
Why? Because it has the work of doing Regression.
Clear? That is an example.
If you are adding any new functionality, the previous functionality and the new thing, every thing needs to be checked.
That is called the Regression Testing.
There are 3 techniques there, which are there on your screen.
Retest All, Regression Test Selection, Prioritization of Test Cases.
Mostly in the market Retest All is used.
Check all, the testers are free.
Give it everything, regression techniques.
Now comes here Types of Defects find from Static Testing.
This is a rare question that is asked in the interview.
Why? Because if you go to any place.
There the Static Testing work comes.
You have to remove the defects from the documentation, what will you remove? Clear? We are talking about before coding.
Before doing the coding the document that is there with you, form that how will you remove the defects? So, the deviation from the standards, that is the kind of defect.
Missing requirements, Design defects, non-maintainable code, Inconsistent interface specifications.
Combining all these 5 things, what is made? Static Testing.
But from the Static Testing, you have removed the defects.
Correct? Form the document that you had; you removed the defects.
You did the Static Testing.
You didn’t use any standard; you did what came to your mind.
Deviation should be a standard; the work should happen on that basis.
If I say that make my building in the air on the 3rd floor, how will it be made in the air? They will get a crane there.
Clear? So, there should be a standard.
There will be ground floor made, 1st floor will be made, 2nd will be made, 3rd will be made and after that it will be made and not before that.
Missing requirements, you forgot to add any requirement, Design defects, non-maintainable code, Inconsistent interface specifications.
All these 4 defects, you can see form Static in Testing.
Now comes the time of Methodology of Agile.
Guys, there are these 2 main things Scrum and XP.
If you are asked about the Scrum, you have to answer.
And XP, you can be asked about the Extreme Programming.
Like Agile’s definition which we have studied that also you can include in it.
Current? And there is Kenbun in the market in Agile but most of the time Scrum is used.
Clear? So, we will go to scrum here.
Scrum, so 1st of all I have written about scrum on the top.
This is what you can say about the Scrum in an interview that Scrum is an agile development method which concentrates particularly on how to manage tasks with a team-based development environment.
Basically, Scrum is derived from activity that occurs during Rugby match.
Like you all must have seen Namaste London movie in which there is a Rugby match.
Clear? In that match the way the game happens, similarly here Scrum does team-based work.
There is team-based development environment that is there.
What is the reason for that? So, whatever is it, work in team, it is not that I alone have to do the work and I alone take everyone’s appreciation.
You have to see everything and work here.
Clear? So, that is a kind of a process.
This process you have to do here carefully.
You have to tell the Scrum’s process now, how will you tell it? If you are asked to elaborate the Scrum process.
In this case you have to tell the Scrum process in sequence.
Clear? Each iteration of a Scrum is also known as a Sprint.
Any Scrum process, when it is started, it is called as Sprint.
Then what happens, we have to work for that Sprint, so what should you have for that first.
You must have all the details.
So, Product Backlog is a list where all the details are entered to get end product.
And after that during each Sprint, top items from the product backlog are selected and turned into Sprint Backlog.
Team works on the defined sprint backlog.
Team checks for the daily work.
At the end of the sprint, team delivers product functionality.
Clear? This is the kind of Scrum process.
What is called here? Scrum Process.
Difference between Scrum and XP.
Again, this question has been asked in an interview many a times.
What happens in Scrum? In Scrum user stories are used as requirements and stories are used as a single line requirement.
Stories are stored in the Product Backlog and Sprint Backlog.
This comes in Scrum.
Stories are stored in a parking lot.
This comes in XP.
In Scrum, Sprint is used in Scrum Testing.
And there, Iteration is used in XP Testing.
There the period of work is 30 days and here the maximum period for Iteration is 14 days.
Here there is daily Scrum meeting happens.
And here only in mid and end a review meeting happens based on Iteration.
So, guys the reason why Scrum is used more is this.
Daily meeting happens, daily task is given, daily submission happens, daily everything happens Scrum wise.
Next the question will be asked here on Usability Testing.
Guys, this is also a good question.
If this question is asked to you, you have to see in the system how and in which way you operate which all things.
If there is any website or application.
After clicking on it, which page is going to come.
Correct? They are talking regarding that.
Usability testing is non-functional type of testing technique that is a measure of how easily system can be used by the end user.
Like if we talk about Android and iPhone.
You can give this example.
If I have to explain Android to my father or grandfather, I can easily do that.
And they can easily understand how to operate it but if I give them iPhone.
That would not be easy to understand for father or grandfather as it’s UI and system is a little typical.
It is good but typical.
We are able to understand it but our father or grandfather cannot catch up with it quickly.
So, what is the need of Usability Testing here? You can be asked this, what is the requirement of Usability Testing.
So, guys, where do I click next, which page needs to be navigated, which icon or jargon represents what, error messages are not consistent or effectively displayed, session time not sufficient.
So, this is called here Usability Testing.
For this it is needed.
I click on it and where I will be going on the next page.
What will be the Icon or the Error message, which will be seen? Is the session time out sufficient or not? So, what is this for you? That becomes your Usability that how you are using the system.
Next is the Compatibility, which we do always.
Correct? When our result comes, this is the concept.
So, guys in the interview also you give the example as per this.
For example, I have Android Oreo of Vivo and you have Android Oreo of Samsung.
But both of them have a different UI.
Few things don’t work in ours and few things don’t work in there’s.
So, compatibility is to check whether your software is capable of running on different hardware, operating system, applications, network environments or mobile devices.
This is in all, this is called Non-Functionality Testing.
Why? They are talking about doing the comparison.
Compare between 2 OS.
Second what will you do in it, apart form 2 OS? Apart from 2 OS, you can even check 2 devices.
Clear? So, it is called compatibility here.
Next in this is GUI.
We always take out the mistakes, graphically.
Correct? GUI testing involves checking the screen with the controls like menu, buttons, icons, and all types of bars- tool bar, menu bar, dialog boxes and windows, etc.
Some error message is not coming properly, image is not properly aligned, the image is not visible in good clarity, it is getting pixelated.
Proper menu is not visible.
So, this is called GUI.
Icons are not visible.
The buttons are not properly visible, if you see from far, button is hidden behind any image.
This will not work.
Do GUI Testing.
Performance, which always, all the companies expect from us.
Clear? Performance Testing, it is the main quality assurance.
Most of the people do the QA.
Why? It involves testing software applications to ensure that they will perform well under their expected workload.
As per the workload he needs the performance.
Speed, Scalability and Stability, these are the three S’s.
You can say this in an interview.
Anyone who is doing performance testing, in that speed should be proper, stability and scalability.
These 2 to 3 things should be there with you easily with you and for sure it should be there with you.
Then comes here the difference between the load and stress.
Again, guys this question has been asked too many times.
Both are performance testing types.
How will you explain it? What will you say in Load Testing? Test the system behavior under normal workload conditions.
And under stress it is, behavior under extreme conditions is carried out till the system failure.
Correct? This is the major difference between both.
The 2nd difference is Load Testing does not break the system and Stress Testing tries to break the system by testing with overwhelming data or resources.
Load Testing is preformed to find the upper limit of the system.
And Stress Testing is performed to find out the behavior of the system under the pressure.
If you are trying to get out of the office at 7:20 and the boss comes and tells you that you have to complete this much and then leave and 7:30 is the time to leave from the office.
Then, there is a stress, you are working under stress.
Clear? That is the load and stress that you have to see there.
When a sudden condition is fired, that is an extreme condition.
In the normal work load, in that if you are getting a new load that is a kind of Load Testing.
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